Saturday, August 31, 2019
Management Yesterday and Today Essay
When identifying unit process inputs and outputs, try to talk with employees working with those processes. However, while these employees will give good information, some inputs and waste outputs may be overlooked because they are too familiar with the process. Talk to other employees and, perhaps more importantly, walk around the business premises and take a good look. For every input, there must be a corresponding output. Make sure that there is an output for each input to a unit process. If there is a weight change in a raw material or product, account for the difference and make sure it is included in the input/output diagram. Remember all wash water, atmospheric emissions, dust and any pollution. Balancing inputs and outputs is a useful method of tracking down waste outputs that may otherwise be overlooked. On the other hand, system in supermarkets depend on employees, suppliers, customers and even the competition for research, development and profit. Because the business doesn’t have control af all the environmental forces, it relies on predictions and contingencies to cope with unempected input. During the 1960s, researchers began to analyse organisations from a systems perspective, a concept taken from the physical sciences. A system is a set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a manner that produces a unified whole. The two basic types of systems are closed and open. Closed systems are not influenced by, and do not interact with, their environment. In contrast, open systems dynamically interact with their environment. Today, when we describe organisations as systems, we mean open systems. An organization takes in inputs (resources) from the environment and transforms or processes these resources into outputs that are distributed into the environment. The orga nisation is ‘open’ to, and interacts with, that environment (Robbins, Stagg, Bergman & Coulter, 2008, p. 52). System researchers envisioned an organisation as being made up of ‘interdependent factors, including individuals, groups, attitudes, motives, formal structure, interactions, goals, status, and authority’. What this means is that managers coordinate the work activities of the various parts of the organisation and ensure that all the interdependent parts of the organisation are working together so that the organisation’s goals can be achieved. For example, the systems approach would recognise that, no matter how efficient the production department might be, if the marketing department does not anticipate changes in customer tastes and work with the product development department in creating products customers wants, the organisation’s overall performance will suffer (Robbins, Stagg, Bergman & Coulter, 2008, p. 52). In addition, the systems approach implies that decisions and actions taken in one organisational area will affect others, and vice versa. For example, if the purchasing department does not acquire the right quantity and quality of inputs, the production department will not be able to do its job effectively (Robbins, Stagg, Bergman & Coulter, 2008, p. 53). Finally, the systems approach recognises that organisations are not self-contained. They rely on their environments for essential inputs and as sources to absorb their outputs (Robbins, Stagg, Bergman & Coulter, 2008, p. 53).
Friday, August 30, 2019
Poverty in Latin America Essay
This paper will discuss the poverty in Latin America. Latin America has always been in poverty and although there have been some ups and downs, the poverty level remains great. First, we will discuss the region that is known as Latin America, the determining factors of poverty, the statistics and history of the poverty in Latin America and the future of the poverty in Latin America. Latin America refers to the areas of America in which the Spanish or Portuguese languages prevail. These areas include Mexico, most of Central and South America, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and Brazil. Latin America can be subdivided into different regions, such as North America, South America, Central America and the Caribbean. (Wikipedia, Retrieved 2010). Latin America consists of many different ethnic backgrounds and races. It is one of the most diverse regions in the world. Some of the predominant races/backgrounds include European-Amerindians (Mestizo), Amerindians, European, Mulatto, Black, Asian and Zambo (mixed Black and Amerindian). Latin America continues to be challenged by inequality and poverty. Poverty is defined as, â€Å"the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions. †(Merriam-Webster, Retrieved 2010). According to the World Bank, nearly 25% of the population of Latin America lives on less than $2. 00 a day. At least 182 million people are living in poverty in Latin America and at least 68 million people are living in extreme poverty. Poverty is defined as living on less than $2. 15 per person per day and extreme poverty as living on less than $1. 08 per person per day. â€Å"The poverty rate in Latin America was halved from 60% in 1950 to less than 30% in 2000. However, during the same time period income inequality remained more or less the same, making both poverty reduction and economic growth more difficult; as in other countries with a wide income gapâ€â€even developed onesâ€â€the challenge is to increase the incomes of the lower economic groups at a faster rate than those of the wealthier groups. In reality, economic growth rarely works this way. Latin American income inequality is drastic: the average annual per capita income is $4,000, but the region is home to many millionaires and billionaires. The fourth richest person in the world, Carlos Slim, whose worth was estimated at $23. 8 billion in 2005, is Mexican. †(Poverty in the Developing World, Retrieved 2010). Articles state, however, that these numbers are deceiving in that rising above the official poverty rate by a few cents or even a dollar does not mean you are any better off. People in this situation are still impoverished and are living in a way that they are unable to provide for themselves much less their family, if any. Certain areas in Latin America are worse than others. Bolivia has the highest poverty and inequality rate. Haiti is just behind Bolivia. Following Haiti are Colombia, Paraguay, Brazil, Panama, Nicaragua, Uruguay and Mexico. Many of these countries have responded to poverty by implementing new or modifying old social assistance programs. Social assistance programs are programs developed to assist the poor. The main aspects of the current social assistance programs are (1) conditional cash transfer, which is where cash is transferred directly into the household based on certain conditions, such as children attending school and doctor visits; (2) the household; (3) targeting the poorest; and (4) being multidimensional in that they are able to assist many dimensions of poverty at once. The future of Latin America is vague and unknown. Latin America has consistently been impoverished but the percentage fluctuates. Many programs are available to the public in order to help Latin America and the people thereof. I believe the people themselves and the entire dynamic of Latin America will need to change before the poverty levels change significantly. Donations and charities may help but they will only scratch the surface. The issues of Latin America are deep and need to be dug up and dealt with by the people of Latin America. In conclusion, we see that this is a current problem that is steadily being addressed and researched. Latin America needs help and resources in order to come out of poverty. They also must make changes within their own system so that the help can be well received and utilized to the fullest.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Voucher Programs: A Discrimination
The emphasis on improving public education in the United States has been growing for years. Legislators, privately owned companies, school boards and community organizations are trying to come up with intelligent ways to rescue children from deteriorating public schools, particularly schools located in inner cities. They believe a possible solution to the problem involves offering voucher programs, which would provide financial-aid for families not fortunate enough to pay for their children to attend private schooling. Vouchers are only available to the students who excel in certain areas and rarely cover the cost of the entire education. Taxpayers will be paying higher taxes to compensate for the students attending private schools through voucher programs. This method of segregation not only widens the gap between public and private education but it also isolates a small percentage of ‘desirable†students from the rest of society. Voucher programs will only benefit a minute amount of students while hurting the entire school system and the general public. Voucher programs help separate the gap between faltering public schools and unambiguous private schools. What good would it do to segregate the brightest kids from society? (90% of students attend public schools) It would improve their education by a small fraction, but as a whole, society itself will not improve. In fact, society will falter. Public schools will increasingly weaken by taking the strongest components out and joining them with their counterparts in private schools. What incentive will that give the government to make public schooling better, if the beneficiaries are warded of into a â€Å"better†education? The good would leave and the bad would stay, making public schools even worse than they already are. Vouchers also undermine the court case Brown vs. Board of Education, which determined that separate but equal is definitely not equal. Earl Warren, the judge residing over the case stated, â€Å"separate educational facilities are inherently unequal,†(Garrety, 787). Vouchers will segregate the society by placing students in separate facilities with tax payers†money. This form of separation is wrong. On average, a student receiving a voucher will be granted $2,500-$5,000 a year for private education. This is usually enough money to send a student to a local private school funded by the church. â€Å"In many areas, 80 percent of vouchers would be used in school whose central mission is religious training†(Internet source 1) Religion is everywhere in these schools. Prayers fill the schools halls, assemblies, sporting events and classrooms. Taking taxpayers money and channeling it into voucher programs is a travesty. It causes deliberate and unavoidable conflict between the church and the state. In the 1940†³s the High Court declared that, â€Å"no tax in any amount large or small†¦ e levied to support any religious activities or institutions†(Internet source 1) and in 1997 the government also concluded the refusal to fund, â€Å"inculcation of religious beliefs,†(Internet source 1). Voucher programs would demand citizens of all races and ages to pay for a religious education for children they will never know. How could the government not subsidize institutions that offer a curriculum entirely different than the norm? For example a school run by an extremist group like the Ku Klux Klan, or a curriculum primarily focusing on communism will also demand funding. The government will have to offer them funding for vouchers just like every other religiously affiliated private school. The American public will be contributing to the advancements of these types of schooling. This is not fair! Voucher programs, in no possible form can ameliorate public education. Some public schools will be left with fewer dollars than in previous years, and they will have the poorest and least intelligent students to teach. No teacher will want to teach in such circumstances. They know that they will possibly receive pay cuts, which will give little to no incentive for teachers to stay teaching at public schools. It will promote unqualified and inexperienced faculty to fill the unwanted positions, which will make the situation even worse than it already is. There would be a rise in popularity for teaching jobs in private schools, driving potential prospects for teachers in public schools away. As a whole, voucher programs pose an immense threat to the public education system. They have proven to be unpopular amongst states around the entire country. â€Å"When offered to vote on voucher-like programs, the public has consistently rejected them; voters in 19 states have rejected such proposals in referendum ballots. In the November 1998 election, for example, Colorado voters rejected a proposed constitutional amendment that would have allowed parochial schools to receive public funds through a complicated tuition tax-credit scheme. Indeed voters have rejected all but one tuition voucher proposals put to the ballot since the first such vote 30 years ago. †(Internet source 2) It is obvious that vouchers are not the solution to public education struggling to Vouchers sidetrack the building of support for public schools which is exactly what public schools need. The United States government should try and come up with a solution, which will benefit the school system as a whole. Vouchers only benefit . 1% of all students attending schools throughout the United States. Vouchers do not help to improve deteriorating public schools, and they do not help the majority of students in those schools. How can the government make families (already struggling financially to send their children to public schools) help pay for kids attending private schools through voucher programs? It cannot happen and never will!
