Thursday, December 26, 2019
Insider Dealings in Nigeria - 2178 Words
â€Å"EXAMINE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE INVESTMENT AND SECURITIES ACT (ISA 2007) ON INSIDER TRADING AGAINST THE BACK DROPS OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE CAMA 1990 AND THE COMMON LAW ON THE DUTIES OF DIRECTORS OF COMPANIES IN PREVENTING INSIDER RELATED OFFENCES AND PROTECTING THE INTEGRITY OF THE SECURITIES MARKET IN NIGERIA PRIOR TO AND IN THE MODERN ERA OF THE INTERNET.†SUBMITTED BY AYODELE DOYINSOLA .O LAW/2007/100 DEPARTMENT OF LAW OBAFEMI AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY ILE-IFE OSUN STATE TO PROFESSOR M.T. OKRORODUDU-FUBARA IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE COURSE â€Å"LAW OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATION†(BUL 502) Concept of Insider dealing One of the areas of company law in which the general equitable rules seem to be inadequate to protect the†¦show more content†¦For example, a fiduciary relationship exist between two parties, when a party expects the other to act for him in such a manner as he would act in absolute honesty, faithfulness and diligence, not minding the fact that he is acting for someone else. If he cannot steal his personal money, then he cannot steal the money put in his care. Common law provides quite a number of duties of a director to a company, however, only few of them relates with insider dealings. Some of these duties include: The duty to act bonafide in the Company’s interest. A director is expected to act honestly, diligently and faithfully in the best interest of the comp- any. This duty is however relative. What happens to be in the best interest of the company to a director may differ from the shareholders view. In the case of Park v. Daily Times Ltd., the court held that the directors had acted improperly and not bonafide for the company’s interest, when they made redundancy payments to the company’s employees on the cessation of the company’s business. Duty to avoid conflict of Interest. In the performance of his duties, a director must not allow a conflict of interest between him and the company. To be strictly avoided are instances in which a director’s personal interest would conflict with the interest of the company, which he is expected to protect. This was the situation in Industrial Development Consultants Ltd.Show MoreRelatedInsider Dealings in Nigeria2188 Words  | 9 Pagesâ€Å"EXAMINE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE INVESTMENT AND SECURITIES ACT (ISA 2007) ON INSIDER TRADING AGAINST THE BACK DROPS OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE CAMA 1990 AND THE COMMON LAW ON THE DUTIES OF DIRECTORS OF COMPANIES IN PREVENTING INSIDER RELATED OFFENCES AND PROTECTING THE INTEGRITY OF THE SECURITIES MARKET IN NIGERIA PRIOR TO AND IN THE MODERN ERA OF THE INTERNET.†SUBMITTED BY AYODELE DOYINSOLA .O LAW/2007/100 DEPARTMENT OF LAW OBAFEMI AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY ILE-IFE OSUN STATE TO PROFESSORRead MoreThe Importance of Law (Legal Back Up) to an Individual, Organization and Economy of a Country at Large2170 Words  | 9 Pagesoften said that there is no better test of the excellence of a government than the efficiency of its leaders, hence this programme; Leadership Training and Career Development is relevant in this period of the political dispensation of our country, Nigeria. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Essay on Justice vs. Morality in Measure for Measure and...
Justice vs. Morality in Measure for Measure and Merchant of Venice There are many similarities shared between Shakespeares plays, Measure for Measure, and The Merchant of Venice. The underlying theme of each work is well defined by the phrase Justice without the temperance of mercy, is power misused. I will support this claim by drawing upon some of the characters and situations that are consistent in each story. In each story a mans life depends on the interpretation, and sanctioning of justice. In the, Merchant of Venice, Antonio (who I believe represents mercy), had sealed a bond with Shylock offering a pound of his flesh for the loan of three thousand ducats. Unfortunately he forfeits this bond, (Merchant†¦show more content†¦For Antonio it was his love of Bassanio and his strong desire to see him prosper, (Merchant I,i) ... My purse, my person, my extremist means, Lie all unlockd to your occasions.. Cladio too acted out of love and devotion to the woman he meant for his wife, yet didnt hold the papers for. In both situations cases are made not necessarily to debunk justice, however instead to allow for judgment interwoven with mercy. For Antonios sake Portia (acting as Balthazar), offers Shylock a plea of humanity, (Merchant IV,i) The quality of mercy is not straind,... Tis mightiest in the mightiest... It is enthroned in the heart of kings, It is an attribute to God himself..., yet none of this causes Shylock to sway from his original position, (Merchant IV,i) My deeds upon my head! I crave the law, The penalty and forfeit of my bond.. In, Measure for Measure it was Isabella attempting to soften the heart of Angelo, (Measure II,ii) ... Go to your bosom, Knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know Thats like my brothers fault.... Now the plot in this story is much thicker, and Angelo had another agenda (i.e.. getting Isabella in bed), her pleas ended with the same result as those of Portia, (Measure II,iv) Nay, but hear me, Your sense pursues not mine..., Then must your brother die. In both situations there is a strong, and legitimate case for either argument. On the one hand you haveShow MoreRelatedA Picatrix Miscellany52019 Words  | 209 Pagesanother clue to an oral tradition behind it. The entire epics of Homer were composed orally and committed to someone’s memory. Both epics are longer than the Picatrix, so it was possible for a trained person to learn it off by heart. Twelve Solar vs. Twenty-Eight Divisions The Picatrix material produced many surprises for me. For example in the Middle Ages it was thought that the unlucky Via Combusta was shorter, extending from only 18 deg. Libra to 3 deg. Scorpio. The main surprise was that elections
