Friday, May 31, 2019
George Lucas :: essays research papers
George LucasTHX 1138, American Graffiti, Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Backthe list goes on and on. Although many squander non perceive of each of these films, everyone certainly has to know the man behind them. George Lucas has, in many cases, written, produced, and directed, not to mention edit, his own films. His vision was the driving force that imagined and created these movies. All have made back the cost of the film and most have received millions of dollars in profit.Although it sounds as if he had an easy life, in reality, Lucas had to struggle in instal to get ahead. Not being interested or involved in school, Lucas turned his attention to cars. When he reached driving age, his father gave him a nice, small, safe car. However, overzealous about cars and racing, Lucas revved up his engine and turned it into a hot rod. Each day following, he went cruising around town, drag racing often. However, this passion led him to a drastic change in his life. It ultimately led him to success.Lucas was in a car crash in 1962, which ended his racing career before it level(p) started. He missed his graduation ceremony at his high school, but joked that the only reason he got a diploma was because his teachers felt sorry for him. As a result, Lucas looked for other options to fill his void in life. Since his grades were not good enough for a four-year college, he decided to go to young college. For the first clip in his life, he hit the books. He fell asleep trying to earn the highest grades he could in order to have a future for himself. During junior college, Lucas formed other interests. Instead of racing, he filmed them on an 8-millimeter camera his father gave him. An old friend, John Plummer, told George that he should apply to the University of Southern California. His friend remarked that it was not that hard to get into as reputation indicated. Lucas applied, and was accepted, for his junior year. Although the idea was unpopular with his father, Luca s was not stopped in pursing his career. At school, he realized that he had to operate on his but off to stay on top. He did not mind the hard work. Lucas actually felt relaxed staying up all night editing film. plain when a lot of college students got high on drugs, Lucas got high on films (1, 45).
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Employee Motivation Essays -- Employment Management Workforce Labor
Employee motivation is the level of energy, commitment, and creativity that a companys workers apply to their jobs. In the increasingly competitive business surround of recent years, finding ways to motivate employees has become a pressing concern for umpteen managers. In fact, a number of different theories and methods of employee motivation take hold emerged, ranging from monetary incentives to increased involvement and empowerment. Employee motivation can sometimes be particularly problematic for polished businesses, where the owner often has spent so many years building a company that he/she finds it difficult to delegate meaningful responsibilities to others. But entrepreneurs should be mindful of such pitfalls, for the effects of low employee motivation on small businesses can be devastating. Some of the problems associated with unmotivated workers include complacency, declining morale, and widespread discouragement. If allowed to continue, these problems can reduce product ivity, earnings, and competitiveness in a small business. On the other hand, small businesses can also provide an ideal atmosphere for fostering employee motivation, because employees are able to see the results of their contributions in a more agile way than in large firms. Besides increasing productivity and competitiveness, a highly motivated work force can allow a small business owner to relinquish day-today, operational control and instead concentrate on long-term strategies to grow the business. ... ... advancement. Managers who recognize the small wins of employees, promote participatory environments, and plough employees with fairness and respect will find their employees to be more highly motivated. One companys manager s brainstormed to come up with 30 powerful rewards that cost little or nothing to implement. The most effective rewards, such as letters of commendation and time off from work, enhanced personal ful-fillment and self-respect. Over the longer term, sincere praise and personal gestures are far more effective and more economical than awards of money alone. In the end, a program that combines monetary reward systems and satisfies intrinsic, self-actualizing needs may be the most potent employee motivator.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Why Is Race A Big Issue :: essays research papers fc
Why is Race A Big Issue? The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an incredible novel. It is unverbalised to believe that people would admit against it, but they do. Mark Twain set his story twenty years before the Civil War, during the slave era. It is written just as everyone spoke at that time, using the sacred scripture nigger. This adjudge uses the word a lot, which has upset universey African-Americans. I believe that the word can be obscene, but in this book it is not. It only shows the reality of that time. I consider this book to be one of the greatest books I have read. It is actually inspired by Twains own experiences living on the Mississippi River. Many people consider Twain to have been a racist. Although he uses the word nigger, it does not mean that he was racist. If people would look past the word and actually see the story, they would realize that he is writing of a white boy and a dreary man who run away and start a journey together. If T wain was such a racist, then why does the story have the white boy and black man together? People think that he is racist just because he uses the word, but in that time, that is how people spoke. In present time, we will not see a black slave working in a white persons home but we will hear the word in almost every rap song there is. Many people use the word, but they probably dont know where or why the word became what it is now. The word started out as Negro in the north, during that time but in the south, people put the southern dialect on the end and said nigger. I wish that people would look at this book as what it actually is, impressive. People cannot take into mind that nigger was a word used every day at that time. I do not think that Twain was trying to hurt anyone, instead, I think he was trying show that a black man was just as equal to a white man. I think that in the book, Huck shows a lot of respect for Jim, even though Jim is black. Also, Huck became very close to h im. In my opinion, if a black person takes being called nigger so hard from someone of a different
Essay --
Draw backs of recursion Recursion consumes more memory and stack space. Every recursive method call produces a new instance of the method, one with a new set of local variables. The total stack space used depends upon the level of nesting of the recursion process, and the number of local variables and parameters. Recursive version is usually slower. Recursion may perform redundant computations. In sum, one has to weight the simplicity of the code delivered by recursion against its drawbacks as described above. When a relatively simple iterative solution is possible, it is definitely a better alternativeIn recursion factorial we must ensure that factorial is never ever called with a negative N. Recursion method less efficient. Recursive version is shorter, clearer and slower. Recursion offers more elegant solutions. Use recursion for clarity and for a reduction in the time needed to write and debug code, not for space savings or speed of execution.Recursion can be savior at times- Act ually lead recursion whenever we deal with data structure related to linked list or xml for gener...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Vietnam Essay -- essays research papers
Vietnam contendThe Vietnam War was truly one of the most uncommon wars ever fought. This combat was so hostile and ironic, that the official beginning and end could never be identified, or pinpointed. Likewise, the enemies and the consort looked exactly alike. This turmoil made everyone in the war confused, because anyone could be a friend by day, and foe by night. Additionally, what made the war so gruelling was the tactics used by many soldiers. These tactics were called rebel Warfare, which consisted of the simple process of hide, shoot, and run. Surprisingly, this fighting technique matched the skills of many of the best-trained soldiers from the opposite side.The Vietnam War fought between the communist North Vietnam, and the non-communist South Vietnam was supported by the United States. The briny objective of the war was to contain the leader. Ho Chi Minh, was the leader of the league for the independence of Vietnam, generally known as the Viet Minh. The league was org anized in 1941 as a nationalistic party their goal was to seek Vietnamese independence from France. South Vietnam did not have the resources of modern military technology therefore, the capacity of depending on themselves, was minimum. The United States were allied with South Vietnam, and they made a massive deployment, that begun in the spring of 1965. The deployment consisted of and sign wave of... Vietnam Essay -- essays research papers Vietnam WarThe Vietnam War was truly one of the most uncommon wars ever fought. This conflict was so hostile and ironic, that the official beginning and end could never be identified, or pinpointed. Likewise, the enemies and the allies looked exactly alike. This turmoil made everyone in the war confused, because anyone could be a friend by day, and foe by night. Additionally, what made the war so difficult was the tactics used by many soldiers. These tactics were called Guerrilla Warfare, which consisted of the simple process of h ide, shoot, and run. Surprisingly, this fighting technique matched the skills of many of the best-trained soldiers from the opposite side.The Vietnam War fought between the communist North Vietnam, and the non-communist South Vietnam was supported by the United States. The main objective of the war was to contain the leader. Ho Chi Minh, was the leader of the league for the independence of Vietnam, generally known as the Viet Minh. The league was organized in 1941 as a nationalistic party their goal was to seek Vietnamese independence from France. South Vietnam did not have the resources of modern military technology therefore, the capacity of depending on themselves, was minimum. The United States were allied with South Vietnam, and they made a massive deployment, that begun in the spring of 1965. The deployment consisted of and initial wave of...
Vietnam Essay -- essays research papers
Vietnam WarThe Vietnam War was truly one of the most peculiar wars ever fought. This conflict was so hostile and ironic, that the official origination and end could never be identified, or pinpointed. Likewise, the enemies and the allies looked exactly alike. This turmoil do everyone in the war confused, because anyone could be a friend by day, and foe by night. Additionally, what made the war so difficult was the tactics used by some(prenominal) soldiers. These tactics were called Guerrilla Warfare, which consisted of the simple process of hide, shoot, and run. Surprisingly, this fighting technique matched the skills of many of the best-trained soldiers from the opposite side.The Vietnam War fought between the communist North Vietnam, and the non-communist South Vietnam was supported by the United States. The main objective of the war was to contain the leader. Ho Chi Minh, was the leader of the league for the independence of Vietnam, generally known as the Viet Minh. The lea gue was organized in 1941 as a nationalistic party their finis was to seek Vietnamese independence from France. South Vietnam did not have the resources of modern military engine room therefore, the capacity of depending on themselves, was minimum. The United States were allied with South Vietnam, and they made a massive deployment, that begun in the spring of 1965. The deployment consisted of and initial wave of... Vietnam Essay -- essays research papers Vietnam WarThe Vietnam War was truly one of the most uncommon wars ever fought. This conflict was so hostile and ironic, that the official beginning and end could never be identified, or pinpointed. Likewise, the enemies and the allies looked exactly alike. This turmoil made everyone in the war confused, because anyone could be a friend by day, and foe by night. Additionally, what made the war so difficult was the tactics used by many soldiers. These tactics were called Guerrilla Warfare, which consisted of the s imple process of hide, shoot, and run. Surprisingly, this fighting technique matched the skills of many of the best-trained soldiers from the opposite side.The Vietnam War fought between the communist North Vietnam, and the non-communist South Vietnam was supported by the United States. The main objective of the war was to contain the leader. Ho Chi Minh, was the leader of the league for the independence of Vietnam, generally known as the Viet Minh. The league was organized in 1941 as a nationalistic party their goal was to seek Vietnamese independence from France. South Vietnam did not have the resources of modern military technology therefore, the capacity of depending on themselves, was minimum. The United States were allied with South Vietnam, and they made a massive deployment, that begun in the spring of 1965. The deployment consisted of and initial wave of...