Advanced Systems Design Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Advanced Systems Design Project - Essay Example The device will have a paralyzed robot that will be in a position to reach a certain point via a lee way that can be determined before the implementation of the system. The device will not be in a position to move, therefore, the device will be limited to the help of the emitting signals. For the device to be pushed in a certain section, the operator will control the rewuest of the machine by emiting the signals from various sections. To carry out the task the operators will be in a position to carry out the perception of the system that will be used in determining the error of the paper. The device will also have the two signal emitters for the carriage which are aimed at attracting the mobile robors and in transmitting the forces required to move the device in various directions. The signal intensity is dependent of the translation and rotation that is needed by the agent to move it in their prospected direction. The automatic device instrument will function by detecting the latitu de and altitudes through various processes. The detection of the energy that will be emitted will be important in coming up with topographical maps. However the device will only be able to detect a specific location that it will cover for the map. The efficiency of the device will vary from one instrument to the other. It is assumed that the device will only be able to see specific sections of the landscape. Therefore, it will be important to extrapolate the right landscape from the one that is tabulated.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Markting plane project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Markting plane project - Essay Example This offers a tremendous opportunity for the sale of optimum whey protein to the market. Consumers have become price conscious and have developed a need for affordable health products. Optimum whey protein will meet such a need by offering the products at cost effective prices. Recent market research studies indicate that consumers are also very conscious of their health and the content of what they consume (Brewer 95). Optimum whey protein contains high levels of proteins and less of carbohydrates which maintain good health. It also has very few side effects on consumers hence favorable for consumption. In recent years, consumers in the market for health products have shifted their preferences to demand more of products with natural tastes. The consumers have also increased their demand for products with high levels of proteins as they aim to boost their health. This is a wonderful opportunity for optimum whey protein to thrive because it contains high levels of proteins and low levels of carbohydrates. There has also been the entrance of new health products which have increased competition in the market. In the last five years, there has been increase in the demand for optimum whey protein among young professionals. This can be attributed to the fact that most of them are making efforts to keep their bodies healthy. The growth of the market for optimum whey protein is estimated to be about 5 percent each year. This growth has been consistent in the last five years and analysts record that the market may grow by 7 percent in the next five years (Brewer 57). The market growth has been characterized by increases in demand especially among athletes in the field of body building. The product has recorded an increase in usage among body building athletes because it contains high levels of protein, which is an important supplement for body builders. Clients in the market for health products consider a
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
IT Strategy to open a new office store in Rio de Janeiro Essay
IT Strategy to open a new office store in Rio de Janeiro - Essay Example It aims to continue expanding its market from its regional Headquarters in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This information is the start off point in development of an Information Technology strategy that will enable the company to establish and operate at the regional office in Brazil. The technology strategy is a framework that helps in managing technology oriented businesses like Apple Inc. The Brazilian economy is reputed for better performances than that of other economies in the South American Countries. The economic stability of the country is improving in all aspects, having grown at the rate of 7.5% in 2010 (Baer 76). There is more investor confidence in the country and the sector of technology which fall under communication is also developing. The choice of Rio de Janeiro is attributed to the growth in the country economy and thus a growing market for Apples products. Rio is the second largest city in Brazil and it’s the capital of Brazil. With its population and its economi c viability, it is a perfect location for the new regional headquarters. The company’s customers will include the students, professionals and companies who are many in the country of Brazil. The country is also said to receive many visitors which will also ensure the company’s product has a larger market (Baer 78). ... It will conduct consumer education on its product on behalf of Apple in Brazil. It will also give the company, the feedback on its products and the market trends. The office will conduct research on the market in Brazil and provide a feedback to the main office. It will monitor the trends and respond accordingly when necessary. The regional office will work together with the management of the headquarters to discuss on how to improve the products with the results of the research conducted in the specific country. The regional office will also be charged with the responsibility of finding employees of the company The company’s mission, vision statement will also be in line with the company’s interest. It will also find ways to deal with the competitors in this specific market. The mission will be in line with the headquarters mission so as to ensure the retention of brand uniformity and identity. The mission statement will be to take innovation to a level that will incre ase the performance of human resource to improve on the system and structure stability. This particular mission statement is derived from the main mission statement mentioned in the company’s main office. The mission statement should be followed and executed to ensure the success of the company being developed. The regional office should also be reflected in the regional office in full. The vision statement refers to the aims of a company. It summarizes the goals of a company and it forms the basis of the establishment of the company and its continuity (Lynch 372). It is an illustration of the company’s commitment to provision of better products and services. The vision and mission statement shows the direction the company wants to take. By
Monday, August 26, 2019
Efficiency Of The Work Of The Allstate Insurance Company Term Paper
Efficiency Of The Work Of The Allstate Insurance Company - Term Paper Example Necessary knowledge and skills apply in this process, thereby measuring just how much the program is set to work out in favor of the company. In the context of this company, the idea of this condition is down packed. Current job skills and expertise in the company is highly evaluated in the present times in relation to the goals, mission, and objectives of the company. Advancement program for employee skills and expertise is operational, training of workers put in place as well as mentoring services. Creative and critical skill development is therefore at the disposal of workers, and opportunities for advancement are therefore created. As much as the condition here is hectic to functionalize, it clarifies the firm’s goals and initiates efficiency in the operations of the company (Andreas, 1998). Difficult goals call for maximum attention and analysis over time. This is the second's step towards achieving functional goal-setting procedures. The employees must be upfront at all times in regard to the attainment of these difficult goals. Employees focus on their work has been enhanced in this company by the fact there is a childcare unit in the company. The childcare units are favorable to the users since they offer care discounts for the parents. Over and above this fact, Allstate uses other means to keep the workers focused on the goals of the firm. These means are: offering dry cleaning services as well as oil-change services. It is therefore little or no time wasted by the employees during work hours when they need the aforementioned services. Day breaks allow the parents to see their children without wasting so much time. They can, therefore, work as required by the company (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2011). Goal achievement progress needs to be monitored at each point in time, and necessary feedback toward such progress reported from time to time.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Questions and answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Questions and answers - Essay Example Paul’s teachings differ from those of Jesus’ in his definition of heaven. Paul describes heaven in his teachings as where the body of Jesus Christ dwells, while Jesus described the Kingdom of heaven as prophetic Kingdom of the Israelites here on earth. Paul’s also differed with Jesus when it comes to teachings on authority. Jesus directed that people should obey authority and pay taxes while Paul’s teachings mostly condemned authority. Paul also differed from Jesus in his teachings where he emphasizes that one’s faith alone is required in salvation. This is different from what Jesus taught since he stipulated that in order for a person to have salvation; faith, repentance, and Baptism are necessary. Another difference that characterizes Paul’s teaching from those of Jesus was how the teachings were delivered. Paul’s teachings were mostly in form of letters to different congregations while those of Jesus were mostly delivered in form of parables. 2. Explain the schism between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. There are various issues that contributed to the schism between the Roman Catholic and the Eastern orthodox churches. ... d to the schism between the two factions of Christianity were issues that surrounded priesthood, the major one being the celibacy of priests which the orthodox churches were greatly opposed to. The papal authority was one of the major issues that led to the schism between the west and the east. Eastern orthodox churches were greatly opposed to the religious and political power that revolved bishops and moreover the pope. These eastern orthodox churches argued that the pope was meant to be the servant of God thus to the people and not a form of authority on earth. In fact, before the separation of the two factions scholars have argued that the pope was the most powerful authority in the known world at the time. Disagreement over the Holy Spirit also contributed greatly o the two factions ex communicating each other (Fisher 328). For instance the western faction stipulated that the Holy Spirit came from the Son and the Father while the eastern faction stipulated that â€Å"the Holy Sp irit proceeds only from the Father†(Fisher 328). 3. What issues did each of the Protestant Reformers (Luther, Calvin, the English Reformers) have with the Roman Catholic Church? Luther One of the major issues that that Martin Luther had against the Roman Catholic was the understanding of salvation. According to the Roman Catholic, in order for a person to be forgiven of their sins after being baptized they must seek repentance and then confess to a priest their sins. Martin Luther differed with this since after studying the bible intensely, he understood that salvation was available to anyone as long as they repented since God offered salvation to all people through the death of his son Jesus. Calvin John Calvin also had issues with the Roman Catholic on the application and understanding of
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Teen (brain) Development Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Teen (brain) Development Report - Essay Example The issue of this generation gap has been the source of a lot of discussion and more so when the current teenagers quite often look for quick fixes and instant gratification in life, with the virtue of patience appearing to loose relevance. Does this arise from just the differing generations or are there more basic issues including the manner of brain development in teenagers. Insight into the structure and the way the brain develops and functions have come about as a result of deep study on the matter. (Benson, D. Grey matter gallery. 2002). The insight is not without its controversies, as is usually seen in research fields and more so here as there is likely to be difference of opinion from the philosophic point of view as the matter under consideration is the functioning of the brain. (Sheppard, R. How We THINK? 2000). The development of the brain starts from the time of conception and continues into adolescence and teenage. This maturing of the brain is a result of chemical and hormonal development and occurs in stages. An example of this can be seen in that the period between the ages six and fifteen is considered to be the peak language development period as the left hemisphere fills out and after which acquiring new language skills becomes more difficult. The brains of the teenager are still in the developing stage and there are functional areas that are different from that of an adult brain. The frontal cortex area, which is the seat of cool decision making, is still in the developing stage in a teenager, whereas it has full developed in the case of an adult. This would definitely provide different ways in which decision are made and there is quite likely to be differences of opinion on the decisions that have been taken. (Bergman, B. A five-tonne tool for BRAIN SURGERY. 2000). The difference of views that occur among teenagers and adult parents come about
