Thursday, August 15, 2019
Integrated library system Essay
Computer technology the major culprit in the beginning to provide help in solving problems it has generated. Research and development is taking place on many front beyond libraries, including the information industries, and this trend is certain to continue. In today’s complex societies, access to information has become central to making division about the daily conduct of public and private life. As a result, contemporary libraries service entails not only the traditional functions of preserving and providing access to vast amount of printed material but also the creation of a more sophisticated information environment, one that make use of the full range of information technologies to serve the informational, educational, cultural, and recreational needs of students. Libraries are most effective when their policies, procedures, collection, personnel, services, and facilities follow the best practice in the field. To achieve quality library service, libraries required professional and support staff coupled with a system that allows automated processing of library services or transactions. For libraries, information retrieve has always been a human problem. As a result of the impact of computers, telecommunications, and new information technologies in the field, library and information studies education program have undergone significant changes. While the library remains the central organizational focus, it needs to improve its system in order to effect change. One of which is the conclusion of information technology. It is for this purpose that the researchers undertake a study automated library system. It is hope that this study will contribute in enhancing the library services of Vito National High School. Making them more efficient and effective in servicing students in particular and in society. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Vito National High School is within the area of Barangay Vito, Sagay City, Negros Occidental. It is located 15 kilometers east of Sagay City along its coastal boundary. It started as Barangay High School in 1967 by virtue of the Republic Act no. 6054, â€Å"an act to Institute Charter for Barrio High Schools†which was approved on August 4,1969. It was supervised by an Elementary School Principal, Mr. Angel Ventor in 1967 with only two teachers in a one Section first year class squatting in the elementary classroom and also they are sharing the library with the Elementary School. Only a few books was there inside the library. As Mr. Ventor retires, he was succeeded by Mr. Antonio Cawit in 1973 to 1976 who built the first Vito National High School Library with only 535 books inside it. From 1976-1985, the school was headed by the very dynamic and ever loyal to his job as principal, Mr. Serafin Ignalaga. After his leadership, he was succeeded by Mr. Rodrigo D. Sanchez in 1986, then Mrs. Felicidad Magbanua in 1987 . With the issuance of Republic Act 6655, otherwise known as the â€Å"Free Secondary Education Act†, the school was converted into a Nationalized High School on June 10,1988, with Mrs. Aida P. Perfido, the pioneer teacher as teacher- in- charge (1988-1995), but she was promoted as principal of Col. Griffin Memorial National High School, Minapasok, Calatrava. With that, Mrs. Gina P. Ferraris took the responsibility as OIC , after a year, Mr. Nicanor A. Alparito became the Head Teacher I of the School (1996-1997). He was then promoted as Education Supervisor I, T. L. E. of the newly established Division of Sagay City. It was June of 1998 when Mrs. Gina P. Ferraris was assigned as Head of the School, and was promoted to Principal I, under the supervision of Mrs. Mildred L. Garay, Schools Division Superintendent, Sagay City Division. During the term of Mrs. Ferraris, she requested more books to the Local and City Government, for the students to have more resources of learning. She got 1,150 total of books from both Local and City Government. It is Mrs. Naneth O. Moraca, took the responsibility as School Librarian. Library hours was from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM. If the student want to enter in the library, they have to log in two ways. If they will just go there and read their notes they will just log as library users. And if they want borrow books they will also log to the library users and to the borrower’s log book. Borrowing of books policy: the due date of the books of the borrowed books was three days after the borrowing date, if t student can’t return it after the due date they will have a penalty or fine of ten pesos or a pack of floor wax. Maximum of three books, as student can borrow using his or her library card. After ten years of service Mrs. Gina P. Ferraris, it was June 2009 when she was promote as Education Supervisor I for Science. With that, Mrs. Villa Tupaz from Eusebio Lopez Integrated School took placed as Division Principal II. December 10, 2010, Mrs. Villa Tupaz was transferred to Sagay National High School as a replace to Mrs. Bingkas that was promoted also as Educational Supervisor for MAPEH. Mr. Unilo C. Timtim from Eusebio Lopez Integrated School took the responsibility as principal for Vito National High School up to the present. He took much to the library. He gave 5000 pesos budget every school year. He donated his own books during his high school and college years. The library now contains 3,150 total of books. Still Mrs. Naneth O. Moraca was the librarian up to the present. Core Values Excellence, Eco-Awareness, Responsibility