Monday, May 27, 2019
Was the Civil War Fought over Slavery?
The Civil War was the bloodiest war in all of Americas history. But some things quench remains a mystery in the Civil War. There were many reasons to how the Civil War was cause. A lot of people thinks that bondage was the cause,but it is only virtuoso of the many causes. slavery, Economy, and States Rights were the main cause to the Civil War. The thraldom brought tensions,many differences in economy,and fighting for a cause. Tensions rose as Republicans and Democrats fight for a solution in slavery,the due north and South many differences in their economy,and reasons to fighting in the Civil War.The Civil War was fought for slavery, economy, and States Rights. During the 1860s election,the topic of slavery brought many political tensions to the Republicans and Democrats. The Republicans was an anti-slavery party. The Republicans disagree of the spreading of slavery and would take this issue to Congress,whenever they can,to stop its expansion. They viewed slavery as an a proble m that would last forever,and thought the problem would soon lead to extinction As for the Democrats,they were pro-slavery party.They viewed slavery was good not only for the slave holder,but also for the slave(John C. Calhoun). In the 1850s Abraham Lincoln said that slavery was an unqualified evil to the negro, the white man, and the State, but later on in his first Inaugural Address he said that he had no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with slavery in the States where it exists. Abraham Lincoln in person didnt like slavery but as a Republican he wished to abolish it. But as the President of America,he made a promise to the Constitution,which protect slavery.Therefore the tension that rose from slavery resulted in constant fighting of the Republicans and Democrats. The North and South had many differences one of their differences is their economy. In 1793, Eli Whitneys invention of the cotton gin,profited a lot. It cut time the time it took to separate the seeds fr om the cotton. But it also increase the number of slaves on the plantation.Because of this machine that center that there will be more plantations which means that there willbe a greater need for slaves. The South soon became a cotton crop economy,depending on slaves. While the North was a factory economy relying on wage labors than slaves. To sum up this make the major difference in the economy of the North and South (http//americanhistory. about. com/od/civilwarmenu/a/cause_civil_war. htm). The North and South had many reasons to why they fought in the Civil War,but slavery was not the main reason. In Lincolns first Inaugural Address he declare that it was his job to look after the Union.He also said that he has no intention of freeing the slaves. The Confederacy couldnt accept this so on April 12, they attack lace Sumter resulting in the beginning of the Civil War. Few states cut off ties with the Union, after more attacks. So to keep ties with remaining states Lincoln insist ed that the war was not about slavery or black rights but was to protect the Union (http//www. pbs. org/wgbh/aia/part4/4p2967. html). The South fought out of fear and for their rights to secede. The Union abides by the Constitution and the South fought to abandon the Constitution.In cultivation the many reasons of the North and the South does not have slavery as the main reason (http//library. thinkquest. org/CR0215469/secession. htm). The Civil War was fought on slavery, economy, and States Rights. Therefore the tensions that rose resulted in the Republicans and Democrats constantly fighting,the Economy being the greatest difference in the North and South,and slavery not the only reason for fighting in the Civil War. Slavery may be the most important cause but it is not the only cause for the Civil War.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Koger Properties, Inc
Koger Properties, Inc The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) claims that Michael Goodbread had violated independence rules set forth by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) victor Code of necessitate and generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS). AICPAs pro Code of Conduct considers an impairment of independence if during the espousal an auditor has any direct or stuff and nonsense indirect interest in the client. (American Institute of certify Public Accountants, 1988) Because Goodbread held sh atomic number 18s of Kroger common stock and carried on with the audit assignment of Kroger, he violated the AICPAs professional grave of take in relation to independence. To comply with the rules of conduct, Goodbread should get to disclosed to his employer, Deloitte & Touche, that he was financially ordered in Kroger. The other option Goodbread had was to terminate the relationship with Kroger by interchange his stock immediately. The GAAS auditing standard on indepen dence was in addition violated by Goodbread connection to Kroger.GAAS general standards entreat the auditor to maintain independence in cordial attitude in all areas of the assignment. They also require that the auditor complies with the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct. (Generally Accepted Auditing Standards, 2001) The SEC aims to protect investors by ensuring financial statements are accepted which is why they require independence. The SEC recognized that Goodbread violated independence rules by being invested in Kroger at the same succession being an audit engagement furnish for the assignment.Materiality is defined by the FASB as a concept that relates to the qualitative characteristics, especially relevance and reliability. (fiscal invoice Standards Board, 2008) They further discuss a scenario where an investor mightiness non disclose amounts that are small and do non make a difference. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) requires an investor to document at acquisition the miscellanea of an equity security. FASB 320-10-25 The FASB requires entities to explain within their financial statements the rights and privileges of majuscule securities. FASB 505-50-30 If in that location were any common stock dividends both Kroger and Goodbread would feed to recognize the dividend on their taxes. Because of the recognition of the enthronisation on both sides it would be a tangible investment for Goodbread. Given that there is a direct material interest in the client there is in violation of independence rules get by all the accounting governing bodies. In decree for Goodbread to serve as the audit engagement partner for the Kroger engagement he would have had to disclose that he was not giving an main(a) feeling.AU variance 504- Association with Financial Statements states that if an accountant is not independent any of the actions taken for the engagement would not be compliant with GAAS. The accountant should give an thought process on the clients financial statements specifically stating the opinion is not an independent opinion. (Auditing Standards Board, 1979) Another action that could have been taken by Goodbread would have been to sell his shares of Koger before getting started on the engagement. The AICPAs Professional Code of Conduct states that independence would be impaired if the auditor does not dispose of any financial interests in the client. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 1988) If there was not the opportunity to disassociate his business in time for the audit in 1988, he could have served as the audit engagement partner on a future engagement. During the 19th century in broad Britain, auditors were able to have equity interest in their clients and on occasion required to invest in their clients. This practice would benefit the client especially in times of financial distress the auditing firm would be able to assist them financially.Having an investment with the client woul d command that the auditing firm acts in the best interest of investors since them themselves are investors of the company. In todays business environment this practice would not be rational. In order for investors to make fair investment decisions the auditing firm should be independent. If the auditing firm is invested in the client it could appear that the client is doing better financially than they are. It might cause an investor to invest strictly because the auditing firm is associated.This practice could also heart-to-heart the door for the auditors to be pressured into making the financial statements appear more attractive for unethical purposes. From an ethical pedestal independence allows for a completely unbiased opinion which is better for both the client and investors. Resources American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. (1988, January). Code of professional conduct responsibilities to clients. ET department 101 Independence. Retrieved October 28, 2011, f rom http//www. aicpa. org/Research/Standards/CodeofConduct/Pages/et_101. spxet_101 Auditing Standards Board. (1979, November). AU Section 504. Association With Financial Statements. Retrieved October 2011, 29, from http//pcaobus. org/Standards/Auditing/Pages/AU504. aspxps-pcaob_94fa4359-1212-4ad6-a901-f7eb90bd34c9 Financial Accounting Standards Board. (2008). Statement of Financial Accounting. Concepts No. 2. Retrieved October 2011, 29, from http//www. fasb. org/cs/BlobServer? blobcol=urldata&blobtable=MungoBlobs&blobkey=id&blobwhere=1175820900526&blobheader=application%2Fpdf Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB).Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) (2011). Investments- Debt and uprightness Securities 320 Overall 10 Section 25 Recognition Paragraph 2. http//asc. fasb. org Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). Accounting Standards Codification (ASC). (2011). Equity 505 Overall 10 Section 50 Disclosure- Paragraph 3. http//asc. fasb. org Generally Accepted Auditin g Standards. (2001, December 15). Generally Accepted Auditing Standards. AU Section 150. Retrieved October 29, 2011, from http//www. aicpa. org/ look for/standards/auditattest/downloadabledocuments/au-00150. pdfKoger Properties, IncKoger Properties, Inc The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) claims that Michael Goodbread had violated independence rules set forth by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) Professional Code of Conduct and generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS). AICPAs Professional Code of Conduct considers an impairment of independence if during the engagement an auditor has any direct or material indirect interest in the client. (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 1988) Because Goodbread held shares of Kroger common stock and carried on with the audit assignment of Kroger, he violated the AICPAs professional code of conduct in relation to independence. To comply with the rules of conduct, Goodbread should have disclosed to his employer, De loitte & Touche, that he was financially invested in Kroger. The other option Goodbread had was to terminate the relationship with Kroger by selling his stock immediately. The GAAS auditing standard on independence was also violated by Goodbread connection to Kroger.GAAS general standards require the auditor to maintain independence in mental attitude in all areas of the assignment. They also require that the auditor complies with the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct. (Generally Accepted Auditing Standards, 2001) The SEC aims to protect investors by ensuring financial statements are reliable which is why they require independence. The SEC recognized that Goodbread violated independence rules by being invested in Kroger at the same time being an audit engagement partner for the assignment.Materiality is defined by the FASB as a concept that relates to the qualitative characteristics, especially relevance and reliability. (Financial Accounting Standards Board, 2008) They further di scuss a scenario where an investor might not disclose amounts that are small and do not make a difference. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) requires an investor to document at acquisition the classification of an equity security. FASB 320-10-25 The FASB requires entities to explain within their financial statements the rights and privileges of outstanding securities. FASB 505-50-30 If there were any common stock dividends both Kroger and Goodbread would have to recognize the dividend on their taxes. Because of the recognition of the investment on both sides it would be a material investment for Goodbread. Given that there is a direct material interest in the client there is in violation of independence rules get by all the accounting governing bodies. In order for Goodbread to serve as the audit engagement partner for the Kroger engagement he would have had to disclose that he was not giving an independent opinion.AU Section 504- Association with Financial Statements stat es that if an accountant is not independent any of the actions taken for the engagement would not be compliant with GAAS. The accountant should give an opinion on the clients financial statements specifically stating the opinion is not an independent opinion. (Auditing Standards Board, 1979) Another action that could have been taken by Goodbread would have been to sell his shares of Koger before getting started on the engagement. The AICPAs Professional Code of Conduct states that independence would be impaired if the auditor does not dispose of any financial interests in the client. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 1988) If there was not the opportunity to disassociate his business in time for the audit in 1988, he could have served as the audit engagement partner on a future engagement. During the 19th century in Great Britain, auditors were able to have equity interest in their clients and on occasion required to invest in their clients. This practice would ben efit the client especially in times of financial distress the auditing firm would be able to assist them financially.Having an investment with the client would ensure that the auditing firm acts in the best interest of investors since them themselves are investors of the company. In todays business environment this practice would not be rational. In order for investors to make fair investment decisions the auditing firm should be independent. If the auditing firm is invested in the client it could appear that the client is doing better financially than they are. It might cause an investor to invest strictly because the auditing firm is associated.This practice could also open the door for the auditors to be pressured into making the financial statements appear more attractive for unethical purposes. From an ethical standpoint independence allows for a completely unbiased opinion which is better for both the client and investors. Resources American Institute of Certified Public Accou ntants. (1988, January). Code of professional conduct responsibilities to clients. ET Section 101 Independence. Retrieved October 28, 2011, from http//www. aicpa. org/Research/Standards/CodeofConduct/Pages/et_101. spxet_101 Auditing Standards Board. (1979, November). AU Section 504. Association With Financial Statements. Retrieved October 2011, 29, from http//pcaobus. org/Standards/Auditing/Pages/AU504. aspxps-pcaob_94fa4359-1212-4ad6-a901-f7eb90bd34c9 Financial Accounting Standards Board. (2008). Statement of Financial Accounting. Concepts No. 2. Retrieved October 2011, 29, from http//www. fasb. org/cs/BlobServer? blobcol=urldata&blobtable=MungoBlobs&blobkey=id&blobwhere=1175820900526&blobheader=application%2Fpdf Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB).Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) (2011). Investments- Debt and Equity Securities 320 Overall 10 Section 25 Recognition Paragraph 2. http//asc. fasb. org Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). Accounting Standards Codification (ASC). (2011). Equity 505 Overall 10 Section 50 Disclosure- Paragraph 3. http//asc. fasb. org Generally Accepted Auditing Standards. (2001, December 15). Generally Accepted Auditing Standards. AU Section 150. Retrieved October 29, 2011, from http//www. aicpa. org/research/standards/auditattest/downloadabledocuments/au-00150. pdf
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Dispersion and Deviation
In the world of info analysis, it is important to take note of the variability of data set for computation. Technically, variability take into accounts an outlook whether there is a certain condition that data follows to achieve a certain computational characteristic. It comes from the root word varied and depicts a tone to analyze whether data sets are varied from each other or not. Usually, variability can be structured among randomly selected numerical values and intends to notice how spread out a group of data is (Lane, 2003).Dispersion is considered to be a measure of variability because it provides a big picture of how scattered the data values are. In gathering data sets, there is always a possibility for the numerical values for them not to align in a certain just. Therefore, dissemination gives the researcher an idea how widely dispersed each of the data is with respect to each other. Another measure of variability is deviation. Deviation is the actual distance of a measurement data from the average of the whole data set or the Mean (Wiley, 2000).There are two forms of computational deviation, the variance and the standard deviation. The variance is the average of the squared deviation measured from the population or sample average (Star Trek, 2007). Meanwhile, Standard Deviation is the variances square root. In the research that intends to provide secondary Treatment Educational Course for Parents of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, the possible areas where variability can be seen is with regards to the variables involved under measurement.There might be few variations about the effect of the parents gender to nurturing their child with ADHD. Variation between the male and female perspectives can be measured by using implicit data acquisition such as surveying, interviewing or experimental design. Another possible source of variability can be considered in the education background of the parents. plenty who were able to complete their education and people who have not will more likely result to some variations with their answers on the surveys, evaluations and impression on the proposed alternative treatment for ADHD.ReferencesLane, David (2003). Measures of Variability. Retrieved November 6, 2008, from Connexions Web site http// Trek, (2007). Statistics Tutorial Measures of Variability. Retrieved November 6, 2008, from Star Trek Web site http//, (2000). Statistics Measures of Variability. Retrieved November 6, 2008, from CliffsNotes Web site http//,articleId-25906.html
Friday, May 24, 2019
A Thousand Splendid Suns ISU Essay
In a world full of im clean-livingity, a human being is inclined of to a lower placetaking an work out of evil towards other. Some people perform evil exploits for good intentions, but some do because of their selfish interests and desire for power. In Khaled Hosseinis novel, A super acid Splendid Suns, it is questionable whether the characters and the parliamentary procedure have displayed cruelty and inhumanity among other characters. Cruelty of mankind is evident in the novel. By examining the corrupted set, abuse, and the discrimination of women macroscopical in society it leave behind become evident how evil humankind can be.Corrupted values are detrimental in society because it takes absent ones liberty, education, and a chance to live. First, the Talibans set laws for the Afghans to follow You will not wear charming clothes. You will not speak unless spoken to. You will not make eye contact with men. You will not laugh in public. If you do, you will be beaten. You w ill not paint your nails. If you do, you will misplace a finger. (Hosseini 278) Freedom is a basic fundamental right that every person deserves to have. The opportunity to speak, believe and chase after happiness without any restriction defines freedom for an individual.It is the governments responsibility to distribute and secure the freedom of every citizen by imposing laws and rules that are beneficial for the common good. However, one of the corrupted values evident in this novel is that the society is deprived with freedom. Instead of enforcing laws to promote freedom, the Talibans have barred Afghans to express themselves. This corrupted value will cause the touched citizens to resist, in which will inevitably prompt to create chaos between the oppressors and the victims the Talibans and the Afghans respectively.Addition everyy, taking external ones freedom is like taking away their right as a human being. If ones rights are deprived, their actions will be manipulated. Furt hermore, Nana prohibits Mariam for going to school even though Mariam is willing to pursue it If the girl wants to learn, let her, my dear, let the girl have an education. Whats the sense of schooling a girl like you? Its like scintillation a spittoonAnd youll learn nothing of value in those schools. There is only one, only one skill a woman like you and me need in life, and they dont teach it in school. Look at me. (Hosseini 17-18)Nanas point of view approximately Mariam not going to school is a blinded, selfish and ironic characteristic of a typical mother. Usually, a mother will always want the best for her child, but in this case, she displays the contrary. Her belief deteriorates her moral and ethical values, in which, it also affects the likelihood of her daughters education. Every human being should have the right to an education, as it is like a recognize for success in life. If society deprives this fundamental right for children, necessary actions should be done in ord er to fix this corrupted value.Lastly, the Talibans also declared another sanction for those people who commit the crime of stealing. This is shown in the following excerpt, If you steal, your hand will be cut off at the wrist. If you steal again your radical will be cut off (Hosseini 277). Retribution is an musical theme where the amount of punishment given to the offender must be equivalent to the action that has been done. The penalty for theft is too severe to the extent that it can be described as inhumane and cruel. The concept of retribution is unhealthy in a society due to anger and revenge that cause such impaired judgement.Therefore, enforcing corrupted values into a society greatly harms the lives of the people. Abuse is any behaviour or action that is used to scare, harm, threaten, control or intimidate another person. It comes in many different forms including sensible, mental, sexual, financial, or spiritual abuse. First, Rasheed and Mariam have an argument about t he acquittance of their baby, I dont know, but ever since the baby-is that the kind of man you take me for, after everything Ive done for you? No. Of course not. accordingly stop pestering me Im sorry. Bebakhsh, Rasheed. Im sorry. (Hosseini 95). Mariam finds ope in her marriage as something that could lead to happiness and possibly love, but the marriage very transforms into abuse and oppression. Marriage in Islam is usually a sacred union of two people who chose to respect and honour each other in all situations. It is generally a joyous occasion for females. In the novel, marriage is a nightmare in which both women are abused emotionally. Aditionally, since the marriages in the novel tend to be forced, they are not likely influenced by love. In this marriage, Mariam tries to love her husband as a commitment, but in return, what she receives is emotional abuse.If love cannot be established in a marriage, abuse is inevitable when someone makes a mistake. Furthermore, Rasheed for ces Mariam to eat pebbles, this is shown in the following excerpt, Put these in your mouth. What? Put These. In your mouth. impede it, Rasheed, ImHis powerful hands closed her jaw. He shoved two fingers into her mouth, and pried it open, then forced the cold, hard pebbles into it. Mariam struggled against him, mumbling, but he kept pushing the pebbles in, his pep pill lip curled in a sneer. Now chew, he said. Through the mouthful of grit and pebbles, Mariam mumbled a plea.Tears were leaking out of the corners of her eyes. (Hosseini 104) Rasheeds brutal action towards Mariam proves that a human being is capable of harming other people, even very significant ones. The abuse Mariam experiences from her husband is a result of their failed marriage. Furthermore, Rasheed furthers his characteristic into an evil and granitic person who does not care about how painful and harsh his actions are. Lastly, Rasheed finds out that Tariq has met Laila, and this prompts him to lose his temper, a nd physically harm them. This is shown in the following quote They crashed to the ground, Rasheed and Laila, thrashing about. He ended up on top, his