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Biography of an Indigenous Person
Question: Discuss about theBiography of an Indigenous Person. Answer: Introduction: The Indigenous people of Australia have suffered a lot after the British colonization. The impact of this colonization have left a deep impact as the people suffered mental health, psychological health, and spiritual good-being (Ewen et al., 2013). These people were very much attached to their traditional life and culture which was ruined by the colonization. Therefore they require care and a good level of understanding than the non-indigenous ones. As per the report of Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2009, the loss of identity and mental health were the two important issues that the indigenous people faced as a result of colonization. The Australian Bureau of Statistics has shown an interconnection between the above issues with the cultural issue (Stoneham et al., 2014). There are many famous personalities among the Indigenous populations who have also suffered such issues in their life. Cathy Freeman was a famous Olympic athlete who belonged to the Australian indigenous community. She was the first Indigenous to represent Australia in the Olympics. Her biography revealed that she suffered from diabetes disease which was an obstruction in her career. Her life experiences throw light on the fact that being a member of the indigenous community of Australia, her health related issues were not equally treated like the non-indigenous population. This health issues and heath treatment differences would be discussed in the biography. Cathy Freeman is an Indigenous Australian Olympic athlete, who was born on 16 February 1973 (White, 2013). Her native birthplace is Mackay, Queensland, which is one of the remote areas of the Aboriginals. Her other family members used to stay in Woorabinda, which is an Aboriginal mission. Later on, she moved with her family to Hugehendan, which was on the outskirts of South Queensland. She was a passionate athlete from her early childhood days. Her passion for sports was helped and encouraged by her school teacher and also by other people. As she grew older, her passion for athletics became stronger, and she was determined to bag the Olympic medal for running. In 1986, Cathy was awarded the scholarship for Fairholme College. Cathy was always discriminated for her color and many times she has to face humiliation for being an Aboriginal. During a health checkup it was discovered that Cathy was suffering from type 2 diabetes. (Perso et al., 2012). The diagnosed report surprised Cathy to a great extent since there were no obvious symptoms that would indicate her about her health issues. According to her she was confident enough about her healthy condition due to her sporting career and never thought she can ever experience such health issues. As discussed by Langton et al. (2014), exercise is one of the best ways to stay healthy and manage diabetes since it lowers the glucose level in blood. Thus, emotionally and psychologically she was happy after gathering this knowledge because Cathy thought she could continue her career without much complications. Although later on her career graph showed a declination, she could pursue her career even after getting affected by diabetes with her zeal. Discipline is an important driver of personal transformation. Her disciplined career helped her to manage her diabetic condition through medicine, blood tests and insulin injections (Bruce Wensing 2012). It has been observed that the incidence of diabetes is higher in the indigenous people rather than the non-indigenous one (Lovett, 2014). The factors behind this are the age and the living conditions. Since, the indigenous people lived in very remote areas where there is no access to proper nutrition, hygiene and access to health care facilities (Langton et al., 2014). According to the AATSIHS, 9% indigenous people were known to suffer from diabetes. According to Cathy Freeman, an individuals positive attitude towards life helps in speedy recovery of ones health. As per Cathys statement diabetes is a health issue that was also suffered by her parents. It can be analyzed that her condition provided emotional disturbances in her family and community since Cathy was a source of happiness and pride for the whole indigenous population. But her husband and family members provided her constant support (Burrow Ride 2016). The experiences of Cathy Freeman are an example which shows that the Australian system did not show equality among the people and did not treat people with justice. She experienced certain health inequalities in terms of medical treatment. This imposed psychological effect in her as well as her family and community. Even though she made the country proud through her achievements her medical treatment was not equal to that of the non-indigenous population. As stated by Kaidonis et al. (2014), the health issues of the indigenous people were just not due to the inadequate nutrition, or low living conditions but also due to the psychological effect which they had because of the racial discrimination (Langton et al., 2014). As per AIHW, 2009, the statistics shows that the rate of mental health cases is more than the non-indigenous communities (FUNDING, 2014). The experiences of Cathy Freeman are an example which shows that the Australian system did not show equality among the people and did not treat people with justice. They also dint give them the cultural and psychological respect and equality they deserved. The indigenous people have suffered a lot because of identity loss and mental health issues. These differences were