Vision A high performing school with competent and dynamic administrator and teachers with strong stakeholders elaborate to produce responsive individuals through a sound learning environment, preserving the gift of nature. Mission Vito National High School aims to produce graduates who are academically competitive, pro-environment and well-equipped with technical abilities to contribute in the total development of the community. Vito National High School Organizational Structure SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Students High School Faculty Canteen Staff Janitorial Staff Cashier Canteen In charge Treasurer Guidance Councilor STUDENT SERVICES Property Custodian Librarian General Objective The purpose of this study is to have a review of the manual library system of VITO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL. Specific Objective 1. To know the current library system used by Vito National High School. 2. To prove that using manual library system maximizes the work of the librarians. To proposed a system that reduces spare time in organizing and storing library files and data. NONESCOST LOCALE VNHS VITO CEMETERY OLDSAGAY HIGH-WAY . VITO BRGY. HALL CROSSING BULANON TO BRGY. VITO BRGY. BONIFACIO CROSSSING VITO SAGAY HIGH-WAY ESCALANTE HIGH-WAY BRGY. RAFAEL BARERA Vito National High School is within the area of Barangay Vito, Sagay City, Negros Occidental. It is located 15 kilometers east of Sagay City along its coastal boundary. Scope and Limitation The scope of the study is on the automated library system for Vito National High School specially in borrowing of books. It does not seek to include other systems or subsystems that the school uses. The aspects that the researchers considered are limited to the specific problem. The study covers by interviewing the librarian, the faculty and staff, and the students of Vito National High School. Review of Related Literature Library Management System is a system program that is used in a library for an easy use of addition of books, burrowers, issue dates, return dates, fine payments. It is done through a database programmed so, it gives a good interface to the operating user and a safe database for the storage of data like books and burrowers. It is very useful software for librarians and it requires a computer for the operation According to Ken Chad of Ken Chad Consulting we are at a major point of change in the wider information economy within which library systems form part of a larger whole. He was writing in a briefing paper about the study in library management systems . This study examined the systems used in higher-education libraries across the UK and came up with some significant observations and recommendations. It noted that the LMS market in UK higher education is already mature and that four main vendors (ExLibris, Innovative, SirsiDynix and Talis) have almost 90 per cent of the market. This market maturity means, according to the study authors, that the benefits to libraries of changing LMS provider are limited. Library users expect to find everything together says Stephen Abram, vice president for innovation at SirsiDynix, the leading provider of software solutions and associated services for libraries. According to her traditionally, the library management system or integrated library system (ILS) was responsible for running libraries efficiently and effectively. Over the last few years, the role of the ILS has been expanding from meeting library needs to delivering user experience. According to Elisabeth Robson usability is a key requirement for users, says Elisabeth Robson, Product manager for Online Computer Library Center. The catalogue has become a way to pull together disparate resources, including commercial resources and web links. Library management systems also allow circulation, including check in/check out and enable libraries to purchase materials and track where they are. Accessibility remains the key all information use. As people have become familiar with computer a trend to more direct access has placed increased pressured on libraries and other information agencies to proved users friendly retrieval system for their client. Research and development is taking place in many fronts beyond libraries, including the information industries and this trend is certain to continue, effort is concentrated in such as automated system. Including natural language processing, digitized imaging techniques and telecommunication. Artificial intelligence is being used with saurian for more cognitive approaches to data, including automatic query reformulations when there is insufficient response to the initial combination of research terms. Frequently involving cognitive psychologist and linguist in addition and information scientist for librarian’s information retrieval has always been a human problem. Researcher’s now realize that no application of technology of artificial intelligence. Parallel processing or networking can be truly effective without knowledge on how people think, learn and cumulate. (Mary E. Dykstra, school of library information studies, Dalhausie University). Methodology This section present method of research used in the study. It also includes the fact-finding technique, procedures and modeling tools. This aims to describe the nature of situation as it exists at the time of the study and to explore the causes of particular phenomena. MODELING TOOLS A. INTERVIEW: An interview is a face to face conversation between two people (the interviewee and the