Friday, August 23, 2019
Benefits of Flexibility Development Training Research Paper
Benefits of Flexibility Development Training - Research Paper Example An athlete can only develop his or her flexibility if he or she trains regularly. The primary purpose of training is that it helps the athlete move his or her joint via its complete range of motion. Flexibility is arguably the most highly adaptable fitness that helps the athlete improve his or motion in athletics activities. Past studies show that the more an athlete carries out flexibility programs in the training reduces the incidence of injuries ("Flexibility Exercises for Young Athletes-OrthoInfo - AAOS", 2017). This is due to the increased ability to move unimpeded via a broader range of motion. But it is worth to note that an athlete should not carry out an excessive or unstable range of motion during flexibility programs to avoid the likelihood of getting injured. If an athlete carries out appropriate flexibility training, he or she can become more in tune with his or body. Additionally, it helps an athlete form an active relaxation which can help improve both physical and men tal recovery.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
MARKETING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words
MARKETING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION - Essay Example The first McDonalds restaurant was opened in 1940 established its image as a fast and speedy service provider. To date the restaurant is known for its fast service and convenience. McDonald’s revenue is about $ 22.8 billion with operating profits of $3.9 billion (McDonalds 2008). Today the firm has many rivals and competitors yet it has been able maintain its number one position. However, competition is building up and McDonalds does not seem to have a very bright future. It has not been able to develop a product in a decade that would appeal to the masses. Coupled with that, McDonalds entered some wrong markets where the competition already existed with full force leading the firm to close down its operations in those markets (McDonalds 2008). Also, McDonalds has been blamed for causing obesity amongst children and have been charged with lawsuits also. With the changing needs and requirements of the market, McDonalds has been able to update itself in terms of menu, environment, service and technology. With its growing customers globally, McDonalds developed its website where it interacts with its customers and gives them what they require. McDonalds has maintained a separate website for every country (McDonalds 2008). These websites have been localized in terms of menu, layout and language etc. but the color schemes and logo are the same in all the websites. Several marketing campaigns have been launched via the websites especially the ‘I’m lovin it’ in 2003 with great success. This was an essential move as the target market was moving towards the internet from the TV and promotion was becoming a challenge (Singh 1994). The websites have proved to be a great interacting medium with the customers and has enables the firm to reach their target market especially those in the age bracket of 16-24 years who are avid internet users(Chiem 2000). This interface
The Use of Light in Bill Henson and Caravaggios Work Essay Example for Free
The Use of Light in Bill Henson and Caravaggios Work Essay Through the use of light, artists continue to receive a strong emotional response from the audience. This is an essential element of an audience’s perception of a work – it may determine whether the artwork is perceived as happy or depressing, or even provides the difference between whether the work is friendly and welcoming, or shocking and confronting. Artists have used light for a long time to stimulate the emotions of the viewer. Two artists that have used this technique are Bill Henson and Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, or more simply known as just Caravaggio. Bill Henson is a contemporary Australian photographer, born in 1955, while Caravaggio was an Italian painter (1571 – 1610). When Henson’s photographs are viewed through the subjective frame, they are looking to induce an emotional response from the viewer, while through the cultural frame, they are depicting the themes and issues of adolescence, isolation, the urban landscape and more. When Caravaggio’s work is similarly viewed through these two frames, his paintings induce an emotional response from the viewer, and his work is culturally significant. His paintings are often depicting scenes from history, a recurring theme being religious scenes from the bible. There is a similar key tool used by both artists to reach their audience. This is their use of light. Both Bill Henson’s and Caravaggio’s work includes a similar dominant stylistic device. This device is called ‘chiaroscuro’, which is an Italian term, meaning ‘light-dark’. It refers to the tonal contrasts used in art. Caravaggio was a pioneer of a style of painting called Tenebrism (literally translating to ‘murky’), in which a leading aspect was the dramatic lighting and prominent, heightened chiaroscuro. Caravaggio’s use of tenebrism brought a dramatic feel to the subjects, heightening the emotional intensity of the work. This intensity was then transferred to the viewers through the subjects of Caravaggio’s works. The subjects were most often realistic human figures, which made the work extremely easy to sympathise with. Caravaggio effectively portrayed emotion in his paintings, dramatising his figures and bringing a story into his work. This is why his art was so successful in reaching his audience and connecting him with the art world. This is a similar concept in Henson’s work. Most of his subjects are human figures, assisting him in the representation of his ideas in a confronting, direct, and sometimes controversial way. The way that Henson achieves the same effect of chiaroscuro in his photographs as Caravaggio does in his paintings, is through his underexposure and adjustment in printing. Henson’s work is powerful, creating an illusion of both a painting and a film through a combination of different techniques that make his work unique. The most prominent feature and device of Henson’s work is his use of light. The majority of his work features dark tones and colours, sometimes slightly tinted with yellow, red or blue. The brighter portions of Henson’s photographs and his use of light is tactically well controlled to uncover only crucial details. In some of his photographs, Henson juxtaposes the colourful yet mysterious, distant city lights through the use of bokkeh, with the underexposed, graphic images of the subject in the foreground. Some examples of this in his work include several images from the Untitled 2000/01 series, such as the girl sitting, the girl that is lying down, yet at the same time positioned so to look as if she is in flight, and another image of a girl lying on her stomach, Untitled #52. A combination of all of these devices is how Henson creates a mood for his photographs and opens his art to the world. He attracts the attention of audience and raises their awareness of a situation and his view of it, yet he still leaves his work open for interpretation and analysis. In a way, Henson’s work is almost haunting. It allows the viewer to feel as if they are almost spying on the subjects of Henson’s photographs. This is achieved by the way his photographs seem to stare right past the viewer, carrying on with their actions. This forces the audience to consider whether these are really models or actors, or if they are real life, documented figures. This is seen in his photograph of the girl in Untitled 2000/01. Through the use of chilling tones and contrast, along with his use of bokkeh, Henson allows the viewer to interpret the image in several different ways. The soft, pastel blue tinge on the girl’s skin suggests an almost unhealthy and dirty look, while the blurred city lights in the background aid with the image’s sense of mystery. This feeling of â€Å"spying on the subject†is also seen in Henson’s work Untitled 1994/95, as well as Untitled 1995/96 series where Henson’s use of white space highlights the possibility of a peephole or vantage point of sorts into the image’s environment. This is also a prime example of how Henson uses light to stimulate the emotions of the viewer. Surprisingly, during the time of their exhibition, Henson’s works did not spark much controversy, despite the particularly touchy subject of nude adolescent girls being exhibited in them. It was more recently, however, that a controversial issue was debated about Henson’s works, and a police investigation had even been issued, as well as Prime Minister Kevin Rudd commented on Henson’s works, and referred to them as â€Å"absolutely revolting†, of â€Å"no artistic merit†and â€Å"that Bill Henson†was becoming a notorious household name. For Henson, this criticism was nothing out of the ordinary. It was the product of his works being open for varying interpretations from his audience. His works empower the audience to experience their own diverse selection of emotions, and these emotions vary by interpretation. Caravaggio’s use of chiaroscuro was very unique. Artists had used it before him, but he was the one who perfected the technique and used it flawlessly throughout his works. Caravaggio’s work was emotionally provoking for audiences, as the severe contrast of shadow and light created a new feeling of passion in his paintings, mixed with harsh reality. There is no doubt that Henson was influenced by Caravagesques and Tenebrists. Caravaggio was an expert in darkening the shadows in his work and drawing attention to the subject by placing them in a mesmerizing light. Some examples of his work where he did this include Judith Beheading Holofernes, 1598/99, as well as The Entombment of Christ, 1602/03. These are only two examples, but his use of chiaroscuro is seen throughout every one of his works. Not only did this technique fixate the attention of the viewer on the subject, it heightened their emotional response to the painting. All his paintings scream of, and were filled with, drama and emotion, and the key component of him achieving this was through his use of light, almost burning the image into the viewer’s brain. Both Bill Henson and Caravaggio are surprisingly similar in several ways. Both their works are realistically appealing, yet confronting. Henson creates painterly photographs, while Caravaggio successfully creates cinematic paintings. However, there is one particular thing that ties these two artists together and shows their similarity exceptionally well, and this is their extensive use of light to set a mood to their work, and to evoke an emotional response from their audience. â€Å"Work a great deal with evening effects, a lamp, a candle, etc. The tantalizing thing is not always the source of light, but the effect of light. †– Edgar Degas.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Peer Pressure And How It Affects Behaviour Philosophy Essay