hands already wrapped around Lailas neckRasheed didnt notice her coming back into the room. He was lull on top of Laila, his eyes wide and his hands wrapped around her neck. Lailas face was turning blue now, and her eyes had rolled back. Mariam saw that she was no longer struggling. Hes going to kill her, she thoughtRasheed. He looked up. Mariam swung. (Hosseini 347-348) This shows the peak of all Mariams life experiences the pain and sorrow Rasheed has caused her, as soundly as the joy and love she shares with Laila.When the person that she loves is threatened, Mariam realizes that all of her endurance has not once increased her worth in Rasheeds eyes. For the first time, Mariam sees her worth and believes that she neer deserves the anguish shes had to endure. Her powerful motivation is shown when she saves Lailas life. Mariam rea lizes after her first swing at Rasheed that if she does not kill him, he will kill them both. evening if Mariam is ready to die, shes not ready to lose Laila. In summary, abuse is an unjust action, and its presence is very obvious in this novel through physical and emotional mistreatment.The role of women in Afghanistan is an unjust and unreasonable position in which they are continuously denied many freedoms and rights. The women of the story grab the interest and sympathy of the referee their personalities are almost real and existent. It is amazing that Hosseini, a man, could have so much insight into the feelings of women in a circumstance such as this. Hosseini positively depicts the persona of Afghan women and their ability to endure gender inequality, denied education and Taliban rule.In A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini, the harsh and cruel conditions which women face under Taliban rule are depicted through Miriam and Lailas horrifying experiences. The Taliban ta ke over was a huge step back for Afghanistan and its blossoming age for women. At first, it was believed the Taliban were saviors for the Afghan people, a lot of people assumed they would solve the problem, people like Rasheed,Let them come, I, for one, will shower them with rose petals (Hosseini 275). The people had no idea what the Taliban were doing they fully supported it, until the Taliban started to impose laws.Most of these laws were strictly towards women You will stay inside your positions at all times. It is not proper for women to wander aimlessly about the streets. If you go outside, you must be accompanied by a male relative. If you are caught alone on the street, you will be beaten and sent home (Hosseini 278). Laila was beaten on several occasions by the Taliban every week when she would go see her daughter, Aziza, at the orphanage because Rasheed refused to take her. The Taliban went as far as forcing women to one central hospital with limited doctors and supplies, which made child birth for many women to be a terrifying situation.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Muslims and Science
THEME OF ESSAY Please read the short book Muslims and scienceby Pervaiz Hoodhbhoy. Provide your views on the of import argument of this book. Building on your intimacy from Bronowski and Sagan, what were the decisive characteristics that al get-goed horse opera civilization to outpace Muslim civilization in the using of experience in the modern period? Muslims and scholarship By Zara Abbas(11020043) Perspective Ever since the advent of Islam in 7th carbon, the Muslim civilization rapidly rose to the vanguard of homo achievement.Remarkable progress was made not completely in the fields of sciences and philosophy i. e. mathematics, astrology, astronomy, optics, cartography, medicine, anthropology, logic and literature but they as well became the dominant military and economic reason of the realness by the 13th Century. These accomplishments were made possible by a flake of underlying factors prevailing at that succession in Muslim history.The fundamental ones organism the territorial and commercial expansion of Muslim influence to a vast area where a treasure trove of Greek, Persian and Roman plant in science, medicine and philosophy was made available to their sharps to build upon Patronage and encouragement was given to Muslim scholars by the ruling elite of that time, several universities were build in the Muslim lands and a spirit of freedom for inquisitive research across the ghostly divide was created and encouraged.But then, owing to a raging and endless involution between the forces of logic and reason and those of rigid unearthly fundamentalism, Muslim Science lost its appeal and eventu all toldy disappeared into near oblivion. Resultantly, the culture of patronage of those seeking knowl marge and the pursuit of excellence in the fields of sciences and the arts too died. The Muslim globe at present, comprising 57 countries and 1. 57 billion people which is roughly one 5th of the world population has made no significant cont ribution to science or offered anything substantial towards technology1 during the last 500 years.It remains in a articulate of intellectual stag farming while its inept and corrupt leaders rule without any vision or foresight. Budgetary allocations for sciences and frequent information in nearly Islamic countries are low resulting in their dependence on the West for survival in vital areas of human activity. Their collective wealth of human jacket crown and vast preserve of natural resources are being wasted on non-development expenditures. The continuing cycle of regressive policy formulation has perpetuated p everywherety, conflict and instability in most Muslim countries.This deliberate neglect has not only created frustration and despondency amongst the Muslim youth but has also provided space to the orthodox religious forces to breed a deep rooted hatred for the Christian West being a convenient scapegoat. In the context of Pakistan and its regional geo-political environm ent we observe ourselves trapped in a serious internal conflict, socio-economic insecurity, political instability and institutional collapse which puzzle retarded the pace of societal progress. This bleak scenario provides adequate motivation to dejected members of the society to join extremist elements for their self actualization.When the sad decline of Muslims began after almost 5 centuries of world domination, the West started overtaking them in every field of human enterprise ranging from means of warfare, industry, economics, education, governance and culture. This ascendency of European nations is attributed to the collapse of feudal economy, relegation of the Church from socio-political dominance to mere religious pr distributivelying, emergence of capitalistic economy, development of a secular and reasonable approach towards scientific and social education2 and lastly the productive cum commercial usefulness of science and technology for the human race.Unfortunately, th e gap between both civilizations in the domain of scientific research and technological advancement has steadily widened during the last 400 years. It is thereof imperative upon the Islamic world to take drastic but pragmatic measures to stem the tide another(prenominal)wise we are headed towards an impending disaster. This is precisely the Central agate line of Dr. Parvez Hoodbhoys Book Muslims and Science Religious Orthodoxy and the Struggle for Rationality.Although a nuclear physicist by profession, Dr Hoodbhoy has shown remarkable insight into a subject of academic peculiarity and contemporary importance and has produced a timely and dispassionate analysis of the causes of decline of the Muslim world in the fields of sciences after remaining in the forefront for centuries. His persuasive and lucid style of argument, which at times seems rather offensive for typical Pakistani (i. e.Muslim) sensibilities, takes the reader finished the entire spectrum of factors affecting the Muslim red ink of world leadership and retreat from modernity. Simultaneously, he also highlights the special characteristics of the Western nations that propelled them towards human excellence and accomplishment not only in sciences but also in societal activity. Finally, he also suggests some functional and sensible measures to progressively take the Muslims onto the path of modernity and scientific enterprise in congruity with our Islamic ethos. AimThe aim of this essay is to enunciate my own reflections on the decline of Muslim society after leading the world for centuries as against the ascendency of Western powers through their superior human actualization with a view to proposing a realistic way forward for the Muslims in light of the notions expressed by Hoodbhoy, Bronowski and Sagan. What Ails The Muslim World Over the past five centuries people in Islamic societies have tried to come to terms with the reality of their relegation to being the worlds followers after remai ning its leading light for an equally long period in the medieval ages.The crucial but relevant heading of, What went wrong? agitates the minds of Muslim intellectuals and youth alike. But beyond seeking scapegoats the question remains unanswered. There seems to be no common agreement and honest realisation of our own failings that led to our sad but steady decay, particularly so in the arena of scientific development. However, armed with my study of the subject Science and refinement I shall briefly put forward an objective view of the malaise afflicting the Muslims. 1. Historical Causes of Muslim Decline a.Orthodoxy versus Rationality. The long drawn clash (801 1406 AD) between the supporters of Pre term/Revelation and other Orthodox/Conservative scholars of Sharia, Theology and Islamic jurisprudence (represented by Al Ghazali, Ahmad Bin Hanbal, Al Ashari, Ibn e Taymia, Al Maalik) and the Qadarites/Mutazlites (i. e. the proponents of Free Will, ethical motive and Reason repr esented by Al Kindi, Al Razi, Ibn e Sina, Ibn e Rushd and Ibn e Khaldun)3 eventually led to the victory of the forces of ossified religiosity and swept rational thought away from Islamic intellectualism.Thus the hitherto patronage, respect and support extended to the scholars by the nobility of the times were also withdrawn under pressure from the conservatives. Sadly, the musical interval between the fundamentalists and secular/rational Muslims became complete and exists till the present times. Thereafter, no one could dare combine reason with revelation in Islam. The edifice of Islamic science and intellectual glory was reduced to ruin and could not be rebuilt. b. Non scientific Attitude.As a logical corollary of the aforementioned rigidity of thought amongst the Muslim Orthodoxy, the attitudinal notions essential for the treasure and development of sciences did not evolve in the Muslim world after the defeat of rationality. The arrival of dogma and rigidity in Muslim intellect ual thought led them to the rejection of prediction, imagination, curiosity or the spirit of inquiry and the will or urge to control ones bodily environment to human advantage- essential ingredients of scientific knowledge resulting in the death of creative activity.Likewise, Muslims of the post golden age inherited a command lack of spirit and interest in theoretical acquirement of various sciences owing to their insignificant material reward or utility. They would rather opt for acquisition of practical knowledge for utilitarian ends instead of developing a worldwide atmosphere of learning where abstract thought and spiritual abide bys could be nurtured. 4 This general apathy towards academic learning steadily became a societal attitude amongst the Muslim generations which exists even today. c. Muslim Educational System.The traditional concept and orientation of education in Muslim societies aims at harmonizing all knowledge with Islamic thought whereby the student remains wedded to his/her Islamic ethos. This develops an attitude of acquiring revealed knowledge being a Divine command rather than discovering it through inquisitive and participative means. The traditional mode of education followed over centuries in the Muslim world led them to nurture the values of rote learning, historical and conceptual continuity,5 self righteousness and rigidity in their psyche.Their consequent inability to respond and adjust to a constantly changing world denied them the chance to progress and achieve scientific excellence. d. Capitalism versus Islamic Law. The scientific and industrial revolution in Europe modify a hitherto feudal society into a modern capitalistic culture. This was achieved through the creation of a bourgeois class capable of investments, innovations and structural changes to direct the new means of production and technical progress with the new complex economic challenges.This automatically led to the development of a comprehensive legal sc hema for regulation and dispute resolution of the new socio economic realities. 