because the indigenous people were not given the full rights as the White Australians use to get (Bruce Wensing, 2012). According to Ewen et al. (2012), in the recent past Cathy Freeman has participated in campaigns to reduce the number of diabetes affected individuals among Australians and the indigenous community. Addition to this she participated in 5 kilometers with diabetes fun run during the celebration of National Diabetes Week for the lives of around one and a half million diabetic Australians. She was followed by one sixty individuals who are either victims of diabetes or have family members affected by this disease. He was concerned about the inequalities against the aboriginals. Thus, in the year 2007, Catherine Freeman along with Ian Thorpe bestowed help in launching the campaign at the Telstra Stadium. This campaign was done in order to address the various health issues related to the indigenous population. Moreover, Cathy participated in The Bankstown Koori Womens Fun Olympics. This attracted members from her community (Burrow, S., Ride, K. (2016). Therefore, it could be said that though the Australian government introduced policies for the indigenous community they were not given that respect and equality which they should be getting. She can thus be regarded as a role model in the field of health promotion. The experience of Cathy Freeman was an example for the public that when inequality is acknowledged, then the Indigenous Australians could be extremely resilient when they are made to live and face the challenges of a non- indigenous (Kaidonis et al., 2014).This was proved by Cathy Freeman, who being the indigenous became a great athlete surviving diabetes and fought for the health equality for her community. Her contributions continued to serve for the betterment of the members of her community. Cathys continued work for her community became an important determinant for closing the gap and also helped in improving the health outcomes. References: Bruce, T., Wensing, E. (2012). The Olympics and indigenous peoples: Australia. InThe Palgrave handbook of Olympic Studies(pp. 487-504). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Burrow, S., Ride, K. (2016). Review of diabetes among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Ewen, S., Mazel, O., Knoche, D. (2012). Exposing the hidden curriculum influencing medical education on the health of Indigenous people in Australia and New Zealand: the role of the critical reflection tool.Academic Medicine,87(2), 200-205. FUNDING, C. (2014). Overview of Australian Indigenous health status 2013 Kaidonis, G., Mills, R. A., Landers, J., Lake, S. R., Burdon, K. P., Craig, J. E. (2014). Review of the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in Indigenous Australians.Clinical experimental ophthalmology,42(9), 875-882 Langton, M., Palmer, L., Rhea, Z. M. (2014). Community-oriented protected areas for indigenous peoples and local communities.Indigenous Peoples, National Parks, and Protected Areas: A New Paradigm Linking Conservation, Culture, and Rights, 84. Lovett, R. (2014). A history of health services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.Yatdjuligin: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nursing and Midwifery Care, 31. Perso, T., Kenyon, P., Darrough, N. (2012). Transitioning indigenous students to western schooling: A culturally responsive program. In17th Annual Values Leadership Conference, Brisbane Convention Entertainment Centre. https://www. acu. edu. au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/464723/Perso, _Thelma, _Kenyon, _Pam_and_Darrough, _Neila_Refereed. pdf. Stoneham, M. J., Goodman, J., Daube, M. (2014). The portrayal of Indigenous health in selected Australian media.The International Indigenous Policy Journal,5(1), 5. White, L. (2013). Cathy Freeman and Australias indigenous heritage: A new beginning for an old nation at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.International Journal of Heritage Studies,19(2), 153-170.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Question Paper Essay Example
Question Paper Essay COMMON GUIDELINES FOR MODEL QUESTION PAPER PATTERN In view of current challenges in imbibing quality in MBA education, the following changes are proposed by the Board of Examination in the Evaluation pattern of I Semester MBA from Jan/Feb 2012 examination on wards. Construct of Question Paper All 8 Modules should be given importance and questions need to be jumbled from all modules. No question should be set from practical component part of the syllabus. Theory based courses Subjects Knowledge based questions 1. Any 3 questions to be answered by setting 6 questions. 2. All modules must be given equal importance 12MBA11, 12MBA12,12MBA15 and 12MBA16 Q1- 3 + 7 +10 Q2- 3 + 7 +10 Q3- 3 + 7 +10 Q4- 5+5+10 Q5- 5+5+10 Q6- 5+15 or 10+10 Note: In 12 MBA 12, : One full question (all parts) consisting of simple problems from Mod 3 (Except Demand forecasting) and Mod 8 only to be set. Q7- a. b. c. d. 5X4 = 20 marks Q8. a. Theoretical model for analyzing case b. Sub question 1 c. Sub question 2 d. Sub question 3 5X4=20 Marks Theory+ Problem based courses (40% Theory + 60% Problems) 12MBA13 12MBA14 Q1- 3 + 7 +10 Q2- 3 + 7 +10 Q3- 3 + 7 +10 Q4- 5+5+10 Q5- 5+5+10 Q6- 5+15 or 10+10 Note: One full question (all parts) must be full of theory only Skill based questions 1. One question Compulsory 2. Equal importance must be given for all modules Ability based question(s) Case let Compulsory Q7- a. b. c. d. 5X4 = 20 marks Q8. 