Peer Pressure And How It Affects Behaviour Philosophy Essay What is social influence? Social influence is the change in behaviour that one person causes in another, intentionally or unintentionally, as a result of the way the changed person perceives themselves in relationship to the influencer, other people and society in general. Types of social influence on behaviour are a very interesting and an important topic in social psychology. It goes on to show us that even though individuals might consider themselves to possess qualities of uniqueness, when studied, their behavioural patterns are not very different from other individuals. The purpose for this study is to determine if social influence is bad or not. The two types of social influence that will be discussed are conformity and obedience. Conformity is the tendency to change ones behaviours or beliefs to match others. Why do people change because of social influence? Social psychologists provide two main reasons for the effects of social influence which are normative social and informational social influence ( Deutsch Gerard, 1995 ). Obedience is obeying an order from someone that you accept as an authority figure. Obedience can be constructive and destructive. How social influence can affect peoples behaviour will be discussed in this study. . Conformity Peer Pressure and how it affects behaviour Peer pressure is an example of normative social influence. This form of influence stems from our need to be liked by others. That is why we will follow certain behavioural patterns in order to conform to others expectations. Depending on how influential or popular a person or group is and how important their approval is for one, they will follow suit just so that they are liked by them. Teenagers especially face many issues related to conformity and peer pressure. They are pulled between the desire to be seen as individuals of unique value and the desire to belong to a group where they feel secure and accepted. As a result, teenagers reject family or general society values, while feeling pressure to conform rigidly to the values of their peer group. For example, this can be seen when young people join gangs. By joining the gang they are rejecting the communitys way of dressing and behaving. They have to conform to the gangs own style of dress, behaviour, and speech. They must follow what the other gang members are doing. Sometimes, they are involved in all kinds of negative activities such as smoking, drinking, taking drugs and so on. Peer pressure by itself is neither positive nor negative. For example, both high and low academic achievements are closely linked to peer influences. Several studies say that the values of the peer group with whom the high school student spends the most time are a stronger factor in the students level of academic success than the values, attitudes, and support provided by the family. Some students who spent time with an academically oriented peer group got better grades despite the fact that their families were not so supportive. People get influenced easily when they join gangs. They start drinking, smoking, taking drugs and doing all kinds of negative activities. For them, it is fun doing such things because they are in a gang. They influence one another to do bad things. Peer pressure also influences the degree to which children conform to expected gender roles. For example, girls get better grades in science and mathematics compared to boys up to grade six, but during adolescence girls test scores and level of expressed interest in these two subjects tend to decline. The tendency is to abandon competition with boys in favour of placing more emphasis on relationships and on physical appearance. In expressed peer pressure, a boy may be challenged by the group to prove his manhood by having sex or performing a risky stunt such as car racing. On the other hand, girls may be told that if they want to be part of a group they must do something illegal such as taking drugs. Studies show that both girls and boy take risks they do not want to take because they believe the risky behaviour will increase their standing in the eyes of their peers, make them more popular and assure their acceptance in the group. They can feel safe and secure in the group. Implied peer pressure is more subtle and can be harder to combat. For example, a group of boys may make fun of the way another boy is dressed, pressuring members of their group to dress only in one acceptable style. Because of this, people who look, dress, act in a different way or have different interests from those of their age group become outcasts. Pressure groups place on their members not to associate with anyone unlike themselves . This can lead the rejected person to feel desperate and depressed. However peer pressure isnt all bad. You and your friends can pressure each other into some things that will improve your health and social life and make you feel good about your decisions. Think of a time when a friend pushed you to do something good for yourself or to avoid something that wouldve been bad. There are some good things friends can pressure each other to do such as be honest, avoid alcohol, avoid drugs, not smoke, and respect others. One good example is group studies. In a group study, friends are able to encourage one another to study well. They are able to help one another by discussing difficult topics, solving problems and also understanding a particular topic well by actually interacting with one another. These are all the good sides of peer pressure. These types of behaviours are influential. One can be influenced but in a good way. One is influenced to do good things rather than doing bad things. Peer pressure provides individuals with a yard stick for self evaluation, leading individuals to being more competent. Interaction among peer groups who exchange different viewpoints for example political, religious or educational can promote moral development and independence in personal expression. Internet and how it affects behaviour Informational influence is a form of conformity which occurs when an individual turns to another in order to obtain information. It occurs when the person does not know what to do and turns to another person or other sources of information and believes the information from this person or source is true. This particular phenomenon takes on specific qualities on the Internet. On the Internet there is nobody standing in front of the room speaking or guiding the group. Nonetheless informational influence certainly occurs.  A cue used in forums, which can be dedicated to any subject ranging from music to international politics, is the post counter. To know how many times they have written a post, a small number under the users screen name will be able to indicate it. Ranking sytems can be found in some forums. As they become more involved in the community and continue making new posts, they will be ranked as experts. So, people tend to get influenced and think that the contributions written by users with the most posts and has a higher ranking are more valid than those of new users. Users often believe in information provided by these individuals rather than others. The information stored in the Internet is portrayed and interpreted in a different way than by exposure through meetings in person. The influence physical appearance such as clothing has on the perception of authority is a different social psychological phenomenon, yet it is an important factor in informational influence. There are many different things that can be done by the web designer to improve the visual aspects of the site, which replaces the physical appearance of the individual. This is done since people are not able to see how an individual behind a website appears. This in turn gives the impression that the information on the website is more credible and reliable. A well designed website can be particularly effective if it organizes and portrays information in a particular way. Older individuals or those who have limited experience with computers are easily influenced. The mere fact that the Internet is text based is also a form of informational influence in itself. People often feel that information conveyed through text is more reliable than information passed through word of mouth. The influence of the Internet has caused an impact on the way we communicate, learn and even shop. Through the Internet, all kinds of information can be easily spread. The introduction of mail service has changed the way people connect to others in their social world. Mail made possible connections among people without physical proximity. On the one hand, since the main use of the Internet is for communication, some people might speculate that the Internet will have positive social consequences in peoples everyday lives because it increases the frequency and quality of interpersonal communications among people. People with easy access to others would feel better connected and more strongly supported by others, leading to happiness and engagement in families, organizations, communities, and society more generally. People are able to communicate more easily. The Internet also allows people to work more easily from their home, to search for any information that they need, to form and sustain friendships and even romantic attachments from their home, to vote and engage in political and social issue based discussions with others. Some people are able to maintain long distance relationships through the Internet. For example, people are able to communicate through social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Skype and so on. In this variety of ways, Internet communications can potentially displace face-to-face communications. According to some psychologists, social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter demonstrate that group polarization can occur even when a group is not physically together. Blindly trusting information that they find online can be bad. As we know, not all information that is online can be reliable. There are many fake websites that are created by web designers in order to influence people and they also have all kinds of schemes that can trick people of their money. Besides, information that we get through forum websites on the Internet are sometimes not reliable and not true. Some users tend to simply post information out of nowhere and that brings no meaning at all. So, people that are searching for information on a certain topic for example would belief such posts and think that its true. They will think that the information on that website is true and reliable when it actually is not that reliable. Besides, social networks can influence people in a bad way. For example, Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg started the website with the intention of helping students to get to know each other better. As we can see nowadays, people are so addicted to Facebook. Children that spend more time on the Internet tend to develop anxiety, more stomach aches and more sick days from school. Besides, as we can see students that spend most of their time with the Internet, like using Facebook get lower grades in their exams. Facebooks applications can be really addicting. Facebook is giving people the chance to turn to another person to obtain information. We can even form our own group and invite others to join it. There is even an anti group group. As we can see, Facebook is actually influencing people to create and join such groups that can bring harm to themselves and the society. (James M.Henslin, Third Edition,2009 ,Pearson International Edition, Sociology ) Obedience Obedience to authority and how it affects behaviour An example is the classroom authority. Teachers use a different set of techniques for fostering obedience than they do for facilitating personal responsibility. Most obedience techniques rely on punishment and reward. Teachers try to demonstrate consistency in applying these positive and negative consequences to maintain a safe and orderly classroom. Students are to honour their teacher. This goes beyond obedience. It means to hold high or to give a special place of respect. Obedience will be the result of such honour, but obedience can be performed without honour. This is a simple situation where obedience to authority can be seen. Primary 2 students for example were told to memorize their times table and they were told that their task was to help another subject like themselves learn the times table (in pairs). Each time one made a mistake, they would be punished together by the teacher. For example, standing in midfield or running around the field. They would then be given a second chance by which if they made a mistake a second time the punishment would be more severe. Besides, there are some teachers that use positive reinforcement to get their students to obey them. For example, a teacher rewards his or her student with a chocolate when he or she memorises the times table correctly. Positive reinforcement always works better on a child than punishment for negative behaviour or disobedience. From this, we can say that students will definitely obey the teacher and memorise the times table properly in order to avoid the punishment. A social psychologist, Philip Zimbardo carried out the Stanford Prison experiment (1971) showing a fine example of perception of authority to social roles. Zimbardo selected volunteers and randomly assigned them to either a prison guard or a prisoner role to observe their interaction. Zimbardo believed that the behaviour in prisons could be best explained using a situational attribution. In particular he believed that the conditions were influenced by the social roles that prisoners and prisoner guards are expected to play. Not even Zimbardo foresaw how the study would turn out. Students were then selected from a response to an advertisement in a newspaper asking for volunteers to participate in a psychological study into prison life. Guards were told about their duties and the prisoners were arrested and blindfolded. This experiment was carried out at The Stanford University Psychology Department. The experiment was supposed to