6 As against this the Islamic jurisprudence, being derived from Quranic injunctions and Prophetic traditions, has a fixed set of rules and defining principles within which justice is to be provided and these laws cannot not be altered or modified to suit changing situations. Therefore, capitalist economy could not take root and develop in its classical sense in Muslim societies. . Economic Causes. When the colonization of Muslim lands in began in the 18th Century, Muslim civilization was urban establish with the metropolis dwellers depending on the continuous and assured supply of means of subsistence from the rural peasantry. Such supplies would continue even during conditions of famine or strife with state assistance. Therefore, Muslim economies of that time remained immune from Europes revolutionary advancement.Likewise, Muslim urban centers neer developed municipal or corporate institutions meant f or stimulation of economic growth through industry and trade. 7 As a result the Muslim economic order of that era could not compete with Europes phenomenal economic growth. f. convey of Warfare. The steady European advancement in the means of warfare (concepts and weaponry) along with the progress made in industry and technology after the 15th Century was also an important factor in causing European victories on the battlefield.By comparison the Muslims could not generate comparable military muscle/prowess. This incompatibility change magnitude substantially by the 18th Century resulting in the occupation of Muslim territories in North Africa, Spain, Balkans, Russia, India and Iran culminating into the colonization of almost the entire Muslim world by the 19th Century. 8 g. Non Existence of a Power Structure. The power structure of a society determines its dominant attitudes towards scientific enquiry and acquisition of knowledge.In the absence of a central authority wielding poli tico-religious and military power as against the Church in medieval Europe, the Islamic world did not possess the means of exercising control over its territories/subjects and resolving disputes. This inherent weakness laid bare the possibility of insurrection by powerful religious f natural processs/sects, seizing control of distant lands by usurpers or mobilization of the majority sect against minority viewpoint on liberal religious groups. 9 This was a serious organizational weakness that eventually proved deadly to the political, economic and intellectual ascendency of the Islamic society. 2. Present State of Muslim Science/Education a. Scientific Progress. A recent study of the World imprecate indicates that the quality of scientific as well as general education in the Muslim World is rapidly falling behind the rest of the World and needs urgent attention if it is to cope with the demands of the future.While some Islamic countries like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Mal aysia, Iran and Nigeria have drastically increased their respective resource allocations to boost general education and the Sciences, their traditional attitudes towards the education of women, non separation of religious thought from the secular nature of scientific education and discouraging a scientific culture based upon innovation, quantification and confirmable verification remain uncompromising to this date. b. Science in the Productive Sector.Despite a universal recognition of the importance of industrial sector for a nations economic growth, value added production of contemporary Muslim economies is woefully low. Barring Malaysia, the nature of economy of key Muslim countries remains basically agro and mineral extraction. 10 Therefore their accumulated economic strength/capacity is comparatively lower than other developing economies. This indicates that the science to production ratio is negligible with little indications of improvement. c. Scientific Output.The overall s cientific output of Muslim countries, as indicated by the number of science research papers published together with the citations to them, indicates that we stand alarmingly low in comparison with others like India, Brazil, China and USA. Likewise, we find that 46 Muslim countries contributed 1. 17 % of the worlds science literature as against 1. 66% and 1. 48% respectively from India and Spain alone. Interestingly, 20 Arab countries contributed 0. 55% in comparison to 0. 89 % by Israel. Moreover, the scientific worth or quality of a fairly large number of these papers was not only below par but some were even plagiarized.A study by academics at the International Islamic University Malaysia showed that OIC countries have 8. 5 scientists, engineers, and technicians per 1000 population, compared with a world average of 40. 7, and 139. 3 for countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. 11 It is also a known fact that the number of Muslim Nobel Laureates is s till in single digit in comparison to hundreds from Israel alone. This state of affairs does not augur well for the future of Muslim science. d. Scientific Enterprises.Over the last decade or so Muslim political sympathiess have been steadily increasing their S & T budgets with a view to inducing greater scientific activity. The active average pass of 57 Islamic countries on R & D is 0. 3% of their GNP which remains far below the global average of 2. 4%. 12 Nonetheless, the there is a perceptible trend of higher(prenominal) spending in major Muslim countries. But bigger budgets alone would not arrest the deteriorating standards unless the capacity to spend these monies is also built simultaneously on developing a critical mass of scientists, engineers and technicians besides improving their quality and professionalism.Recent surveys also indicate that spending on higher education has increased significantly resulting in a sharp rise in the number of institutions, students and inf rastructural improvements. But these centers of learning still lack the qualitative edge that could make them rank amongst the foremost 500 in the world which is not the case at the moment. e. Educational Paradox Pakistans Context. Ever since Pakistans independence no government has ever given education any status in the list of its national priorities.The public sector expenditure on this vital sector has remained abysmally low (i. e. ranging between 2. 16% to 2. 42 % of GDP from 2003-08 but was reduced to a paltry 2% in 2010 budget)13 which compares poorly with other South Asian countries. This has left Pakistans literacy rates as the lowest in the region (i. e. 57% which is 69% males and 45% females). 14 The poor quality of the learning environment is evident from the fact that a large number of schools lack basic infrastructure 37. per cent of the schools up to the elementary level dont have boundary walls, 33. 9 per cent lack drinking water facility, 37 per cent dont have l atrines and 60 per cent are without electricity. 15 Owing to the criminal neglect of various successive governments in formulating coherent and sustainable education policies for the people by investing in this vital sector, we have not only ended up losing precious generations to the vicissitudes of time but have also denied them the opportunity to improve their lot through acquisition and development of skills.Apart from this, the general apathy and indifference shown towards education by our rulers has led to the creation of a stratified system of educational prejudice. In that the rich and the elite go to the private English medium schools while the commoner class attends the government run Urdu medium schools. This puts the common citizen at an unfair disadvantage against the well to do child when both aspire and compete for admission into professional institutions. Recommendations In the words from Dr. Hoodbhoy borrowed from one of his recent papers, Progress will require beha vioral changes.If Muslim societies are to develop technology instead of just using it, the ruthlessly competitive global marketplace will insist on not only high skill levels but also intense social work habits. Science can prosper among Muslims once again, but only with a willingness to receive certain basic philosophical and attitudinal changesi. e. shrug off the dead hand of tradition, reject fatalism and absolute belief in authority, accept the legitimacy of temporal laws, value intellectual rigor and scientific honesty, and respect cultural and personal freedoms.The struggle to usher in science will have to go side-by-side with a some(prenominal) wider campaign to elbow out rigid orthodoxy and bring in modern thought, arts, philosophy, democracy, and pluralism. Within this forthright observation lies an abstract framework of our future plan of action based on common sense and principles of logic and reason. However, we would need to tread this path with farsighted prudence an d devise our strategic thinking in harmoniousness with the obtaining socio political realities of the Islamic world.Such an approach warrants a judicious and systematic execution but profound application so that the restore process permeates into the Muslim spirit without agitating its impassioned sensibilities. The new model of our education philosophy should recognize and affirm that science and religion are complementary and not contradictory to each other. Therefore, the revised concept of scientific education should clearly state that both disciplines are separate domains which do not overlap and that there can never be a conflict between the two as long as their protagonists do not stoke public passions for self aggrandizement.The other areas where reform is proposed are listed below Remodel the entire concept/ philosophy of general education at the primary /secondary levels with a view to developing the traits of inquisitiveness, empirical and deductive thought process an d the ability to challenge/question precepts and assumptions. Basic education up to Matriculation (or equivalent standard) should be made compulsory for all citizens (both genders) in all Muslim countries. Budgetary allocation for education be brought at par with laid down UNESCO standards. Revitalize the tertiary and post graduate education system by improving the infrastructure and facilities, provision of high quality teaching staff and improving the quality/worth of scientific research. modern standards of vocational training for skill development of technicians should be refined, upgraded and rejuvenated to match the ongoing technological advancement. The syllabi of Deeni Madaris (religious schools) should be suitably revamped and harmonized with the current trends in modern education. The existing disparity between the standards of education/syllabi of Public and private schools be minimized at priority.BIBLIOGRAPHY Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy, Muslims & Science Religious Orthodoxy and the Struggle for Rationality (Vanguard Books , 1991) Bernard Lewis , What Went Wrong? (Perennial Harper collins 2002) Jacob Bronowski, The Ascent of Man (1973) Carl Sagan, Cosmos (1980) Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy, Science and the Islamic World The Quest for Rapprochement , Physics Today August 2007 pg 49 < http//ptonline. aip. org/journals/doc/PHTOAD-ft/vol_60/iss_8/49_1. shtml? bypassSSO=1 > Muslim World Education Falling Behind, Khilafah. Com , 24 Feb 2008 < http//www. khilafah. com/index. hp/the-khilafah/education/2019-muslim-world-education-falling-behind > Dr. Ahmad shafaat, a review of Pervez Hoodbhoy, Islam and Science Religious Orthodoxy and Battle for Rationality November 2002 < http//www. islamicperspectives. com/ReviewPervezHoodbhoy. htm > Khawar Ghumman, Only two percent of GDP Spent on Education, Dawn. Com, (5 Jun 2010) , < http//www. dawn. com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/the-newspaper/front-page/21-only-2pc-of-gdp-spent -on-education-560-sk-09 > 1 Muslim World Education Falling Behind, Khilafah. Com , 24 Feb 2008 < http//www. khilafah. om/index. php/the-khilafah/education/2019-muslim-world-education-falling-behind > 2 Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy, Muslims & Science Religious Orthodoxy and the Struggle for Rationality (Vanguard Books ,1991) pg 2 &161. 3Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy, Muslims & Science Religious Orthodoxy and the Struggle for Rationality (Vanguard Books ,1991),pg 115 141. 4Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy, Muslims & Science Religious Orthodoxy and the Struggle for Rationality (Vanguard Books ,1991) pg 145 149. 5 Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy, Muslims & Science Religious Orthodoxy and the Struggle for Rationality (Vanguard Books ,1991), pg 149 154. 6 Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy, Muslims & Science Religious Orthodoxy and the Struggle for Rationality (Vanguard Books ,1991), pg 154 156. 7 Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy, Muslims & Science Religious Orthodoxy and the Struggle for Rationality (Vanguard Books , 1991), pg 157 160. 8 Bernard Lewis , What Went Wrong? (Perennial Harper Collins 2002), pg 18 34. 9Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy, Muslims & Science Religious Orthodoxy and the Struggle for Rationality (Vanguard Books , 1991), pg 161. 10Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy, Muslims & Science Religious Orthodoxy and the Struggle for Rationality (Vanguard Books , 1991), pg 34 37. 11 Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy(2007), Science and the Islamic World The Quest for Rapprochement ,Physics today August 2007 pg 49 < http//ptonline. aip. org/journals/doc/PHTOAD-ft/vol_60/iss_8/49_1. shtml? bypassSSO=1 > 12 Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy, Science and the Islamic World The Quest for Rapprochement ,Physics Today August 2007 pg 49 < http//ptonline. aip. org/journals/doc/PHTOAD-ft/vol_60/iss_8/49_1. shtml? bypassSSO=1 > 13 Government of Pakistan Ministries of Finance and Education