10+10 or 5+15 or 5X4=20 Problem and / or theory combination. Content of Question Paper Part-A: Knowledge based questions (Q1 to Q6 Answer any 3) A. Mark questions Short questions which demand answer not more than a paragraph and which test the understanding of concept of the contents prescribed in the syllabus. Answering this should not take more than 4 minutes by an average student. B. 5 Marks questionsSemi-descriptive questions which demand answer not more than two paragraphs and which test the understanding of concept and / or scope of the concept or short pro blem. Answering this should not take more than 7 minutes by an average student. C. Marks questionsDescriptive questions which demand answer not more than 0ne page which test the understanding of the scope and description of the contents or moderate problem of the syllabus. Answering this should not take more than 10 minutes by an average student. D. 10 Marks questionsEssay questions which demand answer not more than 3 pages which test the understanding of concept with practical illustrations of the contents or long problem of the syllabus. Answering this should not take more than 15 minutes by an average student. E. 5 Marks questionsNarrative Essay question which demands answer not more 4 pages which test the narrative ability of student related to the concept and its scope with practical illustrations or a very lengthy problem of the syllabus. Answering this should not take more than 22 minutes by an average student. Part-B: Skill based questions (Q7 Compulsory) 5 Marks X 4 Questio nsThis question tests the degree of skill acquired by the student in the subject area of prescribed syllabus. This should cover the application part of the contents of the syllabus. Answering this should not take more than 30 minutes by an average student. We will write a custom essay sample on Question Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Question Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Question Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Part-C: Ability based questions (Q8 Compulsory) 5 Marks Question – This question is to test the selection of theoretical model used in case analysis. 5MarksX3 Questions – These questions are to test ability acquired by the Students to analyze the case and to provide the trivial solutions to the case situation. Answering this should not take more than 30 minutes by an average student. Note: Refer Question Bank and model question paper(s) for more clarity. 12MBA11 MANAGING THE ORGANISATION Model Skill based questions 1. †An employee is dissatisfied as he was reporting to two bosses†. ow do you solve this problem? -Fayal’s Principles 2. â€Å"An Honest individual is made in charge of marketing department. In due course he developed negative job efficacy†how do you address this problem? -Role disability 3. In the sky the clouds take the different shapes of imagination. Why? Perception 4. Sham got his double increment in salary of Jan 2012. His mot ivational graph turned down by July 2012 after settling his proposed budget for that month. Describe why? Maslow’s 5. â€Å"Defense people are more effective than civilian†substantiate-Leadership style 6. Modern Indian management is more powerful rather than traditional†SubstantiateTheory X and Theory Y 7. â€Å"The out punch time of a boss will be first out punch in an organization†Substantiate.  Organization Culture 8. â€Å"While reworking the defective product, more mistakes will happen†Substantiate. Work stress 9. â€Å"The CEO is thinking of uniformity of production, where as the marketing executive focus for high production to match the demand†Who is correct? Why? Strategic and operational decision making Managing Organisations-12MBA11 Model Question paper PART- A Answer any three full questions 1 (a) Define Personality. b) What are the different types of Control? Give an example for each. (c) Explain the managerial roles expected by modern organizations. 2. (a) What is empowerment? (b) Differentiate between groups and teams. (c) Explain the personality attributes influencing OB. 3. (a) What is Esprit de Corps? (b) â€Å"Planning and Controlling are inseparable†. Comment (c ) Explain the perceptual process with suitable examples 4. (a) What is an ideal span of control? Why? (5marks) (5 marks) (3 marks) (7 marks) (10 marks) (3 marks) (7 marks) (10 marks) (3 marks) (7 marks) (10 marks) b) â€Å"Too many controls in an organization declines creativity†. Comment. ( C) An employee is extremely productive, but has been showing signs of work stress and is facing problems adapting to organization culture. As a manager how would you handle this employee? (10 marks) 5. (a )State the techniques used in decision making? Which technique will you adopt? (5 marks) (b) Write a note on contribution of Peter F Drucker to the evolution of management thought. (5 marks) (C)State the different types of orga nization structures in use? Explain any one 6. (a) What are the dimensions of emotional intelligence ? b) State any five principles of Henry Fayal. (c ) Explain the role of emotions in the formation of attitude . (10 marks) (5 marks) (5 marks) (10 marks) PART- B ( compulsory) 4X5 Marks=20 7. (a). Abnormal features always have long perceptivity. Why? (b) Setting objective in advance and chasing is good for Individual and organization. Substantiate (c) It has often been stated that most work within an organization is done informally. Comment (d) In modern organization, the employee and employer relationship is mandatory. However, the conflicts arise. How do you resolve this? 8. Case Study PART- C (compulsory) Mr. Ranjan Kumar is the Managing Director of a soap manufacturing company. To increase sales, the Board of Directors wanted to start a full fledged marketing department; Mr. Kumar is entrusted with the task of finding a suitable candidate to head the proposed marketing department. After considering a number of candidates, he has narrowed down his choice to two persons: Vishwanath Dutt and Rajnarain. Mr. Vishwanath Dutt has excellent track record in the company. During his fruitful association with the company, to be precise 10 years, he has always shown a high degree of enthusiasm and initiative in his work. He is still young (35 years) dynamic and aggressive. He is result oriented and he is more interested in ends rather than means. One of the workers testifying his