be for 2 weeks. Unfortunately, it only lasted for about 6 days due to the situation becoming all too realistic. They became engulfed by role that they were acting out. The guards became abusive to the point where they would humiliate and push the prisoners around. The prisoners were depressed and some were even released few days after the experiment had begun. Zimbardos study shows that the roles we play as members of a group can have a powerful effect on behaviour. ( Taylor S.E , Peplau L.A, Sears D.O ( Social Psychology, twelfth edition ) ) The question whether obedience is good or bad arises. Our society raises us to believe that obedience is good and disobedience is bad. We are taught to obey others and to be disobedient is something that is not good. Society tells us this, but it is not really true. Obedience is required for our society to function, yet, because of the power of authority, individuals may obey in ways which are destructive and against their personal, moral values. Most people will even be obedient to the point of causing harm to others, because to be disobedient requires the courage to be alone against authority. In Stanley Milgrams Perils of Obedience experiment, his studies showed that sixty percent of ordinary people would agree to obey an authority figure even to the point of severely hurting another human being. Zimbardos prison guards were abusing their power and controlling the prisoners. This shows that those in higher positions tend to influence others immorally. In this experiment, the priso ners became traumatized, depressed and dehumanized. Zimbardos prison experiment is a form of destructive obedience. The trauma inflicted being large or small seems to be unnecessary or avoidable and arguably unethical. Zimbardo failed to question the morality of what was going on and what the prisoners were going through. Was he showing any regard as to the well being of the participants? He had become a participant rather than the observer to his work. Being disobedient is not always wrong. As we can see in Hebrew mythology, human history began because of an act of disobedience. Adam and Eve gained independence from nature by disobeying God and eating an apple. Mans development has largely been affected by being disobedient to authority. Its as though we are allowing society to imprison us by accepting the roles assigned to us. Obedience is a behaviour deeply ingrained in us. It can be seen as an impulse that overrides ethics and sympathy. The tendency to locate the source of behaviour disorders in a particular person or group underestimates the power of situational forces. Constructive obedience benefits society. Without obedience to authority, society could not function. Constructive obedience is building upon obedience in a positive way. It uses positive reinforcement to get results using positive psychological methods. For example the teacher rewards the student for good behaviour and does not punish them for bad behaviour. Destructive obedience is when we obey blindly. We obey to do things that will harm us or others. We tend to obey easily because when we are obedient to an authority, we tend to feel safe and protected. We cant make mistakes because the authority decides for us and we cant be alone, because the authority watches over us. No matter what our behaviour is, it can be justified on the ground that we are only following orders, doing what were told from above. We can easily be brought to view ourselves as an instrument for carrying out another persons wishes, and so we no longer feel responsible for our actions. Unfortunately, that can make us feel responsible to the authority, instead of the content of the orders the authority is giving. The focus is changed although there is still morality there. However, this does not necessarily mean that all disobedience is good and all obedience is bad. That would ignore the relationship between obedience and disobedience. Acts of obedience to one principle is usually and act of disobedience to another. If a man can only obey, then therefore he is a slave and will accomplish very little. But, if a man can only disobey, he is a rebel and does not act in the name of a conviction or principle. We have to obey authority otherwise there would be chaos. This scenario would be far worse as you wouldnt be as safe and many of your basic rights could easily be violated. There have been people throughout history who have challenged authority to great effect. This occurs because the people in authority issue laws and rules that are unfair. Simple rule is, we obey to societys rules because they normally benefit us. Conclusion Is social influence bad? Well, as we have discussed, social influence has its pros and cons. Therefore, social influence can be good and it can be bad. As for peer pressure, the difference between good peer pressure and bad peer pressure is often summed up with a simple comparison. When it is good, you are a member of the crowd and when it is bad, you are part of a mob. If peer pressure is telling you to act in a generally appropriate way, to do the right thing when you may not otherwise, or to do more good than harm, experts say it is safe to say this is good. As long as following the crowd does not cause one to act without consideration, following is not always a bad thing to do. In a situation where peer pressure is good, individuals in the groups would be acting as individual parts of a whole, each working with the other. We have also discussed about the Internet and how it influences behaviour. Well again, it has its pros and cons. It can be a bad influence but at the same time it can be a good influence too. It all depends on the individual himself. If you look at it as something good and beneficial, then yes it would be beneficial to you and it would influence you in a good way but if you chose to use it in the wrong way then it can be a bad influence on your behaviour. For example, like Facebook. If you chose to use Facebook for communication purpose or as a faster way for exchanging information with someone else, then it could be a good thing. But if you use it for the wrong reasons, then you could be influenced to do things that are not so good and that could leave a bad impact on your behaviour and others. Regarding obedience, if our minds are so quick to obey an authority, we should channel our obedience towards our knowledge. Transform morals into authority, make decisions and carry out actions which affect our society in a positive and effective way. If we can accomplish this, our morals, values and critical discourse will determine our contribution to society. The danger comes when we blindly obey such figures and as a result behave in an immoral way as a result. Again, obedience has its pros and cons. Therefore, we conclude that social influence can be good and can be bad.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
What can I do to Prevent Prejudice Ness? :: essays research papers
â€Å"What can I do to Prevent Prejudice from Growing in my Community?†     There are prejudice people in almost every community. Prejudice ness doesn’t have to deal with just races; it can differ in a variety of reasons. We cannot stop all prejudice nesses in every community, however there are ways in which we can prevent it from growing.      My definition for prejudice is discriminating against others who you feel are inferior to yourself. Majorities of prejudice people in America are against races different from their own. They feel that because someone is Asian, African, Middle Eastern, Hispanic, or European and speak a different language than English they are â€Å"less American†and shouldn’t be treated equally even if they were born in America or have received their citizenship.      A lot of adults are also prejudice against teenagers. They think that because teenagers dress in different styles, talk in slang, and hang out in large groups that they are a bunch of delinquent criminals. For example, if there is a group of teenagers walking down a street at night and a police officer drives by, they are automatically suspicious and watch them like a hawk, especially if they are Hispanic or Black. If there was a group of adults walking down the street at night, a police officer could drive them and not even think twice.      There is so much prejudice ness around us that we are beginning to think about it as just a way of life. We as people cannot let this happen because it will just gradually get worse. I can prevent prejudice from growing in my community even if it only helps a few individuals. I can prevent this by making an assortment of different posters showing whom it mainly affects and what will eventually happen in our future. I could also make speeches about being prejudice at a local school or even city hall welcoming anyone who would like to join. Eventually a group would evolve from my speeches.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Fossil Fuels: Our Societys Dependency :: essays research papers
Fossil Fuels: Our Society's Dependency Our society has become dependent on fossil fuels for energy. That seems fine for now considering the fact that everyone is generally happy in the present situation. Fossil fuels are relatively inexpensive and seem to be doing the trick right now. Using fossil fuels arise such issues as global warming, rising costs of scarce resources, and shortages of raw materials. None of these problems will draw full attention until the demand is needed, it's the old supply and demand scenario. Although my opinion may seem pessimistic if you look at past events it points to the supply and demand scenario. Â Â Â Â Â During World War II rubber supplies were cut off to the western world and we began to work on a compound that was a synthetic rubber. We succeeded in supplying the demand and now that same synthetic compound is used today. My theory is that the same thing will happen with such things as plastic, which is made from fossil fuels. Someone will either come up with a synthetic plastic or come up with something to substitute for plastic. The person who comes up with the solution will become and instant millionaire and everyone will be happy. There is one draw back of this way of solving problems, I mean sure it's great to wait until the demand but we should still learn from our mistakes. We should learn to plan ahead and see what the consequences could possibly be. Â Â Â Â Â We still have other demands to meet, there are three major demands of fossil fuels and they are heating, transportation, and industry. Although transportation is taken care of, we may not like the thought of a solar car or an electric car but there are solutions out there. Frankly the oil companies don't want to lose their monopoly in the transportation industry and that brings us into the whole economy issue. If we run out of fossil fuels what will happen to the economy? Will it suffer? These are just a few questions that are asked everyday, but for now we are just going to look at solutions for demands on fossil fuels. This chart below illustrates the demands and the possible solutions. Energy Demand Alternative Energy Sources and Practices heating - solar heating, heat pumps, geothermal energy, biomass gas, and electrical from hydro and nuclear plants transportation - alcohol/gasohol and hydrogen fuels, and electric vehicles - mass transit, bicycles, and walking - solar energy, nuclear energy, and hydroelectricity - improved efficiency and waste heat recovery In conclusion I don't think the need for a substitute for fossil fuels will
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Essay --
(a) Deadweight loss, or as termed in the question, ‘welfare loss’, is the loss of consumer and producer surplus as a result of inefficient market activity, including monopolistic competition. According to the Theory of the Firm, monopoly power includes a much higher barrier of entry, which further impedes competition by increasing the start-up cost, which essentially creates high product prices, compared to the firms, which hold the monopoly power of production, and have already established production. As a result there a loss of productive and allocate efficiency, thus encouraging welfare loss, by decreasing consumer surplus due to limited competition and subsequent monopoly powers, which enable profit-maximization at a small production output, creating a deadweight loss. (b) By using anti-monopoly legislation and price regulations, two different forms of government interventional policies that are utilized to offset the market inefficiency, and subsequent loss of welfare, which monopoly power encourages, governments are able to reduce monopoly power in a sector of economy. The diagram below compares monopolistic competition and perfect competition: As the diagram above illustrates, the monopolistic profit maximization lies at the average market cost, representing a large deadweight loss in the triangle formed by ATC, AR and Monopoly Output. To combat this, reducing welfare loss by increasing output and lowering prices, government intervention may prove an efficient method of solving the problem of monopoly. By legislating anti-monopolistic policies, for example lowering barriers of entry to encourage competition that was previously unsuccessful due to the monopoly-induced high barriers of entry. This would profit companie... ... directly allocates funds to purposes of increase economic development, then they unconsciously limit the growth, which the nation will experience, because the financial resources have been used for secondary purposes. This can be exemplified in several socialists economic measures, such as taxation, transfer payments, indirect taxes, excessive government expenditure, with which the government aims to improve equity and income equality, but at the cost of economic and financial growth. However, taxation and transfer payments, will reduce the utilization of scarce resources of human labour, in the sense that it might limit the individual incentive to work, when the state offers alternative ways of income. This is observed in countries with large taxations, where transfer payment represent a living for many citizens, again with reference to the Scandinavian countries.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Canadian Blood Services IMC Essay