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Nursing Expertise Self-Report Scale and Reflection
After completing the Nursing Expertise Self-Report, I felt as a nursing profession I was analytical toward each questions. I noniced that most of my answers were drawn from my clinical experience working as an emergency nurse.I keep that I looked at the emplacement as whole, combining on the whole aspect of nursing from objectives and subjective data while still adhering to all policy and procedure. I also noticed for any aspect of clinical situation that my uncomplainings may represent, I strong disagree that emotional hamper would get in the way of good nursing care. In fact, I believed that emotional attachment are a characteristic a caring and compassionate nurse. This kind of characteristic may allow the nurse to be more accurate with her findings because she knows almost of what is consider normal to her patient.She may be the first to notice a change in her patients condition. I thought this exercise was actually informative and knowledgeable because it allowed to see how I am grown as a nursing professional. It is a great feeling to see that my nursing utilise and decision making comes naturally by ascertaining that all pieces of information related to the patient is equally important one another. I also find that communication is essential to all aspect nursing care because it allow the patient to feel connected to the staff as well as understand his/her plan of care. As nursing professional we are forever using critical thinking to anticipate the next possible event that could occur.Although we may not realize it, we tend to forget to communicate with the patient and family as often as we should. This exercise help me realize that I need to communicate with my patient more often to help them understand their care plan and the care providing to them. I also noticed in this self-report scale and reflection that I always follow the standard patient care procedures no matter what situation may present because the standard patient care procedure s were written to allow the best possible outcome for the patient.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
If I were the Finance Minister of India Essay
In the economy of a developing county like India, the map of the Finance Minister is a crucial one. This is much so in the case of the country which has chosen the path of planned development, as Indian has done. If ever I become the Finance Minister of the country, my origin effort would be to root out the demon of back money. It is black money which leads to ostentation and to the mature in prices, and this makes financial control almost impossible. Since black money is the money on which tax has non been paid, I allow for interpret to it that that evasion is reduced to a minimum. With this end in view, tax body structure leave behind be rationalized. The taxation rate will be brought down so as to impart relief to the salaried people as well as to the business community. With a more fairish tax structure, the temptation to evade taxes, would no longer be there.Those who still avoid payment of tell taxes, plugged, so that tax-evaders ar not able to escape the clutche s clutches of the law. Black-markets hoarders, ect, who run a diverseness of parallel economy, would overly be severely dealt with Laws in this respect would as well be made more stringent, and the concerned Government officials would be given more power to deal with such offenders. In this way, the inflation rate would be brought down, and relief provided to the people, groaning under the burden of rising prices and increasing taxation. I will also see to it that credit facilities are handsomeized. Banking services will be extended to the rural areas. With this end in view, Banks will be come alongd to open their braches even in remote villages. Indian farmer is proverbially poor, and owning to his poverty and illiteracy he has always been exploited by the local money lenders.Instructions will be used to the banks (through the Reserve Bank of India) that the needy farmers be given loans on easy and liberal terms. This will enable them to purchase good quality seeds, fertilizer s, tractors, etc. Agriculture would thus be renew and this would lead to increase production. Construction of tube-wells would also be encouraged and villages would be rapidly electrified, so that horticulture production is no longer at the mercy of rains. While I will continue to encourage large scale industries, the growth of small industries would also be encouraged. They would also be provided with soft loans by the nationalized banks, and if need be more banks would be nationalized.Technicians, live T.V and Radio mechanics, Internet, professional people like Doctors and other self-employed people, would also be given financial help by the banks. Non-plan Government expenditure would be brought down whenever possible. Wastage would be reduced to a minimum by appropriate measures. I will see to it that, while the just demands of the employees are met with, they also work honestly and sincerely for the good of the nation. both these measures, I hope, would be brought down when ever possible. Wastage would be reduced to a minimum by appropriate measures. I will see to it that, while the just demands of the employees are met with, they also work honestly and sincerely for the good of the nation.All these measures, I hope, would go a long way toward revamping the Indian economy. Still, if considered necessary, I will not weave to accept foreign aid or to take loans from International fiscal Institutions like the I.M.F Funds would also be raised through borrowings from the public. However, I am hopeful that such measures would not be necessary. usual sector undertakings are already showing large profits which are likely to be bigger still in the next years. These earnings should be sufficient to fill any budgetary gaps.Those which are running in a loss will be wound up and replaced by insular industrial concerns. In the interest of rapid, increased production even multinational concerns will be invited to good deal up industries in the country. The employ ees of the sick public sector undertakings would be absorbed in these private industries. indeed a massive programme of privatization would be undertaken to encourage competition and promote production. In short, as the Financial Minister of India, it would be my earnest endeavour to see that there is an overall increase in production, that the mischance of the people are reduced to a minimum, and through proper fiscal control Indian providence becomes more and more self-reliant.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Duties of a Citizen
recently you wonat be seeing an Ameri crowd out citizen everyplacesee much about anything other than them selves. Their main precedence is to ensure the perfection of their throw lives. That is not being a close citizen though. Making sure your ineluctably be met before you look up and see what you can help with is corrupt and selfish. We need to care more about how we can help our state and what we need to do to be a good citizen. Having clear goals, consistent ideals, and unity is what pull backs a country powerful so when any of these components are lacking, a country and its citizens will weaken, which is happening in America.Being a citizen of America has plow virtually insignificant to our people, and is immediately crippling us. These three components depend upon one another to ensure the strength of a country. We must(prenominal) value all these elements to check our loyalty for our countries endeavors. Specifically the ideals should be based on the standards yo ur country wants, since it is the complex body part to your countryas government. But ideals consist of what you and your country should value in your beliefs, ethics, and principals so the people can together with support their country.Our ideals (especially American) gull been accepted by each subsequent generation until recently. Unity is a mutual understanding and belief within a group of people it is joining together for an ultimate cause. Goals are the start of our countries ambition to aim for our desired result and produce the product of our efforts. The ideals however establish a consensus on what we value or believe in as a country, it creates boundaries on our moral standard. We have to stay true to our constitution and the morals that were founded with it. To stray off and feel superior to your own ideals is no exception.That is what breaks the core and ruins our countries long lasting policies. Being a country of the people, for everything from the military to the g overnment to the public should be equally united in the same goals. The government however is the power that should listen then char affecter the verdict of our decisions. They should act upon the publicas best interests, and not single out any party or group whose stance on a matter should be determined as any less(prenominal) significant. If a decision is detrimental to anyoneas life in the general public, then it is likely on that point will be more than one person affected by the same things.The government should act upon their doings with precision and a conscious understanding of their impact on everyone. Dependant on the unavoidableness of their actions an act should not be passed if it is going to exclude even a minority in the populations opinions. With this we can determine clear goal sets and be unified. When going through with anything you should always check your tracks to see if you stomped on any bugs. Through out the Vietnam War these ingredients were missing for the American position. It doesnat matter if the opponent is even off or harm, notwithstanding if you are by-line these tactics, you will be successful.Ho Chi Minh and his communist following was ensuing power through authority and fear. Due to the fear he was possessing in many of the Vietnamese civilians, he was able to create unity for the goal sets he was trying to reach. His methods consisted of using fear over his people to squeeze out the product he desired. Once the people saw the product he achieved by communist ideals, Minh created a massive following of communist believers to ensure the continuation of reaching their goals and his regime. He established groups such as the NLF to spread his ideals and expand his following, save also to support all sections of his military.They believed that a? as long as they did not lose, they won. a? Americans on the other hand should have seen their bruise coming. Constantly reflecting on the Korean War as a? learning our lesson,a? we should have taken the French defeat in Dien Bien Phu as a warning. Americans