leadership quality remarked thus: â€Å"Though he is harsh at times you will know where you stand when you work with him. When you have done a good job, he lets you know it†. Mr. Dutt is willing to shoulder additional responsibilities. He decides things quickly and when action is required. He is „always on his toes?. During his fifteen years tenure in the company, Mr. Rajnarain has endeared himself to all his colleagues by his superior workman ship and pleasing manners. He always believes in the principle of employee participation in the decision making process. Unlike Mr. Dutt, he encourages his subordinates to come out with innovative ideas and useful suggestions. Before arriving at a decision he always makes it a point to consult his subordinate. Not surprisingly, all his subordinates are very pleased to work under him and praise his leadership qualities. Company records also bear evidence for the increase in the production soon after Rajnarain became the head of his department. Questions: a. b. c. d. (5X4=20 marks) State the theoretical model used to analyze this case. Analyze the leadership qualities and styles of Mr. Dutt. Analyse the leadership qualities and styles of Mr. Rajnarain. Whom do you recommend for the position of marketing manager? Why? 12MBA12-Managerial Economics Some Skill Based Sample Questions and Problems 1. Prospective car buyers are sometimes confronted by sales representatives who argue that they can offer a vehicle that is Honda Civic as good as a BMW, but at one-half the price. Use the indifference concept to explain why the claims of the sales representative are not credible. 2. Following a price change for Diet Coke, explain how retailers use sales information to learn if Lays snack chips represent a complement or substitute for Diet Coke. 3. During the past 40 years the average price of a new single-family home has risen by a factor of ten, making the cost of housing prohibitive for many Indians. Over the same time frame, however, the number of units sold per year has more than doubled. Are these data inconsistent with the idea of a downward-sloping demand curve for new housing? 4. What would an upward-sloping demand curve imply about the marginal utility derived from consumption? Why arent upward sloping demand curves observed in the real world? 5. Forecasting the success of new product introductions is difficult. Describe some of the economic factors that a firm might consider in forecasting sales for a new tooth paste. 6. Individual consumer demand declines for inferior goods as personal income increases because consumers replace them with more desirable alternatives. Is an inverse relation between demand and national income likely for such products? 7. The price a firm receives for its product is Rs. 50 per unit. Its total cost function is 8000 + 10Q. At what quantity do total costs equal total revenues? 8. KSRTC (Volvo Service) have a capacity to carry a maximum of 10,000 passengers per month from Bangalore to Hyderabad at a fare of Rs. 600. Variable costs are Rs. 100 per passenger and fixed costs are Rs. 30,000 per month. How many passengers should be carried per month to break even? 9. Suppose you are a sales manager of an organization. Explain how the analysis of demand contributes to business decision making, in the light of the responsibilities of a managerial economist/sales manager 10. Mr. Balakrishnan, the research manager for marketing at the Maruti Udyog Limited has specified the following demand function for Maruti Alto K10 in India: Qm= f (Pm,N,I,PH,PG,A P1) Where Qm, is the quantity demanded of Maruti Alto K10 per year, Pm is the price of Maruti Alto K10, N is population, I is the disposable income, PH is price of Hyundai, PG is price of gasoline, A is the amount of advertisement on Maruti Alto K10 and P1 is credit incentive to purchase Maruti Alto K10. Indicate whether you expect each independent or explanatory variable to be directly or inversely related to the quantity demanded of Maruti Alto K10 and the reason for your expectation. 11. Construct a hypothetical cost schedule and bring out the cost output relationships in the short run between output and TC, TFC, TVC, AC, AFC, AVC 12. The demand function for Pepsi in Bangalore city is Q=400-4P Where, Q=Quantity demanded of Pepsi (in „000 bottles per week), P=Price of Pepsi per bottle, Construct a demand curve assuming price Rs. 10, 12, 15, 20 and 25 per bottle 13. A firm manufactures cars at its plant in India. At a capacity of 100 cars per week it knows that it has an assembly cost of Rs. 5,000 per car. It needs to expand production and does a series of design and cost exercises. The results are summarized below. 12MBA12 MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS Time: 3 Hours All Questions carry equal marks MODEL PAPER Max Marks: 100 Part- A Answer Any Three questions 1. a. Define Managerial economics 3 Marks b. Suppose you are a sales manager of an organization. Explain how the analysis of demand contributes to business decision making, in the light of the responsibilities of a sales manager. 7 Marks c. What conditions are necessary before price discrimination is both possible and profitable? Why does price discrimination result in higher profits? 10 Marks 2. a. What is marginal cost? Marks b. Mention the salient features of long run average cost curve. What is its significance in managerial decision making? 7 Marks c. â€Å"Price leadership is an alternative co-operative method used to avoid tough competition†. Comment 10 Marks 3. a. What is Kink Demand Curve? 3 marks b. Critically examine the Cyert and March behavioral theory of the firm. 7 Marks c. What is production f unction? How does a long run production function is different from a short run production function? 10 Marks 4. a. â€Å"Managerial economics bridges the gap between economic theory and business practice†. Discuss 5 Marks b. Discuss the types of cartels with suitable examples from India 5 Marks c. Describe why Long Run Average Cost (LAC) curve is called as Planning Curve and envelope curve. 