researcher) where questions are asked by the researcher to obtain the desired information from the interviewee. Interviews are useful to gather information from individuals. Given below is the interview between the researchers and the librarian, during the information gathering stage of the development of our proposed automated library system. B. OBSERVATION: A method of data collection in which the situation of interest is watched and the relevant facts, actions and behaviors are recorded. It is also one of the earliest method of gaining or acquiring more knowledge. In this method the researchers observe closely to the behavior of their subject which undergo an investigation in various natural setting. Is either an activity of a living being, such as a human, consisting of receiving knowledge of the outside world through the senses, or the recording of data using scientific instruments. The term may also refer to any data collected during this activity. An observation can also be the way you look at things or when you look at something. FACT FINDING TECHNIQUES A. Data and Gathering Interview and Documentation. In gathering our information, we send an email to the Principal’s Office of Vito National High School, Barangay Vito, Sagay City, Negros Occidental asking permission if they will allow us to conduct an organizational review about their school specifically in their library. We included in the email our contact number. After we received a message from Vito National High School, we immediately go there. We directly go to the principal’s office to ask permission personally. He ask us to explain what is written in the letter. After we explain him what we want to know, he write a letter of accommodation to the librarian as well as to the teachers. We were amazed of the teachers there because they are so very kind and generous to us. In fact, one of the teachers there told us that she felt nervous. We were flattered because we felt that they really never put themselves higher than us. We asked the librarian some questions about their policies and other matters that can help us. We also asked the students there, at first no one wants to be asked, they were afraid that they might not answer our questions. So, we explain to them that all questions are easy. We have get the information we need to know. Observation Vito National High School had a very kind and generous teachers and students. They are so very open to us. They give the information’s we want to know. In their library, they have problem for borrowing their books because some books were not returned after borrowing. That is why in the next school year they need to buy new books in replace to the books that had not returned. The teachers there is so very kind and so very hospitable. Students in the first time are ashamed to us, the researchers and they are afraid to be asked. As a whole, the students and teachers in Vito National High School are very good. And about the principal, Mr. Unilo C. Timtim is, our first impression to him is, we thought that he is very strict and he is not approachable but our expectation is reversed to his real attitude, in fact he is very approachable and he also share some of his knowledge to us. Researcher’s interview with Librarian Researchers: Hi, we have come to talk to you regarding the functioning of your library. Librarian: Hello, do come in. I was expecting you. Researchers:oh! Really? We came here to conduct for a review in your library Librarian: I’ll give you my whole contribution. Researchers: Tell me are you excited about the idea of having an automated system for your library? Librarian: Yes, I do. Very much. After all it’s gonna reduce our loads of work. Researchers: Will you elaborate on it? Librarian: Major problem is managing the cards of members. There are so many of them. Many times cards get lost. Then we have to issue a duplicate card for it. But there is a flaw in it. It is difficult to find out if it is genuinely the case. Member can lie about it so that he/she gets an extra card. And we can’t do anything about it. Researchers: What do you think be ideal solution to this? Librarian: There should be no cards at all. All the information should be put into computer. So in this way, we plan to get huge revenues after we have an automated system. Researchers: How many books are there? Librarian: About 3,150 books Researchers: Do you keep records for them? Librarian: Yes. Researchers: Do you want facility of booking a particular title in advance? Librarian: No we don’t want any such facility. It is an overhead. So we don’t have any such facility presently. Researchers: How do you categorize your books? Librarian : By dewey decimal system. Researchers: Would you prefer online registration for users rather than the printed form? Librarian: Yes , we really would. Sometimes we lose these forms then we don’t have any information about that particular member. It will be better to have it on computer. Researchers: Do you have any other expectation or suggestion for the new system? Librarian: It should be able to produce reports faster. Researchers: Reports? I completely forgot about them. What reports you people produce presently? Librarian: Well first is for books in the library, another for members listing, one for our current supplier of books, and reports for finance. Researchers: Do you have some format for them? Librarian: Yes we do have and we want that the same format be used by the new system. Researchers: Yes we’ll take care of that. Any other suggestions? Librarian: No. You have