entered the war, head first with no structure of unity, goal sets, or ideals. even offts such as the Tet Offensive had not only initiated a new phase of the war but also showed us that our unity was weak. The US, if unified would have been smarter to not abandon all their cities and create hazard for the NLF and Vietcong to strike.We would have communicated and sorted our priorities to know our goals before separating into remote areas. Other battles like Ia Drang showed the issues with unity and goals that have become noticed because of the failure to succeed in communication during them. The Pentagon Papers along with some accumulating underground egest-and-take articles revealed much of what went wrong to the public in 1971. When the Americans had already initiated Vietnamization it was to late to change our strategy for the war effort. The document caused discourse within our own country and di strust of our government.They were one of the large breaking points to all the reinforced up distress over the war. In the papers we lied about the Gulf of Tokin a? attacka? and cover up our faults to our own people. Events such as My Lai concerning Lieutenant William Calley posed even more issues on the moral justification we had in Vietnam, for such things as our a? Free Fire Policya? or a? take care and Destroy Campaign. a? It showed that Americans went against their own ideals when in Vietnam by not treating the Vietnamese with equal liberties, as we would give ourselves.It seemed as though we held a higher standing for ourselves when in Vietnam so we did not follow our own belief of treating all humans as equals. Killing innocent civilians without trial, not accepting the cultural digression of nations, using the threat of arms as a bribe to follow our beliefs, treating foreigners with out equality, ect. It was all that went wrong in our approach to try and gain the Vietnames e trust. When we went over to Vietnam we showed, a third world country in despair, a country that does not constitute itself by the ideals we arrived there with.In fact we did the lay claim things we were fighting against and did what we originally founded ourselves to not become, in Vietnam. It was a hypocritical scenario where we couldnat learn from our mistakes until we were gone and had already lost. In present day Afghan/ Iraq with many of those mistakes from Vietnam still hanging over our heads, we are now pushing to fix. Since Vietnam we have initiated the Special Operations Unit, and founded many other sections of the Military to ensure we donat make those same mistakes.Although many things are still missing from our strategy, such as going against our ideals again in the case of Abu Ghraib, we have come a long way. A friend of mine, Richard Bennett, currently serving in the US Special Opps. Group, and waiting to be deported to Afghan/ Iraq is anxious to utilize his traini ng. His job will be to train civilians on how to protect and sustain their own government, so they can stand on their own. He has gone through rigorous training to ensure his capability in every situation but as his mother said to me in her interview, a?Richie is anxious to be deported and utilize his traininga but he has expressed his frustrations with the politics concerning the wara like I said, it is the Age of Information, so you can see multiple sides to every story now. a? Essentially her point was to express that even if there is corruption in Afghan/ Iraq there is practically nothing the public cant obtain information on. The publicas judgment on the issues should be heard and taken into consideration by the government to change what they feel is not well(p) based on our ideals.Finally, when analyzing the trends and mistakes we made in Vietnam there is significant improvement of our structure in Afghanistan/ Iraq now. Even though we still have our defects as citizens, we s hould always remember the three components to being successful as a country and as a citizen of that country. The unity, goals, and ideals of a country found their infrastructure. So to be a good citizen you have to work to maintain that, for your country, and for the future of your country.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Philosophy and Politics
school of thought has enabled hu piece life to study the general and everyday problems which concern globey matters to include beauty, truth, mind, validity, language, existence, language and thus far truth. While Philosophy is a general term that is highly acceptable to address and answer questions by using systematic approaches and its credibility on the grounds of reasoned argu workforcets, there is a tension that is manifest between politics and Philosophy which Ancient Greek Origin means love of wisdom. frank governance needs laws that are mandated and initiated through Politics.The ways a participation is being governed highly affects the kind of living the citizens experience. Politics are made up of group of people that kneadulate decisions for the betterment of the populace. It has in addition been palpable in many group interactions such as the religious, academic and even in the incarnate world. Despite the fact that both exist to fulfill the needs of man for o rder, it is evident that a man in one point of his life or an otherwise might choose whether to live chthonian the influence of Politics or Philosophy.The issues had been explored in Platos masterpieces Apology and The state. But although, the strain is perceptible, the conclusion result for the mixture of both may lead to a more wonderful life to wholly mankind. The researcher wishes to address any reconciliation that may occur between the rivalries of the two approaches in gentle regulation, if Philosophy and Politics croupe be practiced at the uniform time. Philosophy and Politics in Platos Works Justice is necessitated by human in in all walks of life. An individual is honed by the pagan and social norms that craft his totality as a whole.Many factors attri goode on how a mortal behaves or acts. The life in the world has sought to deal on existence necessitated of man as man to survive and subsist. You may choose to live a political life or you put up pursue a life t hat is committed in finding contemplation and truth. Apology The Apology by Plato is his version of Socrates speech during the time Socrates def completes himself in opposition to the charges. The accusations against Socrates brought up were living his life that refuses to adulate and faith the gods, corrupts the mind of the young and makes new deities.The main theme of the entire speech proposes that Philosophy instigates when one admits that he is ignorant. Socrates dramatically states that the wisdom he has, originates from his mere knowledge that he doesnt know anything (23b, 29b). Politics in this part conducts a lawful proceeding that is made aside of informal charges that only stanched come to the fore of gossips and prejudices against Socrates Socrates is committing an in arbitrator, in that he inquires into things below the earth and in the sky, and makes the weaker argument the stronger, and teaches others to follow his example (18b-c).Socrates refuted the accusations t hrough voicing out that he should not in any way be mistaken as a casuist or a scholar that is highly paid and wise. He then expressed his philosophical ambition that he is poor and does not know anything that is right-hand(a) and noble. Socrates believed that the accusations against him rooted with his compliance with the oracle he acquire in Delhi. He had the mission of solving the paradox which is the ignorant man could be the wisest of all men (23e). It is apparent that Politics has an indirect connection to Philosophy because both aim to provide a good human life course.In this part reconciliation is quite evident since Politics is ruled out by people or humans that present the way to righteousness and lawfulness based on human perception enacted by the law eyepatch Philosophy which Plato deals with dwells more with the spiritual and divine treatment as the correct path to rectitude and uprightness. Socrates perceived that his questioning to many people gained him the repu tation as an annoying person. His life mission interpreted in the speech that true wisdom comes from the gods while wisdoms of man together with their achievements have diminutive or are not valuable at all.It was greatly distressed that Socrates accepts as legitimate that the power of his lawful superior, may it be divine or human should be followed. But when there is a discrepancy or conflict between the two Politics or Philosophy, he deems that the divine authority should take precedence and primacy Gentlemen, I am your grateful and devoted servant, but I owe a greater obedience to God than to you and as long as I draw breath and have my faculties I shall never stop practicing philosophy (Plato, Dialogue Part 1).Socrates articulated that he testament not stop his aspiration for his fellow Athenians to have greater awareness of moral truth and integrity. Though, people might impede his questioning or arguing and even if they withdraw all the charges against him, Socrates put ac ross his plan of not bringing an end to his inquiries for the pursuance of truth. Socrates was charged as criminal by a very small margin (36a). He was sentenced to death through drinking Hemlock. Though, Socrates can resort to emotive tricks to appease the juries.He relied ultimately to the truth in the presentation of his case. Socrates prophesied that the younger and harsher critics get out pursue what he started that can aggravate them even more (39d). The Republic by Plato The Republic by Plato is likewise a Socratic dialogue. The main topic of the dialogue centers at the issue of who is happier between the just and the unjust man that was pictured through creating a make-believe city that is ruled by philosopher-kings. For near part, the dialogue tackles justice in different ways.Like in one part of the first make where two types of justice are presented but both were deemed inappropriate. First, talks about returning debts that some(a)one owed while the second one embark s upon helping out friends at the same time harming the enemies. These were common definitions of justice that Socrates reckons to be derisory in isolated cases and as a consequence lack stringency stipulated of a definition, though he does not wholly decline them because each, in some way or another conveys a universal sagacity of justice.Justice when implemented with Philosophy encompasses goodwill to all mankind. This was evident in the end of Book I where Socrates approved Polemarchus insight that justice embraces helping out friends but the just man would never do any harm to anybody even an enemy. Thrasymachus on the other hand provides his perception of justice as what is good for the stronger (Book I), which reflects those people in Politics who have power over the society. This also echoes Thrasymachus precept that regulations are the primary resource of justice in every city where in they enact laws that take in themselves the most.Philosophy is widely tackled in The R epublic to influence Politics on what it should build within the society to provide a just community. In this dialogue, it can be seen that Philosophy and Politics can be reconciled though Philosophy still takes supremacy over Politics. Correspondingly, Socrates describes justice as working at that which he is naturally vanquish suited, along with to do ones own business and not to be a busybody (433a-433b). He then continues by presenting how to sustain and perfect justice through common chord cardinal number virtues to include Temperance, Wisdom, and Courage (433a-433b).Philosophy correlates with Politics through creating a society that divides people in to three distinct types which are the soldier, producer and ruler. Books II to IV mainly carry out that if a ruler can create just laws, and when the soldiers or warriors follow the orders of their rulers, and if authorities are obeyed by the producers, then it will formulate a society that is rightful and just, thus creating a happier life. Three arguments were presented by Plato why he sees that it is better to be just rather than for the individual to be unjust.The arguments were An oppressors nature will allow for him to incur horrid pains and pangs and that the conventional tyrant has a lifestyle that is mentally and physically dispute on a ruler which is the total opposite of a philosopher king that is truth loving (Book