INTRODUCTION â€Å"Oscar Wilde once said that youth is wasted on the young. But investing in the future, the leaders of tomorrow, is more than just good business sense – it’s a necessity for survival and success†– Dr. Graham Sher, CEO of Canadian Blood Services (Pulse Magazine, 2012). Canadian Blood Services is a not-for-profit organization that operates across Canada, excluding Quebec. The objective of Canadian Blood Services is to encourage and receive blood donations through safe and secure methods to help Canadians who need blood transfusions (Canadian Blood Services, 2013). There is an increasing need for blood and blood donations across Canada. Of the current Canadian population, â€Å"the baby boomer generation remains the most loyal in terms of donating blood, while younger generations are significantly less likely to donate on a frequent basis†(Renwick-Shields, 2013). As the baby boomers age, Canadian Blood Services must find new ways to reach the you nger generations, including the fastest growing segment, the Millennials. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION How can Canadian Blood Services increase the number of BC Millennial whole blood donors by 20,000 by March 31, 2015? The target number of donors is based on the previous years’ statistics of Millennial donations (age 17-34), according the Canadian Blood Services data provided (Bird, 2014a). The target number is a percentage of half the total Millennial population of BC in 2012, as typically only half the population is eligible to donate (Renwick-Shields, 2013). The problem statement is specific to BC as a test market. The timeline is based on Canadian Blood Services’ fiscal year, beginning April 1, 2014 and ending March 31, 2015. KEY FINDINGS According to Canadian Blood Services, on average, every 60 seconds, someone in Canada requires blood or a blood product (2013). The demand for blood is not subsiding, increasing at a steady rate of 2% per year (Canadian Blood Services, 2013). To be an eligible donor, volunteers must meet many stringent requirements, including a minimum age of 17, sufficient levels of iron and hemoglobin in blood, and disclosure of health and travel history.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Enron collapse A look back Essay
Enron collapse: A look back Introduction       Enron was formed as a result of merging with another company and it became a successful corporate. The joy of the business owners is to see how it grows fast and to attract more investors. There are rules and regulation that governs the corporate financial report that is open for inspection by potential investors (Folger, 2011). The audit of these financial reports should disclose the accurate financial state of the company and this should be made known to the stakeholders of the company. The stakeholders of a company play an important role in progress of the business and the going concern of the company (Sterling, 2002). The company of Enron did not manage its debts and therefore looked for means of hiding the truth from its stakeholders so as to continue making profit.       The aim of a business is to make profit and be able to pay the debts of the creditors and also attract investors who are interested in the business. Most investor relay on the financial statement to determine whether to invest or not to invest (Folger, 2011). The Enron Company was a big company that was famous and successful before its fall. The corporate attracted many investors since they financial report showed how the business was growing at high rate (Bauer, 2009). However the corporate management did not disclose the true and fair view of the financial reports. The financial report of a company should not mislead the shareholders or its members.       Moreover, in the Enron scandal there were some cases in which it showed misconduct of its financial reporting since the corporate did not display true and fair financial accountings to its stakeholders. The corporate used financial fabrication and mark- market accounting to hide its actual debts and real financial situation (Folger, 2011). These reports made the investor believe that the corporate was making profit while it was making losses in real sense. It is also a form of fraud to stakeholders since it cannot meet all its debts and in case of winding up majority of the investors and shareholder would suffer greatly. The Enron scandal was deemed to be great since it had huge debts to settle and its assets could not settle these debts.       Indeed, financial misconduct affects a large group of stakeholder and leaves a great mark that cannot be erased (Sterling, 2002). For example the shareholders of Enron corporate were highly affected and suffered a loss of billions that were not recovered since the corporate went bankrupt and the assets of the business were also false in existence. The investors also suffered greatly from these financial misconduct, they lost their resources. In addition, the employees suffered greatly by losing billions of pension benefits due to the misconduct of financial reports which led to the bankruptcy of the Enron therefore could no longer pay them (Folger, 2011).       The financial statement of a company is very important to the investors, it gives an over view of the stability of the business and its ability to pay debts. The Enron corporate failed to disclose true and fair view financial statements by hiding its real financial reports and the investors were misled and also due to many investments made by the company lead to its bankruptcy (Sterling, 2002). The purpose of accurate financial reports is to help the investors and also the company to know to what extent they should contract or invest in other businesses. It also helps in managing of the company’s debt thus making profit but the Enron was only interested in making a lot of profits that led to their down fall.       Ethics are rules that govern every business and its members on how to conduct their daily roles in the company (Brady, & Dunn, 1995). In other words, the managers of this corporate owe their loyalty to its stakeholders and their interest ought to be the interest of the business (Bauer, 2009). In deontology of the Enron corporate, the management had a duty and obligations to display the true statement of finance and also to operate the business in the interest of the stakeholders and not their interest. As the leaders they ought to make sure that the going concern of the business is kept and the assets of the company are secured. In addition, the duty of the Enron managers was to disclose the true and fair view of financial reports (Bauer, 2009).       On other hand, utilitarian is a form ethic that is used to show the positive side of the organization, for example by disclosing the false statement to stakeholders thus blinding them of the real situation (Folger, 2011). The Enron leaders used different methods to conceal the truth about its debts and faked the profits. They made the business look attractive and therefore more investors invested in the business. At the end, the ethics rules were violated and the leaders had a role to play .Enron had a role to disclose the truth which could have rescued the company (Bauer, 2009). If at the beginning, the company revealed the truth it would not have ended bankrupt and the employees would have secured their jobs. Finally, the company had a duty to disclose the true financial statements and also save the company from falling and the scandals would have been avoided. The companies should put into practice the ethics governing the corporates. Therefore, to pr event any future happenings such as the past frauds in the company, there has been an enhanced regulation as well as oversight in the company (Folger, 2011). References Bauer, A. (2009). The Enron scandal and the Sarbanes-Oxley-Act. München: GRIN Verlag. Brady, F. N., & Dunn, C. P. (1995). Business meta-ethics: An analysis of two theories. Business Ethics Quarterly, 385-398. Folger, J. (2011). The Enron collapse: A look back. Investopedia, December 1. Retrieved October 25, 2014, at Sterling, T. F. (2002). The Enron scandal. New York: Nova Science Publishers. Source document
Teenage Drinking
Lots college students each year die in alcohol-related accidents both traffic crashes and other types of accidents. Students suffer injuries under the influence of alcohol. Not does Drinking cause accidents but also assaults and rapes. Alcohol interferes with academic performance too. About half of college students report academic consequences from their drinking, including missing class, falling behind, doing poorly on exams or papers, and receiving lower grades overall. Alcohol consumption poses problems not only for the drinking students themselves but also for their friends and fellow students and for a campus in general.Many of these things happen simply because people confuse myths with facts. As college students we can come together to change these things. We can help people realize what’s true and what’s not. I can still be in control! This not true because drinking does impairs your judgment, which increases the like-hood that you will do something you'll later regret such as having unprotected sex, being involved in date rape or some sort of assault, damaging others property like their car or house; or being harmed by others. Sometimes there is no physical damage its can be verbal.When you drink you tend to move and function slower than normal and your speech is slurred. These simple things can make a big difference. I'd be better off if I learn to â€Å"hold my liquor. †If you have to drink more and more large amounts of alcohol to get a buzz or get high, you are developing a tolerance for alcohol. This increases your chances of developing several serious problems, including alcoholism. People often say that they have a high tolerance for their alcohol which is why they can hold it better. That is not true.Your body has just gotten use to the alcohol and after so long you are going to want more than just those 3 beers that normally get you drunk. Now it could increase to 6 or 7 beers. I have to drink to fit in! Your peers don't drink as much as you think they do. Some college students only drink little or no alcohol on a weekly basis. Some people often think that they have to drink to have fun as well. If you have to drink to have fun than you’re not really having fun. People who get completely wasted at party are only doing it to fit in as well. They should just be themselves.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Integrated library system Essay