10 Marks 5. a. State the Law of Supply. List the factors which determine the elasticity of supply. 5 Marks b. Discuss various cost concepts 5 Marks c. â€Å"It is believed that a firm under perfect competition is a price-taker and not a price maker†Explain with examples. 10 Marks 6. a. What is the basic objective of a firm? Distinguish between „Accounting Profit? and „Economic Profit? ith the help of an illustration. 5 Marks b. Profit is maximum when the difference between total revenue and total cost is the greatest. How is this equivalent to saying that profit is maximum when MR=MC? 10 Marks Part – B (Compulsory) 7. a. KSRTC (Volvo Service) have a capacity to carry a maximum of 10,000 passengers per month from Bangalore to Hyderabad at a fare of Rs. 600. Variable costs a re Rs. 100 per passenger and fixed costs are Rs. 30,000 per month. How many passengers should be carried per month to break even? 5 Marks b. Suppose you are a sales manager of an organization. Explain how the analysis of demand contributes to business decision making, in the light of the responsibilities of a managerial economist/sales manager 5 Marks c. Construct a hypothetical cost schedule and bring out the cost output relationships in the short run between output and TC, TFC, TVC, AC, AFC, AVC 5 Marks d. The demand function for Pepsi in Bangalore city is Q=400-4P where, Q=Quantity demanded of Pepsi (in „000 bottles per week), P=Price of Pepsi per bottle, Construct a demand curve assuming price Rs. 10, 12, 15, 20 and 25 per bottle 5 marks Part C (Compulsory) 8. Case Study 20 Marks The Times of India is one of the leading newspapers in India. In September 1972, it reduced its price from 45 paisa to 20 paisa per paper while the prices of its rivals remained unchanged. The number of news papers sold by TOI and its rivals was as follows: Paper August-1972 May-1973 3,55,000 5,18,000 TOI 10,24,000 9,93,000 Statesman 3,92,000 4,02,000 The Hindu 2,77,000 Hindustan Times 3,25,000 a. Analyze the case and summarize using appropriate concepts studied 5 Marks b. Based on the above information, find out the price elasticity of demand for TOI state whether it is elastic or inelastic. 5 Marks c. Whether the cross elasticity of demand between Statesman and TOI positive or Negative? 5 Marks d. Find possible reasons why demand for Hindustan Times decreased? 5 Marks Quantitative Methods – I (12MBA13) Model Skill based questions for Q 7 1. â€Å"Colgate toothpaste sales in Banashankari zone have dipped in last three weeks†. Design Research method for analyzing this. ( Management problem + Exploratory research+) 2. â€Å"The training effectiveness extended to employee has to be tested†suggest the type of research? Why? (Experimental research) 3. Define the target population for the research problem†Employee absenteeism†4. Diesel price is hiked by 7 pm. On the same day by 9 pm news the opinion on hike has to be telecasted. Suggest the process of research design. (Non-probability sampling +Diesel vehicle owners + Interview technique) 5. The impact of Advertisement on sales is to be analyzed suggest the tools used. Why? ( Correlation) 6. The bus arriving at a terminal is to be forecasted. Suggest which method is used? Why? ( Probability) 7. The past sales records are available is it possible to forecast the future sales? How? ( Regression) 8. Is it possible to test the opinion given by the gender mix? How? ( Chi Square Test) 9. An opinion is collected between two strata employee on Dissatisfaction. How do you test the difference in opinion among the group and between the groups? Explain( Two way ANOVA) 10. In the research output the value of deficiency of data validation is 0. 25. Then how this value is calculated? ( Multi variate Regression( 1- R Square )= 0. 25 ) Quantitative Methods – I (12MBA13) Model Question Paper Duration: 180 Minutes Max Marks: 100 Part – A Answer any 3 questions 1. a) Differentiate management problem with research problem. b) State the Characteristics of good measurement c) State and explain the contents of report writing in detail. 3 M) (7 M) (10 M) 2 a) Define sampling? b) State the procedure of hypothesis testing. c) The sales and advertisement expenses of a firm is given below; Firm: Sales (Rs. Lakhs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (3 M) (7 M) (10 M) 10 50 50 55 60 65 65 65 60 60 50 Expenses (Rs. Lakhs) 11 13 14 16 16 15 15 14 13 13 Calculate the co-efficient of correlation an d comment 3 a)Differentiate between census and survey. ( 3 M) b) The median and mode of the following wage distribution are known to be Rs. 33. 5 and 34. If the total number of workers is 230, find the missing frequencies. (7 M) Wages (in Rs) No. f workers 0-10 4 10-20 16 20-30 X1 30-40 X2 40-50 X3 50-60 6 60-70 4 c) The marks scored by set of students are given below; Marks (Economics) : 25 28 35 32 31 36 29 38 34 32 Marks (Statistics) : 43 46 49 41 36 32 31 30 33 39 (10 M) Construct the regression equations. Calculate the most likely mark in statisticswhen mark in economics is 30. 4 a). â€Å"After settlement the average weekly wage in a factory had increased from Rs 800 to Rs 1200 and the standard deviation has increased from Rs 100 to Rs 150. Comment on the uniformity of the wages before and after the settlement. 5 M) b). An aero plane flies around a square the sides of which measure 100 km each. The aero plane covers at a speed of 100km/hr the first side, at 200 km/hr the seco nd side, at 300 km/hr the third side and at 400 km/hr the forth side. What is the average speed of the aero plane around the square? (5 M) c). A company maintains two regional offices. It is interested in knowing whether or not there are significant differences in the proportions of smokers in two offices. In regional office A, a random sample of 70 employees was taken and it was found that 40 percent were smokers. In regional office B, a random sample of 100 employees indicated 55 as smokers. Is the difference between the proportions of smokers in the two regional offices significant? 