IX). other argument in Book IX that Plato puts forward is that the Philosopher is the only type of ruler that can best run a society since he is acquainted to the soma of the Good. The last one that Plato contends is that Pleasures which are approved by the lover of wisdom and reason are the truest (Book IX).The Republics main ideology is to form the government and politics that is governed by philosopher-kings. In this, it is highly susceptible that Philosophy and politics could in some way or another worked hand in hand. Socrates believes that the four types of ruling such as timocracy, democracy, oligarchy and totalism can lead to corruption of power. The Republic by Plato also contains his Allegory of the Cave where he elucidates how a former prisoner from a cave came to realize that the sun which illuminates the surrounding and which initially blinded him is the Form of the Good that causes the brightness.He also came to realize that it is the sun that made him see and appreciate the beauty and goodness in the things that surround him. Plato considers the caveman as the philosopher, who knows the Form of Good and therefore should educate others to spread the same light he achieved. The dialogue narrates conversations and arguments concerning an Ideal State by manipulating politics through Philosophical ideas and how other forms of governance could not properly and adequately sustain its ruling. ConclusionThough Platos Apology and The Republic mainly discuss how Philosophy or love of wisdom should be adhered over and above anything else, it also manif ested that Philosophy and politics can reconcile to the betterment of the society. The Apology chiefly venerates Philosophy over politics but in some parts evidently address that people involved in Politics should be respected and followed, hence, when a clash between the two takes place Philosophy should win against the other. Platos The Republic on the other hand, points out a Political institution that is to be ruled by a Philosopher towards a just society.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Industrial Relations Essay
Introduction dealings which atomic number 18 the outcome of the employment family relationship in an industrial enterprise every industrial relations system creates a complex of rules and regulations to grade the calculate place and work community main purpose to maintain harmonious relations betwixt labour and management by solving their problems through collectivebargaining the government/state shapes industrial relations with the help of law, rules, agreements, awards of the courtsHistoric Facts The concept of industrial relations was developed with the industrial revolution previous to this it was considered master and servant relationship The workers were considered and treated like any othercommodity which could be good purchased and replaced Wages and conditions of services were poor and this situation was not only in India but also in England and other European countries The term industrial Relations comprise Industry and relations.Objectivesto improve economic conditi ons of workers in the present scenario of industrial management and political governmentto avoid Industrial Conflicts and develop harmonious relationsto raise productivity to a higher levelto reduce strikes, lockouts and gheros by providing improve lucres and ameliorate living conditions and fringe benefits to the workersencouraging the sense of ownership among workers for Industriesto enhance government control over units and plants that are running to a lower place losses orwhere production has to be regulated in public avocationimproved Industrial Relation will protect the interest of labour and well as management. triplet partners Trade UnionTrade unions try to protect interest of workers, they insist upon the development of cultural and educational qualities of there members. Employers & their organizationsThey try to protect the interest of employers, to create healthy industrial atmosphere, so that the objectives of the organization whitethorn be achieved. They try to ge t full co-operation of workers for achieving this objective. GovernmentThe government plays an important role in establishing better industrial relations. Government passes various laws to protect the interest of both employers and employees.Causes of poor IndustrialRelations An pose of contempt towards the workers on the part of the management Inadequate fixation of wages or improper wage structure Indiscipline Unhealthy working conditions at the workplace Lack of human relations skills on the part of supervisors and managers Desire of workers for higher bonus, wages or daily allowances Desire of employers to pay as myopic as possible to its workersCont.. Inadequate welfare facilities Dispute on sharing the gains of productivity Retrenchment, dismissal and lockouts by the management Strikes by the workers Inter-union rivals Mental inertia on the part of the management.Industrial DisputesIntroduction conflicts, disorder or unrest arising between workers and employers on any ground Such disputes finally result in strikes, lockouts and mound refusal of employees to work, until resolved harm both parties employees and employers always against the interest of both employees and theemployersPrinciples assigned by courts forjudging the nature of disputes The dispute essential affect large number of workmen The dispute should be taken up by the Industry Union The parties involved in dispute must have direct interest The consulted assume must become grievance Workmen can raise Industrial Dispute himself underSection 2A of Industrial Disputes Act -1947Forms of Industrial Disputes The Industrial Dispute can arise in any of thefollowing earn given below Strike Lockout GheraoStriketermination of workrefusal to work of any number of persons will result to a strikeif workers are going on mass casual leave under commonunderstanding this will also result in strikethe workmen on strike must be assiduous in an industry which has not been closed downthe relationship of e mployers and employees continues even though in a state of suspensionLockout Section 2(1) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 defines lockout to mean the short-lived closing of a place of employment or the suspension of work, Or, the refusal by an employers to continue to employ any number of persons employed by him, lockout, thus, is the counterpart of strike the corresponding weapon the hands of employer to resist the collective demands of workmen or to perform his terms the suspension of work as a disciplinary measure does not amount to lockout temporary suspension of work called lay-off is not lock-outGherao Gherao means encirclement of the managers tocriminally intimidate him to accept the demands ofthe workers. As per the oxford incline Dictionary Gherao means a protest in which workers preventemployers leaving a place of work until demands aremet.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Concretization As with closely every aspect of developed or first world culture, a cloud of laziness accompanies each c both to a challenge. Although finding an easier core of overcoming obstacles has been rooted in human existence since we came to roam the earth, it appears we dedicate achieved a new level of indolence. Understanding abstract philosophical or religions bargons no exception. To witness this ace need look no further than todays pop culture. A quick Google search of celebrity tattoos yields upwardly of 54 million results in a little over 2 tenths of a second.Riddled among the image results ar countless crosses, Taijitus, words in Sanskrit and other philosophical or religious symbolisms. Riddled among these argon famed rapper lil wayne, actress Angelina Jolie and pop celebrity Pamela Anderson. I do not necessarily condone assumptions, however, I call up it would be safe to say that these, among countless other, harbor symbols as an easy or careless means of pr ofessing a devotion to a specific ideology. Furthermore, an ideology that know little or zip fastener rough.I may well be wrong and perhaps they are well educated in the ship canal of their respective religions/philosophies but would not wager on it if I were a betting man. Considering that Pamela is a vegan because her corpse is a temple yet has had a not to distant history with pill and cocaine abuse might tilt the odds in my favor. Nevertheless, it is not merely celebrities who are concretizing abstract and demanding philosophies, they are just most readily accessible.In todays first world countries, praising a concretized symbol of a philosophy or religion is an easy way of identifying ones self with the select group without difficulty of actually having to learn about it. Just as students are reading the spark notes instead of the book or parents are hiring au pairs instead of raising their children (working/single parents excluded), so are most individuals taking a lackad aisical entree to their spiritual beliefs. This is easily done through making a symbol concrete.Consider the concept of yin-yang, a system of balance representing male and female in unison to depict wholeness. This is often portrayed by the Taijitu symbol that most western cultures are familiar with. What is often difficult to run across about Yin-Yang is that it is eventually a teaching of metaphysical dualism. This is to say that one is only as much itself as it is the absence of its loveseat light is just the absence of darkness. The concept seems simple when applying it to light and dark but when it comes to questions of existence or consciousness it becomes difficult to understand.Consequently, people, either due to laziness or ignorance, attach themselves to the concrete symbol and the simplest business relationship to accompany it. Thus we see that the Taijitu, in western culture, has itself adopted the name the Yin-Yang or more absurdly the Ying- yang. I have a friend w ho to this day conceives he has a tattoo Yin-Yang tattoo. Its a pretty abstract and unlimited concept to fit in the confines of ones skin Im not sure if he even is aware of the word Taijitu I dont think I should ask. The development of concretization, however, cannot lay burden solely on the symbol.Symbols have been used to represent religions, philosophies and factions of all sorts for thousands of years. Instead, I believe ignorance, and furthermore the lack of motivation to rid oneself of ignorance, is to blame. This has become increasingly evident in the modernized world we live in today. In a time when information, entertainment and even victuals is mere seconds away at the fingertips of the majority of the nation, the concept of delayed gratification slowly slips through the proliferated cracks of our cardboard society. I, too, am guilty of the act.When I went to military school in the 9th grade each cadet was obligated for two pairs of shoes, the dailies and the dress. Th e dailies were to have no scuff or tearing around the sole but would ultimately suffice with a rather dull finish. The dress shoes, on the other hand, were required to be shined to a mirror finish a feet that requires the perpetual spit shine of rag and polish until the pores of the leather are filled. A rule of thumb is that one should be able to see the whites in their eyes when they plectrum up to inspect the shoe.After three hours work on one shoe alone, a blurred draft of my face was all I could make out. An older student comprehend me complaining to my roommate and came by to see what was the fuss. Ive been working on these all day, I muttered, this is impossible. He smiled and turned as if to undermine my complaint. Delayed gratification, he replied as he walked off, delayed gratification. This was the first time I had heard the phrase. I looked it up and have kept it in the back of my mind ever since. In this increasingly fast paced world we live in, flash gratification is phasing out the concept of hard work and reward.This holds square(a) in our approach to religious/philosophical beliefs. We all want to just circumvent it just understand just be enlightened. There are those that meditate for an hour, a day, a week and then are frustrated and perplexed as to why they are not yet enlightened Or, they go get Yin-Yang tattoo and claim they are. Unfortunately much of todays world focuses on the simple, the easy and the instant and thus breed much of the laziness and ignorance that results in concretization of the abstract and complex.
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