Computer technology the major culprit in the beginning to provide help in solving problems it has generated. Research and development is taking place on many front beyond libraries, including the information industries, and this trend is certain to continue. In today’s complex societies, access to information has become central to making division about the daily conduct of public and private life. As a result, contemporary libraries service entails not only the traditional functions of preserving and providing access to vast amount of printed material but also the creation of a more sophisticated information environment, one that make use of the full range of information technologies to serve the informational, educational, cultural, and recreational needs of students. Libraries are most effective when their policies, procedures, collection, personnel, services, and facilities follow the best practice in the field. To achieve quality library service, libraries required professional and support staff coupled with a system that allows automated processing of library services or transactions. For libraries, information retrieve has always been a human problem. As a result of the impact of computers, telecommunications, and new information technologies in the field, library and information studies education program have undergone significant changes. While the library remains the central organizational focus, it needs to improve its system in order to effect change. One of which is the conclusion of information technology. It is for this purpose that the researchers undertake a study automated library system. It is hope that this study will contribute in enhancing the library services of Vito National High School. Making them more efficient and effective in servicing students in particular and in society. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Vito National High School is within the area of Barangay Vito, Sagay City, Negros Occidental. It is located 15 kilometers east of Sagay City along its coastal boundary. It started as Barangay High School in 1967 by virtue of the Republic Act no. 6054, â€Å"an act to Institute Charter for Barrio High Schools†which was approved on August 4,1969. It was supervised by an Elementary School Principal, Mr. Angel Ventor in 1967 with only two teachers in a one Section first year class squatting in the elementary classroom and also they are sharing the library with the Elementary School. Only a few books was there inside the library. As Mr. Ventor retires, he was succeeded by Mr. Antonio Cawit in 1973 to 1976 who built the first Vito National High School Library with only 535 books inside it. From 1976-1985, the school was headed by the very dynamic and ever loyal to his job as principal, Mr. Serafin Ignalaga. After his leadership, he was succeeded by Mr. Rodrigo D. Sanchez in 1986, then Mrs. Felicidad Magbanua in 1987 . With the issuance of Republic Act 6655, otherwise known as the â€Å"Free Secondary Education Act†, the school was converted into a Nationalized High School on June 10,1988, with Mrs. Aida P. Perfido, the pioneer teacher as teacher- in- charge (1988-1995), but she was promoted as principal of Col. Griffin Memorial National High School, Minapasok, Calatrava. With that, Mrs. Gina P. Ferraris took the responsibility as OIC , after a year, Mr. Nicanor A. Alparito became the Head Teacher I of the School (1996-1997). He was then promoted as Education Supervisor I, T. L. E. of the newly established Division of Sagay City. It was June of 1998 when Mrs. Gina P. Ferraris was assigned as Head of the School, and was promoted to Principal I, under the supervision of Mrs. Mildred L. Garay, Schools Division Superintendent, Sagay City Division. During the term of Mrs. Ferraris, she requested more books to the Local and City Government, for the students to have more resources of learning. She got 1,150 total of books from both Local and City Government. It is Mrs. Naneth O. Moraca, took the responsibility as School Librarian. Library hours was from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM. If the student want to enter in the library, they have to log in two ways. If they will just go there and read their notes they will just log as library users. And if they want borrow books they will also log to the library users and to the borrower’s log book. Borrowing of books policy: the due date of the books of the borrowed books was three days after the borrowing date, if t student can’t return it after the due date they will have a penalty or fine of ten pesos or a pack of floor wax. Maximum of three books, as student can borrow using his or her library card. After ten years of service Mrs. Gina P. Ferraris, it was June 2009 when she was promote as Education Supervisor I for Science. With that, Mrs. Villa Tupaz from Eusebio Lopez Integrated School took placed as Division Principal II. December 10, 2010, Mrs. Villa Tupaz was transferred to Sagay National High School as a replace to Mrs. Bingkas that was promoted also as Educational Supervisor for MAPEH. Mr. Unilo C. Timtim from Eusebio Lopez Integrated School took the responsibility as principal for Vito National High School up to the present. He took much to the library. He gave 5000 pesos budget every school year. He donated his own books during his high school and college years. The library now contains 3,150 total of books. Still Mrs. Naneth O. Moraca was the librarian up to the present. Core Values Excellence, Eco-Awareness, Responsibility Vision A high performing school with competent and dynamic administrator and teachers with strong stakeholders elaborate to produce responsive individuals through a sound learning environment, preserving the gift of nature. Mission Vito National High School aims to produce graduates who are academically competitive, pro-environment and well-equipped with technical abilities to contribute in the total development of the community. Vito National High School Organizational Structure SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Students High School Faculty Canteen Staff Janitorial Staff Cashier Canteen In charge Treasurer Guidance Councilor STUDENT SERVICES Property Custodian Librarian General Objective The purpose of this study is to have a review of the manual library system of VITO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL. Specific Objective 1. To know the current library system used by Vito National High School. 2. To prove that using manual library system maximizes the work of the librarians. To proposed a system that reduces spare time in organizing and storing library files and data. NONESCOST LOCALE VNHS VITO CEMETERY OLDSAGAY HIGH-WAY . VITO BRGY. HALL CROSSING BULANON TO BRGY. VITO BRGY. BONIFACIO CROSSSING VITO SAGAY HIGH-WAY ESCALANTE HIGH-WAY BRGY. RAFAEL BARERA Vito National High School is within the area of Barangay Vito, Sagay City, Negros Occidental. It is located 15 kilometers east of Sagay City along its coastal boundary. Scope and Limitation The scope of the study is on the automated library system for Vito National High School specially in borrowing of books. It does not seek to include other systems or subsystems that the school uses. The aspects that the researchers considered are limited to the specific problem. The study covers by interviewing the librarian, the faculty and staff, and the students of Vito National High School. Review of Related Literature Library Management System is a system program that is used in a library for an easy use of addition of books, burrowers, issue dates, return dates, fine payments. It is done through a database programmed so, it gives a good interface to the operating user and a safe database for the storage of data like books and burrowers. It is very useful software for librarians and it requires a computer for the operation According to Ken Chad of Ken Chad Consulting we are at a major point of change in the wider information economy within which library systems form part of a larger whole. He was writing in a briefing paper about the study in library management systems . This study examined the systems used in higher-education libraries across the UK and came up with some significant observations and recommendations. It noted that the LMS market in UK higher education is already mature and that four main vendors (ExLibris, Innovative, SirsiDynix and Talis) have almost 90 per cent of the market. This market maturity means, according to the study authors, that the benefits to libraries of changing LMS provider are limited. Library users expect to find everything together says Stephen Abram, vice president for innovation at SirsiDynix, the leading provider of software solutions and associated services for libraries. According to her traditionally, the library management system or integrated library system (ILS) was responsible for running libraries efficiently and effectively. Over the last few years, the role of the ILS has been expanding from meeting library needs to delivering user experience. According to Elisabeth Robson usability is a key requirement for users, says Elisabeth Robson, Product manager for Online Computer Library Center. The catalogue has become a way to pull together disparate resources, including commercial resources and web links. Library management systems also allow circulation, including check in/check out and enable libraries to purchase materials and track where they are. Accessibility remains the key all information use. As people have become familiar with computer a trend to more direct access has placed increased pressured on libraries and other information agencies to proved users friendly retrieval system for their client. Research and development is taking place in many fronts beyond libraries, including the information industries and this trend is certain to continue, effort is concentrated in such as automated system. Including natural language processing, digitized imaging techniques and telecommunication. Artificial intelligence is being used with saurian for more cognitive approaches to data, including automatic query reformulations when there is insufficient response to the initial combination of research terms. Frequently involving cognitive psychologist and linguist in addition and information scientist for librarian’s information retrieval has always been a human problem. Researcher’s now realize that no application of technology of artificial intelligence. Parallel processing or networking can be truly effective without knowledge on how people think, learn and cumulate. (Mary E. Dykstra, school of library information studies, Dalhausie University). Methodology This section present method of research used in the study. It also includes the fact-finding technique, procedures and modeling tools. This aims to describe the nature of situation as it exists at the time of the study and to explore the causes of particular phenomena. MODELING TOOLS A. INTERVIEW: An interview is a face to face conversation between two people (the interviewee and the researcher) where questions are asked by the researcher to obtain the desired information from the interviewee. Interviews are useful to gather information from individuals. Given below is the interview between the researchers and the librarian, during the information gathering stage of the development of our proposed automated library system. B. OBSERVATION: A method of data collection in which the situation of interest is watched and the relevant facts, actions and behaviors are recorded. It is also one of the earliest method of gaining or acquiring more knowledge. In this method the researchers observe closely to the behavior of their subject which undergo an investigation in various natural setting. Is either an activity of a living being, such as a human, consisting of receiving knowledge of the outside world through the senses, or the recording of data using scientific instruments. The term may also refer to any data collected during this activity. An observation can also be the way you look at things or when you look at something. FACT FINDING TECHNIQUES A. Data and Gathering Interview and Documentation. In gathering our information, we send an email to the Principal’s Office of Vito National High School, Barangay Vito, Sagay City, Negros Occidental asking permission if they will allow us to conduct an organizational review about their school specifically in their library. We included in the email our contact number. After we received a message from Vito National High School, we immediately go there. We directly go to the principal’s office to ask permission personally. He ask us to explain what is written in the letter. After we explain him what we want to know, he write a letter of accommodation to the librarian as well as to the teachers. We were amazed of the teachers there because they are so very kind and generous to us. In fact, one of the teachers there told us that she felt nervous. We were flattered because we felt that they really never put themselves higher than us. We asked the librarian some questions about their policies and other matters that can help us. We also asked the students there, at first no one wants to be asked, they were afraid that they might not answer our questions. So, we explain to them that all questions are easy. We have get the information we need to know. Observation Vito National High School had a very kind and generous teachers and students. They are so very open to us. They give the information’s we want to know. In their library, they have problem for borrowing their books because some books were not returned after borrowing. That is why in the next school year they need to buy new books in replace to the books that had not returned. The teachers there is so very kind and so very hospitable. Students in the first time are ashamed to us, the researchers and they are afraid to be asked. As a whole, the students and teachers in Vito National High School are very good. And about the principal, Mr. Unilo C. Timtim is, our first impression to him is, we thought that he is very strict and he is not approachable but our expectation is reversed to his real attitude, in fact he is very approachable and he also share some of his knowledge to us. Researcher’s interview with Librarian Researchers: Hi, we have come to talk to you regarding the functioning of your library. Librarian: Hello, do come in. I was expecting you. Researchers:oh! Really? We came here to conduct for a review in your library Librarian: I’ll