5 a). State the steps carried out in ANOVA test b). Substantiate the power of literature review (5 M) (5 M) (10M) c). Three machines A, B and C produce respectively 60%, 30% and 10% of the total number of items of a factory. The percentages of defective output of these machines are respectively 2%, 3% and 4%. An item is selected at random and is found defective. Find the probability that the item was produced by machine C. 6 a). Differentiate between Liketr’s scale semantic differential scale. (5 M) b). An aero plane flies around a square the sides of which measure 100 km each. The aero plane covers at a speed of 100km/hr the first side, at 200 km/hr the second side, at 300 km/hr the third side and at 400 km/hr the forth side. What is the average speed of the aero plane around the square? (5 M) c). Find i) Inter quartile Range ii) Quartile deviation iii) Coefficient of Quartile deviation for the following distribution. (10M) Class Frequency 0-15 15-30 30-45 45-60 60-75 75-90 90-105 8 26 30 45 20 17 4 Part – B (Compulsory) 7 a). After applying the correlation test for the Variables Student performance with teacher performance the computed value for r is determined as 0. 9. Suggest your interpretation of results. (5M) b). In Z test, the table value is 1. 96 and computed value is 2. 0. State the result of Hypothesis. (5M) c). †Increase in sales is not due to only advertisements†Do you agree? What type of statistic test is to be applied in this case? (5M) d). The research involves sample of less than 30 . The analysis is done based on categorical data. To test the Hypothesis which type of test is required? Why? (5M) Part – C (Compulsory) 8 (a). Design a questionnaire to the research problem â€Å"Corporate Adaptability of New employee â€Å" (10 M) (b). The unemployment problem in India is increasing. In this background it is required to suggest the set of remedial measure to reduce the problem. Suggest a research Design for this problem. (10 M) Accounting For Management (12MBA14) Skill Based Questions (For Part-B- Q. No. 7- 5 Marks Each) 1) The gross Total Income of Mr. Raju who is an employee of a private company aged about 49 years is Rs. 295000 for the assessment year 2012-13, he want to reduce the tax liability. How do you assist him to reduce his tax liability? ) If you are a auditor of a company what key elements you look for to assess the accuracy of the financial records? 3) Which ratio, out of fixed assets turnover and net worth turnover, to your mind is more useful for analyising efficiency? Why? 4) Why do you think Liquidity ratio plays a key role in Banking Industry? Comment. 5) „Why capital is treated as a liability?. Justify. 6) A firm purchases 50 furniture worth Rs. 500000. A financial accountant of the firm has recorded only Rs. 500000 in journal ledger, but not 50 no. s of furnitures. Interpret using suitable accounting concept. ) â€Å"Balance Sheet is a statement, but not an account†. Comment. 8) Bring out the role played by the matching principle in the determination of business performance and financial position. 9) Is accrual basis of accounting is superior to cash basis of accounting in meeting the economic decision making needs of the users of financial statements? Why or Why not? 10) â€Å"Financial statements are the only basis for measuring the performance of a company†. Comment. 12MBA14 Accounting Time: 3 hrs. for Management Model Question Paper Max. Marks: 100 Note: 1. Answer any THREE full questions from Part-A. 2. Part-B and Part-C are compulsory. Part-A 1. a. What is Contra entry? Give example. b. Write a short on role of Forensic Accountant (3 Marks) (7 Marks) c. Give accounting equation for the following transactions of Hitesh for the year 2009. Started business with cash Rs. 18,000. (10 Marks) i. Paid rent in advance Rs. 400. ii. Purchased goods for cash Rs. 5000 and on credit Rs. 2,000. iii. Sold goods for cash Rs. 4,000 (costing Rs. 2,400). iv. Rent paid Rs. 1,000 and rent outstanding Rs. 200. v. Bought motor-cycle for personal use Rs. 500. vi. Purchased equipments for cash Rs. 500. vii. Paid to creditors Rs. 600. iii. Depreciation on equipment Rs. 25. ix. Business expenses Rs. 400. 2. a. What is MAOCARO? (3 Marks) b. Explain the need and benefit of Corporate Governance. (7 Marks) c. Record the following transaction in three column cash book. (10 Marks) 1/3/2008 opened a Bank account with capital Rs. 1, 00,000 cash in hand Rs. 40,000. 3/3/2008 paid into Bank Rs. 10,000. 5/3/2008 Bought Goods for Rs. 3,800 and paid by cheque. 6/3/2008 Sold goods for cash Rs. 2,600 deposited the same into the Bank. 7/3/2008 Sold goods to Mr. X an account Rs. 10,000. 10/3/2008 Paid Mr. A by cheque Rs. 240 receiving a discount of Rs. 10. 5/3/2008 Received a cheque from Mr. Vikas Rs. 1080 and allowed him Discount Rs. 20. 16/3/2008 Received a cheque from Mr. Santhosh Rs. 4000. . 3. a. List out any six items deductible under Section 80C. (3 Marks) b. On 01st January, 2010, the following were the ledger balances of Gopal and Co. : Cash in hand Rs. 900/-; Cash at bank Rs. 21, 000/-; Soni (Cr) Rs 3, 000/-; Zahir (Dr) Rs. 2, 400/-; Stock Rs. 12, 000/-; Prasad (Cr) Rs. 6, 000/-; Sharma (Dr) Rs. 4, 500/-; Lall (Cr) Rs. 2, 700/-; Ascertain capital. Transactions during the month were; Journalize the above transactions. (7 Marks) 2010 Jan 2. Bought goods of Prasad – Rs. , 700/Jan 3. Sold to Sharma – Rs. 3, 000/Jan 5. Bought goods of Lall for cash, paid by cheque – Rs. 3, 600 /- Jan 7. Withdraw cash for personal use – Rs. 200/Jan 13. Recived from Zahir in full settlement – Rs. 2, 350/Jan 17. Paid to Soni in full settlement – Rs. 2, 920/Jan 29. Paid to Prasad by cheque – Rs. 2, 650/- and Discount allowed by him – Rs. 50/- c. From the following information prepare Cash Flow Statement by Indirect Method. (10 Marks) COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET OF EXCELLENT LTD. , Liabilities As at As at Assets As at As at capital 31. 