already covered all the fields. Researchers: Thanks for your co-operation. It was nice talking to you. Librarian: My pleasure. Bye. SIGNED BY: SIGNATURE OVER PRINTED NAME We, the researchers took interviews of few students in the library in order to know about their viewpoint about the new system. One of such interview is given below. Researchers interview with a student Venue: Library Researchers: Hello. If you are free, I need to ask you few questions. Student: Sure. I pleasure. Researchers: Do you know the library people are planning to have an automated system? Student: Yes , I do, our librarian already told us about it. And I’m feeling good about it. Analyst: Are you ready to pay more if there is a automated system? Student: In the overall functioning is going to improve then I think no one will object to paying more. It should help us finding the books easily. But by what amount, it should matter. Researchers: Well as far as I know they are planning to hike library fee from 100 to 200 for full year. Student: That would be too much. Then in that case, they should increase the number of books to be issued. Also the number of days a book can be kept by student should also be increased. Researchers: What you do think, how much books to be allowed for issue and for how many days. Student: Well these people should increase number of books from 3 to at least 4. And the number of days for which a book is kept should be increased by 4 days. Presently it is for 3 days. It should be 5 days. Only then the fee hike will be justified. Researchers: Yes, they have such plans. Student: Then it should not bother members. Researchers Are you keen on online registration of students instead of normal paper one? Student: Yes. It’ll be a good practice. Researchers: Should there be a facility to reserve a book in advance? Student: Presently they have many copies of a single title. Usually a book is always available. I never have felt the need to reserve a book in advance. Researchers: On what basis a book should be categorized? Student: Well, it should be on the basis of dewey decimal system. Researchers: What do you think on what basis a search for a particular book can be done? Student: It can be searched using subject or title. Researchers: How often you visit this library? Student: Daily Researchers: Do you think magazines and cassettes should be made available in the library? Student: I think it’s a good idea. Researchers: Do you like this library? Students: Yes, very much. That’s why I come here daily. Researchers: oh! That’s nice. Well, continue doing . Thank you for your time,. Students: Thank You.. SIGNED BY: SIGNATURE OVER PRINTED NAME Questionnaires Since the time was less it was not practical to interview every student. So to get the opinion and ideas of a few students and staff, the researchers distributed questionnaires to all of them. 1. How is the borrowing of books done [ ] Manual [ ] Automated? 2. If we’re doing to proposed an automated library system of Vito National High School, this can help in your study, are you willing to use it? [ ] Yes [ ] No 3. If ever there will be a proposed automated library system. Do you think it is economically feasible to Vito National High School? [ ] Yes [ ] No 4. Is the manual library system convenient to use? [ ] Yes [ ] No 5. Is there system provided timely responses to the student complaints? [ ] Yes [ ] No 6. Are you amenable to change the manual library system to automated library system? [ ] Yes. [ ] No 7. Do you think automated library system is effective? [ ] Yes [ ] No 8. Do you think consider computer is the most and important tools in processing of data and string of information? [ ] Yes [ ] No 9. Do you think your school can afford to implement on automated library system? [ ] Yes [ ] No 10. Do you think automated library system are useful to the a. Teacher[ ] Yes [ ] No b. Students [ ] Yes [ ] No c. Faculty and staff [ ] Yes [ ] No d. Vito National High School [ ] Yes [ ] No 11. Do you think manual library system is effective in terms of: a. Procedure [ ] Yes [ ] No b. Manpower [ ] Yes [ ] No 12. Do you believe that through this system it can really help improvement of the school? [ ] Yes [ ] No SIGNED BY: SIGNATURE OVER PRINTED NAME Library Policies General Rules 1. Return books three days after the borrowing date if borrowed and if not return it after using so that readers may use them. 2. Sleeping, eating, talking, laughing or doing industrial work is prohibited. 3. Observe proper behavior in the library at all times. Talk softly so as not to disturb other students who are studying. 4. Take every possible care of each book, magazine and other library materials while they are in your possession. 5. Honesty should be practiced at all times. A student caught stealing books, tearing out a page or pages of a book or other library properties will lose his library privileges. He will have to abide by whatever sanctions the librarian and the Discipline Officer will impose upon him. 6. Keep the library clean. 7. Push the chair back against the table after using without dragging them. Identification Card 1. All students must log on to the log book and live their library card. 2. A lost library card is replaced as soon as the student has applied for replacement. A fine of P20. 00 is imposed. 