give you my whole contribution. Researchers: Tell me are you excited about the idea of having an automated system for your library? Librarian: Yes, I do. Very much. After all it’s gonna reduce our loads of work. Researchers: Will you elaborate on it? Librarian: Major problem is managing the cards of members. There are so many of them. Many times cards get lost. Then we have to issue a duplicate card for it. But there is a flaw in it. It is difficult to find out if it is genuinely the case. Member can lie about it so that he/she gets an extra card. And we can’t do anything about it. Researchers: What do you think be ideal solution to this? Librarian: There should be no cards at all. All the information should be put into computer. So in this way, we plan to get huge revenues after we have an automated system. Researchers: How many books are there? Librarian: About 3,150 books Researchers: Do you keep records for them? Librarian: Yes. Researchers: Do you want facility of booking a particular title in advance? Librarian: No we don’t want any such facility. It is an overhead. So we don’t have any such facility presently. Researchers: How do you categorize your books? Librarian : By dewey decimal system. Researchers: Would you prefer online registration for users rather than the printed form? Librarian: Yes , we really would. Sometimes we lose these forms then we don’t have any information about that particular member. It will be better to have it on computer. Researchers: Do you have any other expectation or suggestion for the new system? Librarian: It should be able to produce reports faster. Researchers: Reports? I completely forgot about them. What reports you people produce presently? Librarian: Well first is for books in the library, another for members listing, one for our current supplier of books, and reports for finance. Researchers: Do you have some format for them? Librarian: Yes we do have and we want that the same format be used by the new system. Researchers: Yes we’ll take care of that. Any other suggestions? Librarian: No. You have already covered all the fields. Researchers: Thanks for your co-operation. It was nice talking to you. Librarian: My pleasure. Bye. SIGNED BY: SIGNATURE OVER PRINTED NAME We, the researchers took interviews of few students in the library in order to know about their viewpoint about the new system. One of such interview is given below. Researchers interview with a student Venue: Library Researchers: Hello. If you are free, I need to ask you few questions. Student: Sure. I pleasure. Researchers: Do you know the library people are planning to have an automated system? Student: Yes , I do, our librarian already told us about it. And I’m feeling good about it. Analyst: Are you ready to pay more if there is a automated system? Student: In the overall functioning is going to improve then I think no one will object to paying more. It should help us finding the books easily. But by what amount, it should matter. Researchers: Well as far as I know they are planning to hike library fee from 100 to 200 for full year. Student: That would be too much. Then in that case, they should increase the number of books to be issued. Also the number of days a book can be kept by student should also be increased. Researchers: What you do think, how much books to be allowed for issue and for how many days. Student: Well these people should increase number of books from 3 to at least 4. And the number of days for which a book is kept should be increased by 4 days. Presently it is for 3 days. It should be 5 days. Only then the fee hike will be justified. Researchers: Yes, they have such plans. Student: Then it should not bother members. Researchers Are you keen on online registration of students instead of normal paper one? Student: Yes. It’ll be a good practice. Researchers: Should there be a facility to reserve a book in advance? Student: Presently they have many copies of a single title. Usually a book is always available. I never have felt the need to reserve a book in advance. Researchers: On what basis a book should be categorized? Student: Well, it should be on the basis of dewey decimal system. Researchers: What do you think on what basis a search for a particular book can be done? Student: It can be searched using subject or title. Researchers: How often you visit this library? Student: Daily Researchers: Do you think magazines and cassettes should be made available in the library? Student: I think it’s a good idea. Researchers: Do you like this library? Students: Yes, very much. That’s why I come here daily. Researchers: oh! That’s nice. Well, continue doing . Thank you for your time,. Students: Thank You.. SIGNED BY: SIGNATURE OVER PRINTED NAME Questionnaires Since the time was less it was not practical to interview every student. So to get the opinion and ideas of a few students and staff, the researchers distributed questionnaires to all of them. 1. How is the borrowing of books done [ ] Manual [ ] Automated? 2. If we’re doing to proposed an automated library system of Vito National High School, this can help in your study, are you willing to use it? [ ] Yes [ ] No 3. If ever there will be a proposed automated library system. Do you think it is economically feasible to Vito National High School? [ ] Yes [ ] No 4. Is the manual library system convenient to use? [ ] Yes [ ] No 5. Is there system provided timely responses to the student complaints? [ ] Yes [ ] No 6. Are you amenable to change the manual library system to automated library system? [ ] Yes. [ ] No 7. Do you think automated library system is effective? [ ] Yes [ ] No 8. Do you think consider computer is the most and important tools in processing of data and string of information? [ ] Yes [ ] No 9. Do you think your school can afford to implement on automated library system? [ ] Yes [ ] No 10. Do you think automated library system are useful to the a. Teacher[ ] Yes [ ] No b. Students [ ] Yes [ ] No c. Faculty and staff [ ] Yes [ ] No d. Vito National High School [ ] Yes [ ] No 11. Do you think manual library system is effective in terms of: a. Procedure [ ] Yes [ ] No b. Manpower [ ] Yes [ ] No 12. Do you believe that through this system it can really help improvement of the school? [ ] Yes [ ] No SIGNED BY: SIGNATURE OVER PRINTED NAME Library Policies General Rules 1. Return books three days after the borrowing date if borrowed and if not return it after using so that readers may use them. 2. Sleeping, eating, talking, laughing or doing industrial work is prohibited. 3. Observe proper behavior in the library at all times. Talk softly so as not to disturb other students who are studying. 4. Take every possible care of each book, magazine and other library materials while they are in your possession. 5. Honesty should be practiced at all times. A student caught stealing books, tearing out a page or pages of a book or other library properties will lose his library privileges. He will have to abide by whatever sanctions the librarian and the Discipline Officer will impose upon him. 6. Keep the library clean. 7. Push the chair back against the table after using without dragging them. Identification Card 1. All students must log on to the log book and live their library card. 2. A lost library card is replaced as soon as the student has applied for replacement. A fine of P20. 00 is imposed. 3. Library cards are non-transferable. Any student who lends his/her library card or borrows somebody’s card is subject to suspension of library privileges in which case both will be answerable for this violation. * Circulation of Library Materials * High School students from first year to fourth year are allowed to check out books from the library. * General Reference books like encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, newspapers, magazines and other periodicals are read only in the library and are not allowed to be borrowed and brought out in the library. * Maps, Charts and other visual aid materials can be borrowed by the teachers for classroom use only. * Home reading or fiction books can be borrowed for three days from the borrowing date and can be renewed for three days also. * Students are allowed to borrow three (3) books at a time. * Books borrowed on Friday should be returned on the following Monday. * Fines and Penalties A daily fine of P10. 00 or a pack of floorwax is imposed on every book kept overdue. (Saturdays, Sundays and holidays are not included) * Lost Books 1. When the book is lost, the borrower should report it immediately to the librarian so that fines will not accumulate. Students who have overdue books cannot check out book(s) until they clear their records. Otherwise, a student should replace the same book with the same title. 2. A book damaged beyond repair must be replaced with the latest edition of the same title and author. 3. Before leaving the librarians counter, borrowers are encouraged to carefully inspect the book(s). They are to report to the librarian immediately any damage that they discover. The last borrower will be held responsible for any damage to the books. * Procedures in borrowing * The student must present his/her library card to the librarian. * The librarian will write the complete name of the borrower in the log book. * A due date will be stamped at the log book. Republic of the Philippines Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology College of Information and Technology Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental October 12, 2011 MR. UNILO C. TIMTIM Principal, Vito National High School Brgy. Vito, Sagay City Madam: Greetings in Christ name! As part of our requirement on System Analysis and Design, we the Junior Information Technology students of NONESCOST are going to conduct research study on system and procedures of government and private agencies as well as business establishments. We are required to come up with a research paper to develop such procedures. In this connection, kindly allow us to conduct an interview for a â€Å"Proposed Automated Library System†. Please extend all other assistance we may need. We promised to keep all data confidential. Hoping for your favorable response. Respectfully yours, Members: MA. FE S. DELA REALJO-ANN M. PABALATE JUDITH PEARL T. MINANOWENALYN M. ALISAN Noted by: SAMSON M. LAUSA, MSCS Dean Republic of the Philippines Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology College of Information and Technology Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental October 12, 2011 MRS. NANETH O. MORACA Librarian, Vito National High School Brgy. Vito, Sagay City Madam: Greetings in Christ name! As part of our requirement on System Analysis and Design, we the Junior Information Technology students of NONESCOST are going to conduct research study on system and procedures of government and private agencies as well as business establishments. We are required to come up with a research paper to develop such procedures. In this connection, kindly allow us to conduct an interview for a â€Å"Proposed Automated Library System†. Please extend all other assistance we may need. We promised to keep all data confidential. Hoping for your favorable response. Respectfully yours, Members: MA. FE S. DELA REALJO-ANN M. PABALATE JUDITH PEARL T. MINANOWENALYN M. ALISAN Noted by: SAMSON M. LAUSA, MSCS Dean FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION In general, performing a study and to conduct an organizational review is not easy but through the unity of our group and to the cooperation of the principal, faculty and staff, and students of Vito National High School we have able to finish our review. We’ve been through different level of interviewing, observing,gathering data and reviewing our work so that our study would be done very well. This review helps the librarian to lessen their works in borrowing books faster and easier, as well as to the students to have an easy way of borrowing books from the library. Thus in conclusion, this study will help the Vito National High School for entering the names of the students and teachers who borrowed books. After we reviewed their manual library system we found out that it needs much time for the librarian to record all the borrowed books, so, we suggested them to implement an automated library system for an aim to help the librarian lessen her work. The system is easy to use and easy to developed but we recommend that every assigned librarian or librarian assistant must know how to properly use the new developed automated library system. Bibliography Atkinson Ross â€Å"the acquisition librarian as a change agent in the transition to the E-library†no. 36 (1992). Foskett, A. C. the subject approach to information 4th Ed, (C. Bingley 1982) Rowley, Jennifer E. organizing knowledge, an introduction to information retrieval (Gower 1987) â€Å"Practical guide to thesis and desertion writing†by Maximiao M. Rivera, Jr. and Roela Victoria Rivera (Katha publishing, Inc. Quezon, Boulevard Quezon City, Phil. 1996) http://www. nordis. net/? p=7410 http://www. deakin. edu. au/library/findout/research/litrev. php.
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