03. 2008 31. 03. 2007 31. 03. 2008 31. 03. 2007 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Share Capital Reserve Surplus Secured Loans Current Liabilities 50,00,000 15,00,000 35,00,000 50,00,000 40,00,000 Fixed Assets 31,00,000 30,00,000 Investments 1,50,000 5,00,000 Cash and Bank 40,00,000 Balances 2,00,000 1,25,000 60,00,000 Stocks, Stores, 75,00,000 78,75,000 WIP 40,00,000 35,00,000 Sundry Debtors 1,45,00,000 1,50,00,000 1,45,00,000 1,50,00,000 (i) The net profit for the year after adjustment in respect of provisions for dividends and taxation was Rs. 10,00,000 There was addition to Fixed Assets during the year amounting to Rs. 4,00,000 and Depreciation for the year was Rs. 3,00,000 4 a. What is Qualified Audit Report? State its contents (5 Marks) b. What is direct tax? State the Income tax rates for an individual for the Current A. Y. (5 Marks) c. The following Trial Balance has been prepared wrongly. You are asked to prepare the trial balance correctly. (10 Marks) Name of accounts Debit balance (Rs. ) 4,000 Credit balance (Rs. ) 2,000 Cash in hand Purchases returns Wages Establishment expenses Sales returns Capital Carriage outward Discount received Commission earned Machinery Stock Debtors Creditors Sales Purchases Bank overdraft Manufacturing expenses Loan from Ashok Carriage inward Interest on investment Grand total ,000 12,000 22,000 1,200 800 8,000 28,000 14,000 -14,000 ,1000 1,13,000 8,000 2,000 20,000 10,000 -12,000 44,000 -14,000 1000 1,13,000 5. a. State the objectives of IFRS. b. Briefly explain the merit demerits of Human Resource Accounting. (5 Marks) (5 Marks) c. â€Å"Without accounting concepts conventions, objective, reliable, consistent and comparable accounts cannot be maint ained†. Comment. (10 Marks) 6. a. What is window dressing? How financial statements are window dressed. (5 Marks) b. Mr. A has applied for the the position of Financial Analyst at EY Co. Ltd. The Head of Finance wants to assess the basic accounting skill sets of a candidate. The following information is provided in form of ratios to Mr. A to prepare the Balance Sheet given in the under mentioned proforma (15 Marks) Total Assets/ Net worth Sales/Fixed assets Sales/Current assets Sales/Inventory Sales/Debtors Current Ratio Annual Sales = Rs. 25, 00,000 = = = = = = 3. 5 6 8 15 18 2. 5 Balance Sheet Liabilities Net worth Long term Debt Current Liabilities Rs. Assets Fixed Assets Inventory Debtors Liquid Assets -Rs. - Assume you to be Mr. A, how will you prepare the Balance Sheet with necessary working notes. Part-B 7. a. Being a prospective Investor, Interpret the following from the view point of Liquidity. (5 Marks) Particulars Current Assets Bank A (Rs. ) 200000 Bank B (Rs. ) 800000 Fixed Assets Total Assets 800000 1000000 200000 1000000 Following are the income statements of Star Ltd. , Mumbai for the years 2010-2011. Trading Profit Loss Account 31. 03. 2011 Particulars 200000 By Sales 550000 By closing stock 80000 By Income from investment 64000 By dividend received 40000 60000 12000 7000 8000 14000 412500 1447500 1217000 1447500 Particulars To Opening Stock To Purchases To Wages To salaries To rent Taxes To Depreciation To selling expenses To discount allowed To loss on sale of Plant To interest paid To Net profit 31. 03. 2010 85000 500000 60000 42000 35000 40000 12000 5000 12000 426000 1217000 31. 03. 2010 31. 03. 2011 1000000 200000 1200000 225000 12000 5000 15000 7500 b. For the above problem analyse the Income Statement using â€Å"Horizontal analysis†. (5 Marks) c. For the above problem analyse the Income Statement using â€Å"Vertical analysis†. d. For the above problem comment on the profitability of the Company. . Part-C 8. (Case Study) (20 Marks) (5 Marks) (5 Marks) The following is the trial balance of Mr. X of Bombay as on 31st Dec. 2009. Prepare a trading and profit and loss account for the year ended 31st Dec. 2009 and the balance sheet as on that data after taking into consideration the following adjustments. Adjustments: i. Stock on 31st Dec. 2009 was Rs. 10,000. ii. Debts worth Rs. 2000 should be written off as bad. iii. Depreciate machinery by 5% and motor vans by 15%. iv. Provision for bad doubtful debts should be increased by Rs. 600. v. Commission accrued not received Rs. 500. vi. Goods worth Rs. 500 were used by the proprietor for his personal use. ii. On 20th Dec. 2009, a fire broke out in the shop goods worth Rs. 2000 were completely destroyed. The insurance company accepted the claim for Rs. 1500 only paid the amount on 1st Jan 2010. Trial Balance as on 31st Dec. 2009 Particulars Mr. X Capital Mr. X Drawings Stock on 1st Jan 2009 Purchase Sales Returns Discounts Commission received Income Tax paid Office Salaries Office Rent Advertising Sundry Debtors Creditors Provision for doubtful debts Manufacturing Wages Bills Receivable Payable Carriage Machinery Motor Vans Land Buildings Office Expenses Cash at Bank Cash in hand TOTAL Dr 7500 12000 86000 2000 500 700 17300 2000 1700 85000 8600 5000 600 40000 7000 10000 1500 6000 2300 295700 Cr 85000 170000 1000 700 1000 30000 3000 5000 295700 Information Technology for Managers Sub Code: 12MBA15 Question Bank (Skill Based questions) A) The regional director of a marketing company wants to have an emergency meeting with all his sales team members and to show them a new protocol developed by the competitor. But all are at far-away places on sales assignments. Suggest how a suitable technology based method helps him. B) Marketing Managers of a manufacturing firm are planning to increase the sales this year at any cost and they are supposed to prepare a proposal to show the management saying, what-if they increase the advertisement budget this year by 10%, 20% and 30% over the last year’s budget. Suggest a suitable Information system which helps them in their What-i
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