3. Library cards are non-transferable. Any student who lends his/her library card or borrows somebody’s card is subject to suspension of library privileges in which case both will be answerable for this violation. * Circulation of Library Materials * High School students from first year to fourth year are allowed to check out books from the library. * General Reference books like encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, newspapers, magazines and other periodicals are read only in the library and are not allowed to be borrowed and brought out in the library. * Maps, Charts and other visual aid materials can be borrowed by the teachers for classroom use only. * Home reading or fiction books can be borrowed for three days from the borrowing date and can be renewed for three days also. * Students are allowed to borrow three (3) books at a time. * Books borrowed on Friday should be returned on the following Monday. * Fines and Penalties A daily fine of P10. 00 or a pack of floorwax is imposed on every book kept overdue. (Saturdays, Sundays and holidays are not included) * Lost Books 1. When the book is lost, the borrower should report it immediately to the librarian so that fines will not accumulate. Students who have overdue books cannot check out book(s) until they clear their records. Otherwise, a student should replace the same book with the same title. 2. A book damaged beyond repair must be replaced with the latest edition of the same title and author. 3. Before leaving the librarians counter, borrowers are encouraged to carefully inspect the book(s). They are to report to the librarian immediately any damage that they discover. The last borrower will be held responsible for any damage to the books. * Procedures in borrowing * The student must present his/her library card to the librarian. * The librarian will write the complete name of the borrower in the log book. * A due date will be stamped at the log book. Republic of the Philippines Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology College of Information and Technology Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental October 12, 2011 MR. UNILO C. TIMTIM Principal, Vito National High School Brgy. Vito, Sagay City Madam: Greetings in Christ name! As part of our requirement on System Analysis and Design, we the Junior Information Technology students of NONESCOST are going to conduct research study on system and procedures of government and private agencies as well as business establishments. We are required to come up with a research paper to develop such procedures. In this connection, kindly allow us to conduct an interview for a â€Å"Proposed Automated Library System†. Please extend all other assistance we may need. We promised to keep all data confidential. Hoping for your favorable response. Respectfully yours, Members: MA. FE S. DELA REALJO-ANN M. PABALATE JUDITH PEARL T. MINANOWENALYN M. ALISAN Noted by: SAMSON M. LAUSA, MSCS Dean Republic of the Philippines Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology College of Information and Technology Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental October 12, 2011 MRS. NANETH O. MORACA Librarian, Vito National High School Brgy. Vito, Sagay City Madam: Greetings in Christ name! As part of our requirement on System Analysis and Design, we the Junior Information Technology students of NONESCOST are going to conduct research study on system and procedures of government and private agencies as well as business establishments. We are required to come up with a research paper to develop such procedures. In this connection, kindly allow us to conduct an interview for a â€Å"Proposed Automated Library System†. Please extend all other assistance we may need. We promised to keep all data confidential. Hoping for your favorable response. Respectfully yours, Members: MA. FE S. DELA REALJO-ANN M. PABALATE JUDITH PEARL T. MINANOWENALYN M. ALISAN Noted by: SAMSON M. LAUSA, MSCS Dean FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION In general, performing a study and to conduct an organizational review is not easy but through the unity of our group and to the cooperation of the principal, faculty and staff, and students of Vito National High School we have able to finish our review. We’ve been through different level of interviewing, observing,gathering data and reviewing our work so that our study would be done very well. This review helps the librarian to lessen their works in borrowing books faster and easier, as well as to the students to have an easy way of borrowing books from the library. Thus in conclusion, this study will help the Vito National High School for entering the names of the students and teachers who borrowed books. After we reviewed their manual library system we found out that it needs much time for the librarian to record all the borrowed books, so, we suggested them to implement an automated library system for an aim to help the librarian lessen her work. The system is easy to use and easy to developed but we recommend that every assigned librarian or librarian assistant must know how to properly use the new developed automated library system. Bibliography Atkinson Ross â€Å"the acquisition librarian as a change agent in the transition to the E-library†no. 36 (1992). Foskett, A. C. the subject approach to information 4th Ed, (C. Bingley 1982) Rowley, Jennifer E. organizing knowledge, an introduction to information retrieval (Gower 1987) â€Å"Practical guide to thesis and desertion writing†by Maximiao M. Rivera, Jr. and Roela Victoria Rivera (Katha publishing, Inc. Quezon, Boulevard Quezon City, Phil. 1996) http://www. nordis. net/? p=7410 http://www. deakin. edu. au/library/findout/research/litrev. php.
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